The SBMS Program considers all candidates equally, and encourages applications from all trainees involved in biomedical science who are interested in the clinical applications of their research.
Application Requirements: The application is completed once the application form (submitted online) and the letters of support (submitted via email) are received.
Application Form:
Note: Any emailed materials should be sent with the Subject: “SBMS Application Materials”, and the applicant name.
• Student: CV and a 2-page description of their intended translational research project and career goals. Typically, this project will amount to at least one specific aim of the student’s Ph.D. research.
• Ph.D. Mentor: NIH Biosketch and support letter (up to 1-page) describing how the proposed project will prepare the student to interface with clinicians in their research, as well as the mentor’s commitment to the requirements of the track.
• Clinical co-Mentor: NIH Biosketch and letter describing relationship to the Ph.D. mentor/student and the research project and commitment to provide the student with appropriate clinical exposure. A short (up to 1-page) description of the clinical experiences intended for the student must be described. The clinical co-Mentor is encouraged to remain as a member of the student’s research advisory committee for the duration of the student’s Ph.D. research.
• Letter of recommendation from the PhD Graduate Program Director. Letter must assess student's progress in their respective PhD-granting program.
Application Deadline: June 22, 2025 - Applications will be evaluated by the end of June, and the selected students/teams finalized by July 5th.
Please submit applications electronically to Ms Danielle Mauro-Hernandez at (link sends e-mail).
Funding of the awarded proposals: For the 2025-2026 year, 5-7 students are expected to be selected for the program. They will be partially supported for one calendar year. The funds typically provide a 10% increase to the stipend of the graduate student, cover tuition and fees, and facilitate some training-related expenses.