SBMS Trainee: Saheed Lawal

Graduate Advisor: Dr Prerana Shrestha
Clinical Mentor: Dr Katherine Jonas
BSc., Physiology, 2019, Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA), Nigeria.
Clinical project: Contribution of genetics and environmental risk factors to the course of psychotic disorders.
I am a 3rd year PhD candidate in the Program in Neuroscience (PiN), Department of Neurobiology and Behavior. I obtained a bachelor's degree in Physiology from the Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria. My undergraduate research assessed cardiac autonomic functions in apparently healthy subjects. Post-baccalaureate, I studied the role of metal neurotoxicity in the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorder. Currently, I am a graduate student in the Shrestha Lab, where I study the molecular mechanisms of stress-induced emotional dysregulation in tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)-associated neuropsychiatric disorder (TAND). I use histology, behavioral and biochemical assays to understand the effect of Tsc2 gene mutation and stress on emotional dysregulation in TSC.
As part of the SBMS program, I'm working with Dr Katherine Jonas to investigate the contribution of genetics and environmental risk factors to the course of psychotic disorders in first episode psychotic patients. Specifically, I will evaluate the potential for polygenic and environmental risk scores as prognostic biomarkers for psychotic disorders.