
Research Team Lands $3.5 Million NIH Grant for Imaging Study of Depression


CUBIT intern Karen Lin presented her work examining the role of the HPA axis in hippocampal volume changes with antidepressant treatment...Lin K, Sunko D, Wang J, Yang J, Parsey R, DeLorenzo C. “Investigating the Relationship Between Hippocampus/Dentate Gyrus Volume and Hypothalamus Metabolism in Participants With Major Depressive Disorder,” American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Tampa, Florida (presented virtually), December 2023

"Of the SSRI/SNRI studies, 2 studies were rated as high quality..." One of those is ours! Congrats! (

Interesting article on the complexities of serotonin in depression, citing multiple studies by CUBIT ( 

Congratulations to all the Stony Brook Fall 2022 graduates, including CUBIT's own Double Dr. Farzana Ali. It was an honor to hood you!

Congratulations to Farzana Ali for receiving the Best Graduate Student Abstract Award at the Women in Medicine Research Day, Stony Brook, NY, April 2022.

Ali FZ, Wengler K, He X, Gardus J, Parsey R, DeLorenzo C. "Machine Learning Prediction with Multimodal Imaging for Personalized Treatment in Depression - A Randomized Clinical Trial,"