Current Projects

CUBIT has just completed data collection for a five-year clinical trial whose goal was to advance personalized antidepressant treatment using PET/MRI imaging.  Dataset to be posted.



Research Assistantships

Scientific Internships

Working with CUBIT data


Treating depression using an FDA-approved anti-inflammatory (nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drug, NSAID)


Memory and Aging
Brain Imaging Study


Research Study on
Sleep and Mood


If you are suffering from depression and between the ages of 18 and 65, you may be eligible for a brain imaging research study at Stony Brook Medicine. The study involves Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the brain. PET and MRI brain imaging is performed before and after 8 weeks of NSAID treatment. This medication is FDA approved as an anti-inflammatory (not as an antidepressant), but may be effective to treat depression, especially if other treatments have failed. You will be screened for eligibility by phone, in-person and/or by video. You will be paid up to $480 if you are eligible and complete the study.

If you are interested in participating, please contact our study coordinator at

Call: 631-638-HELP (631-638-4357)

Text: 716-4BRIGHT (716-427-4448)

If you are 50 and older and have not smoked in the past year, we invite you to participate in a brain imaging study at Stony Brook Medicine. Volunteers with and without memory problems, including those with Alzheimer’s disease are eligible. Participation includes up to three free Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans and one free Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan. Cognitive (thinking) tests will be given during the study and every six months following imaging for two years. You will be paid up to $680 if you are eligible and complete the study.

If you are interested in participating, please contact study coordinator at

Call: 631-638-HELP (631-638-4357)

Text: 716-4BRIGHT (716-427-4448)

We are looking for men and women 18 and over who suffer from depression or have no
psychiatric history to participate in a brain imaging research study at Stony Brook
Medicine. The study involves four overnight visits and three brain imaging scans.
Volunteers will be screened for eligibility by phone and an in-person or virtual visit.
Payment for your time and effort: up to $2,000 if you are eligible and choose to

Contact our study coordinator at 

Call or Text: 631-638-HELP (631-638-4357)
