
Published Articles
  1. Gilotra K, Basem J, Janssen M, Swarna S, Mani R, Ren B, Dashti R. Stress-Induced Hyperglycemia Predicts Poor Outcomes in Primary Intracerebral Hemorrhage Patients. NeuroSci. 2025 Feb 2;6(1):12. doi: 10.3390/neurosci6010012.

  2. Rezai Jahromi B, Dashti R, Ota N, Dabbagh Ohadi MA, Srinivasan V, Fiorella D, Kaukovalta H, Laakso A, Schwartz C, Kivisaari R, Zamotin V, Lindgren A, Koivisto T, Silva JM, Rustemi O, Kelahaara M, Jahromi BS, Killer-Oberpfalzer M, Potts MB, Noda K, Hecker C, Griessenauer CJ, Numminen J, Göhre F, Andrade-Barazante H, Hijazy F, Wessels L, Kalani MYS, Vajkoczy P, Spetzler RF, Jääskeläinen JE, Kawashima A, Winkler E, Tähtinen O, Latini R, Meessen J, Tanikawa R, Lawton MT, Niemelä M. Natural history of dolicoectatic vertebrobasilar aneurysms: a multinational study. J Neurosurg. 2024 Dec 20:1-11. doi: 10.3171/2024.7.JNS232341. PMID: 39705689

  3. John K, Syed S, Kaestner T, Dashti R, Fiorella D, Sadasivan C. Liquid embolic surface area ads a predictor of chronic subdural hematoma resolution in middle meningeal artery embolization. J Neurointerv Surg. 2024 Dec 26;17(e1):e185-e189. doi: 10.1136/jnis-2023-021118.PMID: 38050160

  4. Sun J, Ince MN, Abraham C, Barrett T, Brenner LA, Cong Y, Dashti R, Dudeja PK, Elliott D, Griffith TS, Heeger PS, Hoisington A, Irani K, Kim TK, Kapur N, Leventhal J, Mohamadzadeh M, Mutlu E, Newberry R, Peled JU, Rubinstein I, Sengsayadeth S, Tan CS, Tan XD, Tkaczyk E, Wertheim J, Zhang ZJ. Modulating microbiome-iimune axis in the deployement-related chronic disease of Veterans: report of an expert meeting. Gut Microbes. 2023 Dec;15(2):2267180. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2023.2267180. Epub 2023 Oct 16.PMID: 37842912

  5. Gilotra K, Swarna S, Mani R, Basem J, Dashti R. Role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 17:1254417. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2023.1254417

  6. Rezai Jahromi B, Dashti R, Rustemi O, Silva JM, Srinivasan VM, Tulamo R, Kozyrev DA, Jauhiainen S, Magnusson PU, Arce M, Kaukovalta H, Schwartz C, Numminen J, Sarpaneva S, Hirvelä V, Lawton MT, Tanikawa R, Niemelä M, Hernesniemi J.Slow Closing Clip for the Treatment of Nonsaccular Vertebrobasilar Aneurysms: A retrospective Case Series. World Neurosurg. 2022 Dec;168:e645-e665. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2022.10.028. Epub 2022 Oct 12.PMID: 36241141

  7. Barks A, Behbahani M, Alqadi MM, Sandozi J, McGuire LS, Alaraj A, Amin-hanjani S, Charbel FT, Dashti R. A New Scoring System for Prediction of Underlying Vascular Pathology in Patients with Intracerebral Hemorrhage: The Modofied Seconday Intracerebral Hemorrhage Score. World Neurosurg. 2020(25); S1887-8750(20)31397
  8. Kocer N, Kandenirli SG, Dashti R, Kizilkilic O, Hanimolgu H, Sanus GZ, Tunali Y, Tureci E, Islak C, Kaynar MY. Single-stage planning for total cure of grade III-V brain arteriovenous malformations by embolization alone or with microsurgical resection. Neuroradiology. 2019; 61(2):195-205.
  9. Lehto H, Niemelä M, Kivisaari R, Laakso A, Jahromi BR, Hijazy F, Andrade-Barazarte H, Dashti R, Hernesniemi J. Intracranial vertebral artery aneurysms: Clinical features and outcome of 190 patients. World Neurosurg. 84(2):380-9, 2015
  10. Dashti R, Hernesniemi J. Intraoperative assessment of quality of Microneurosurgical clipping: Role of Indocyanine Green Video-Angiography (ICG-VA). World Neurosurg. 82(5):e589-90, 2014
  11. Lehto H, Hararti A, Niemelä M, Dashti R, Laakso A, Elsharkawi A, Satopää J, Billon-Grand R, Canato B, Kivisaari R, Hernesniemi J. Distal posterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysms: Clinical features and outcome of 80 patients. World Neurosurg. 82(5):702-13, 2014 
  12.  Alaraj A, Dashti R, Mehta NK, Goodin S, Charbel FT, Aletich VA. Augmentation of N-butyl cyanoacrylate embolization of cranial, head, and neck tumors by simultaneous infusion of 5% dextrose solution. J Neurointerv Surg. 2014 May 7.doi: 10.1136/neurintsurg-2013-011071. [Epub ahead of print]
  13. Lehto H, Kivisaari R, Niemelä M, Dashti R, Elsharkawi A, Harati A, Satopää J, Koronkay-Pal P, Laakso A, Hernesniemi J. 70 Aneurysms of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery; anatomical features and value of CT angiography in Microneurosurgery. World Neurosurg. 82(6):1106-12, 2014
  14. Alaraj A, Ti J, Dashti R, Aletich V. Patient selection for endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms. Neurol Research 35(4), 283-307, 2014
  15. Alaraj A, Wallace A, Dashti R, Patel P, Aletich V. Balloons in endovascular neurosurgery: history and current applications. Neurosurgery 74 Sppl.1: S163-90, 2014
  16. Carlson AP, Alaraj A, Dashti R, Aletich VA. The bihemispheric posterior inferior cerebellar artery: anatomic variations and clinical relevance in 11 cases. J Neurointerv Surg. 5(6):601-4 2013
  17. Korja M, Ramsey K, Niemela M, Kivipelto L, Lehecka M, Kivelev Y, Lehto H, Romani R, Van Popta J, Dashti R, Hernesniemi J. [Principles of revascularization in treatment of giant intracranial aneurysms]. Zh Vopr Neirokhir Im N Burdenko. 76(2):65-9, 2012
  18. Arikan Nacar O, Hanimoğlu H, Biceroğlu H, Ulu MO, Dashti R. [Late onset  epilepsy harboring an intracranial sewing needle in adult patient: Case report and literature review]. Bidder Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi 2: 25-29, 2012
  19. Öz B, Pekmezci M, Dashti R, Karaman K, Kuday C, Tihan T. Emergence of a high-grade sarcoma in a recurrent meningioma: malignant progression or collision tumor? Arch Pathol Lab Med 135(7):935-40, 2011
  20. Özlen F, Kafadar AM, Abuzayed B, Ulu MO, İşler C, Dashti R, Erdinçler P. Surgical treatment of trigonocephaly: technique and long-term results in 48 cases. J Neurosurg Pediatr 7(3):300-10, 2011
  21. Laakso A, Dashti R, Juvela S, Isarakul P, Niemelä M, Hernesniemi J. Risk of hemorrhage in patients with untreated Spetzler-Martin grade IV and V arteriovenous malformations: A long-term follow-up study in 63 patients. Neurosurgery 68(2):372-7, 2011
  22. Dashti R, Laakso A, Niemelä M, Porras M, Hernesniemi J.Microscope integrated indocyanine green video-angiography in cerebrovascular surgery. Acta Neurochir Suppl 109:247-50, 2011
  23. Abuzayed B, Dashti R, Ozlen F, Erdincler P. Lateral tethering intraspinal lipoma with scoliosis. Eur Spine J Suppl 2:S183-7, 2011
  24. Kılıç Ö, Camcıoğlu Y, Akçakaya N, Çokuğraş H, Ataseven F, Dashti R, Abuzayed B. A Rare Case of Primary Cerebral Hydatic Cyst [Nadir Primer serebral Yerleşimli Hidatik Kist Olgusu Çocuk Enf Derg]. Journal of Pediatric Infection 4: 117-19, 2010
  25. Asan Z, Dashti R, Özlen F, Çiplak N, Erdinçler P. Clinical presentation of craniopharyngiomas in pediatric age group: retrospective analysis of 24 cases [Pediatrik Çağı Kraniofaringiomlarında Başvuru Klinik Bulgular. : 24 Olgunun Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi ] Cerrahpasa J Med 41: 11-14, 2010
  26. Lehecka M, Dashti R, Laakso A, van Popta JS, Romani R, Navratil O, Kivipelto L, Kivisaari R, Foroughi M, Kokuzawa J, Lehto H, Niemelä M, Rinne J, Ronkainen A, Koivisto T, Jääskelainen JE, Hernesniemi J. Microneurosurgical management of anterior choroid artery aneurysms. World Neurosurg 73(5):486-99, 2010
  27. Hernesniemi J, Dashti R, Niemelä M, Romani R, Rinne J, Jääskeläinen J. (Letter to Editor), On: Microsurgical and angiographic anatomy of middle cerebral artery aneurysms: prevalence and significance of early branch aneurysms. Neurosurgery 66(5):E1030, 2010
  28. Abuzayed B, Dashti R, Erdinçler P, Özlen F, Kafadar AM, Çıplak N. Terminal syringomyelia mimicking an intramedullary tumor: case report. Turk Neurosurg 20(2):247-50, 2010
  29. Çelik Ö, Kivisaari R, Kokuzawa J, Dashti R, Navratil O, Romani R, Niemelä M, Hernesniemi J. True posterior communicating artery aneurysm associated with arteriovenous malformation: first report and literature review with special focus on flow alterations. Cen Eur Neurosurg 71(3):152-5, 2010
  30. Ulu MO, Kafadar AM, Dashti R, Işler C, Uludağ S, Erdinçler P. Treatment of symptomatic interhemispheric arachnoid cysts by cystoperitoneal shunting. J Clin Neurosci 17(6):700-5, 2010
  31.   Özlen F, Abuzayed B, Dashti R, İşler C, Tanriöver N, Sanus GZ. Low-profile 1-piece bifrontal craniotomy for anterior skull base approach and reconstruction. J Craniofac Surg 21(1):233-8, 2010
  32. Dashti R, Laakso A, Niemelä M, Porras M, Celik O, Navratil O, Romani R, Hernesniemi J. Application of microscope integrated indocyanine green video-angiography during microneurosurgical treatment of intracranial aneurysms: a review. Acta Neurochir Suppl 107:107-9, 2010
  33. Celik O, Piippo A, Romani R, Navratil O, Laakso A, Lehecka M, Dashti R, Niemelä M, Rinne J, Jääskeläinen JE, Hernesniemi J. Management of dural arteriovenous fistulas - Helsinki and Kuopio experience. Acta Neurochir Suppl 107:77-82, 2010
  34. Hernesniemi J, Romani R, Lehecka M, Isarakul P, Dashti R, Celik O, Navratil O, Niemelä M, Laakso A. Present state of microneurosurgery of cerebral arteriovenous malformations. Acta Neurochir Suppl 107:71-6, 2010
  35. Laakso A, Dashti R, Juvela S, Niemelä M, Hernesniemi J. Natural history of arteriovenous malformations: presentation, risk of hemorrhage and mortality. Acta Neurochir Suppl 107:65-9, 2010
  36. Lehecka M, Dashti R, Lehto H, Kivisaari R, Niemelä M, Hernesniemi J. Distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysms. Acta Neurochir Suppl 107:15-26, 2010
  37. Romani R, Laakso A, Niemelä M, Lehecka M, Dashti R, Isarakul P, Celik O, Navratil O, Lehto H, Kivisaari R, Hernesniemi J. Microsurgical principles for anterior circulation aneurysms. Acta Neurochir Suppl 107:3-7, 2010
  38. Abuzayed B, Dashti R, Turk O, Kaynar MY. Aneurysmal frontal bone cyst in a child with history of acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A case of rare location and history. J Ped Hematol Oncol 32(1):e1-3, 2010
  39. Abaci Kalfoglu E, Dashti R, Petridis G, Yükseloğlu EH, Özcan ŞS, Beyazyürek M, Atasoy S. The relevance between dopamine D3 receptor gene variations and drug addiction. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, 2(1): 489-490, 2009.
  40. Dashti R, Lehecka M, Rinne J, Romani R, Kivisaari R, Niemelä M, Hernesniemi J. Surgical treatment of MCA aneurysms. Türkiye Klinikleri J Neurosurg-Special Topics 2(2):39-49, 2009
  41. Kivelev J, Niemelä M, Kivisaari R, Dashti R, Laakso A, Hernesniemi J. Long-term outcome of patients with multiple cerebral cavernous malformations. Neurosurgery  65(3):450-5, 2009
  42. Abuzayed B, Oguzoglu SA, Dashti R, Ozyurt E. Spinal chronic subdural hematoma mimicking intradural tumor in a patient with history of hemophilia : A case report. Turk Neurosurg 19(2):189-91, 2009
  43. Kemerdere R, Dashti R, Olu MO, Biceroglu H, Demiroz AS, Albayram S, Erdincler P. Supratentorial High Grade Astroblastoma: Report of two cases and review of the literature. Turk Neurosurg 19(2):149-52, 2009
  44. Lehecka M, Dashti R, Romani R, Çelik Ö, Navratil O, Kivipelto L, Kivisaari R, Shen H, Ishii K, Karatas A, Lehto H, Kokuzawa J, Niemelä M, Rinne J, Ronkainen A, Koivisto T, Jääskeläinen J, Hernesniemi J. Microneurosurgical management of internal carotid artery bifurcation aneurysms. Surg Neurol 71:649-667, 2009
  45. Muzii VF, Dashti R, Toninelli S, Hernesniemi J. Complete loop of the posterior cerebral artery with ruptured aneurysm at the origin of the medial posterior choroidal artery. A case report. Surg Neurol 72(4):403-5, 2009
  46. Dashti R, Laakso A, Porras M, Niemela M, Hernesniemi J. ICG Microscope-integrated near-infrared indocyanine green video angiography during surgery of intracranial aneurysms: the Helsinki experience. Surg Neurol 71:543-50,2009
  47. Karabağlı H, Duru S, Karabağlı P, Dashti R, Erdinçler P. Intramedullary spinal cord teratomas and associated anomalies [Intrameduller Spinal Kord Teratomlar ve eşlik eden anomaliler]. J of Turkish Neurosurgical Society 18(2):111-117, 2008
  48. Navratil O, Lehecka M, Lehto H, Dashti R, Kivisaari R, Niemelä M, Hernesniemi J. Vascular clamp-assisted clipping of thick-walled giant aneurysms. Neurosurgery 64(3 Suppl):113-20, 2009
  49.  Lehto H, Dashti R, Karataş A, Niemelä M, Hernesniemi J. Third ventriculostomy through fenestrated lamina terminalis during microneurosurgical clipping of intracranial aneurysms. An alternative to a conventional ventriculostomy. Neurosurgery 64(3):430-4, 2009
  50. Hernesniemi J, Dashti R, Juvela S, Väärt K, Niemela M, Laakso A. Natural history of brain AVMs. Neurosurgery 63(5):823-9, 2008
  51. Hernesniemi J, Romani R, Albayrak BS, Lehto H, Dashti R, Ramsey III Ch, Karatas A, Cardia A, Navratil  O, Piippo A, Fujiki M, Toninelli S, Niemelä M. Surgical management of pineal region lesions: personal experience with 119 patients. Surg Neurol 70(6):576-83, 2008
  52. Laakso A, Dashti R, Seppänen J, Juvela S, Väärt K, Niemelä M, Sankila R,Hernesniemi JA. Long-term Excess Mortality in 623 Patients with Brain Arteriovenous Malformations. Neurosurgery  63(2):244-255, 2008
  53. Lehecka M, Dashti R, Hernesniemi J, Niemelä M, Koivisto T, Ronkainen A, Rinne J, Jääskeläinen J. Microneurosurgical management of aneurysms at A4 and A5 segments and distal cortical branches of anterior cerebral artery. Surg Neurol 70(4):352-67, 2008
  54. Lehecka M, Dashti R, Hernesniemi J, Niemelä M, Koivisto T, Ronkainen A, Rinne J, Jääskeläinen J. Microneurosurgical management of aneurysms at A3 segment of anterior cerebral artery. Surg Neurol 70(2):135-51, 2008
  55. Lehecka M, Dashti R, Hernesniemi J, Niemelä M, Koivisto T, Ronkainen A, Rinne J, Jääskeläinen J. Microneurosurgical management of aneurysms at the A2 segment of anterior cerebral artery (proximal pericallosal artery) and its frontobasal branches. Surg Neurol 70(3):232-46, 2008
  56. Lehecka M, Porras M, Dashti R, Niemelä M, Hernesniemi JA. Anatomic features of distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysms: a detailed angiographic analysis of 101 patients. Neurosurgery 3(2):219-29, 2008
  57. Hernesniemi J, Romani R, Dashti R, Albayrak BS, Savolainen S, Ramsey C 3rd, Karatas A, Lehto H, Navratil O, Niemelä M. Microsurgical treatment of third ventricular colloid cysts by interhemispheric far lateral transcallosal approach-experience of 134 patients. Surg Neurol  68(5): 447-53, 2008
  58. Lehecka M, Lehto H, Niemelä M, Juvela S, Dashti R, Koivisto T, Ronkainen A, Rinne J, Jääskeläinen JE, Hernesniemi JA. Distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysms: treatment and outcome analysis of 501 patients. Neurosurgery  62(3):590-601, 2008
  59. Hernesniemi J, Dashti R, Lehecke M, Niemelä M, Rinne J, Lehto H, Ronkainen A, Koivisto T, Jääskeläinen JE. Microneurosurgical management of anterior communicating artery aneurysms. Surg Neurol  70(1):8-28, 2008
  60. Hernesniemi J, Dashti R, Mateo O, Cancela P, Ihii K, Karatas A, Niemelä M. Historical landmarks in vascular neurosurgery. Acta Neurochir Sppl 103:131-7, 2008
  61. Laaksamo E, Tulamo R, Bauman M, Dashti R, Hernesniemi J, Juvela S, Niemeä M, Laakso A. Involvement of MAP kinase signaling in growth and rupture of human intracranial aneurysms. Stroke 39(3):886-92, 2008
  62. Kivelev J, Ramsey C, Dashti R, Porras M, Tyyninen O. Cervical intradural extramedullary cavernoma presenting with isolated intramedullary hemorrhage, a Case Report. J Neurosurg Spine 8(1):88-91, 2008
  63. Dashti R, Hernesniemi J, Niemelä M. The Role of Intra-operative Indocyanine Green Video-angiography in Cerebrovascular Surgery. European Neurological Disease 2007 - Issue II - November 2007
  64. Dashti R, Hernesniemi J, Lehto H, Niemelä M, Lehecke M, Rinne J, Porras M, Ronkainen A, Phornsuwannpha S, Koivisto T, Jääskeläinen JE. Microneurosurgical management of proximal anterior cerebral artery aneurysms. Surg Neurol 68; 366-77, 2007
  65. Dashti R, Hernesniemi J, Niemelä M, Rinne J, Lehecke M, Shen H, Lehto H, Albayrak Ronkainen A, Koivisto T, Jääskeläinen J E. Microneurosurgical management of distal middle cerebral artery aneurysms. Surg Neurol 67; 553-563, 2007
  66. Dashti R, Hernesniemi J, Niemelä M, Rinne J, Porras M, Lehecke M, Albayrak BS, Lehto H, Koroknay-Pal P, Sillero de Olivira R, Perra G, Ronkainen A, Koivisto T, Jääskeläinen J E. Microneurosurgical management of middle cerebral artery bifurcation aneurysms. Surg Neurol 67; 441-56, 2007
  67. Stella K, Kallela M, Valanne L, Hernesniemi J, Dashti R, Pelaez J, Färkkilä M. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, “Pseudotumor cerebri” [Idiopaattinen intrakraniaalinen hypertensio, “pseudotumor cerebri”] Duodecim 123 (1): 55-63, 2007
  68. Tuzgen S, Hanimoglu H, Tanriverdi T, Kacira T, Sanus GZ, Atukeren P, Dashti R Gumustas K, Canbaz B, KAynar MY. Relationship between DNA damage and total antioxidant capacity in patients with glioblastoma multiforme. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) 19 (3): 177-8, 2007
  69. Dashti R, Ulu M, Albayram S, Aydin S, Ulusoy L, Hanci, M. Avulsion fracture of bilateral occipital condyle and inferior clivus; case report and review of the literature on diagnosis and treatment. Eur Spine J 16 Suppl 3:261-4, 2007
  70. Dashti R, Rinne J, Hernesniemi J, Nimelä M, Kivipelto L, Lehecka M, Karatas A, Avci E, Ishii K, Shen H, Peláez J, Albayrak B, Ronkainen A, Koivisto T, Jääskelainen J. Microneurosurgical management of proximal middle cerebral artery aneurysms (M1As). Surg Neurol 67 (1):6-14, 2007
  71. Hernesniemi J, Niemelä M, Dashti R, Karatas A, Kivipelto L, Ishii K, Rinne J, Ronkainen A, Peláez J, Koivisto T, Kivisaari R, Shen H, Lehecka M, Frösen J, Piippo A, Avci E, Jääskeläinen J. Principles of Microneurosurgery for Safe and Fast Surgery. Surgical technology international; STI-XV 15:305-10, 2006
  72. Randell T, Niemelä M, Kyttä J, Tanskanen P, Määttänen M, Karatas A, Ishii K, Dashti R, Shen H, Hernesniemi J. Principles of Neuroanesthesia in aneurysmal SAH – The Helsinki experience. Surg Neurol 66(4):382-8, 2006
  73. Kucur M, Tanriverdi T, Dashti R, Ak H, Yentur E, Belce A, Uzan M, Kaynar MY. Superoxide dismutase, Catalase and Guanase in traumatic brain injury. Neurosurgery Quarterly 15(3):186-189, 2005
  74. Türeci E, Dashti R, Tanriverdi T, sanus GZ, Öz B, Uzan M. Acute ethanol intoxication in a model of traumatic brain injury: The protective role of moderate doses demonstrated by immunoreactivity of synaptophysin in hippocampal neurons. Neurological Resarch 26: 108-112, 2004
  75. Uzan M, Albayram S, Dashti SGR, Aydın S, Hanci M, Kuday C. Thalamic proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in vegetative state induced by traumatic brain injury. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatr; 74:33-38, 2002
  76. Dashti SGR, Gençosmanoğlu BE, Hanci M, Uzan M, Sarıoğlu AÇ. Management of cervical spinal fracture in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: Report of three cases. European J Orthop Surg Traumatol  10: 137-140, 2000
  77. Akar Z, Kafadar AM, Tanrıöver N, Dashti SGR, Işlak C, Koçer N, Kuday C. Rotational compression of the vertebral artery at the dural penetration point: a case report. J Neurosurg; 93(2 Suppl):300-3, 2000
  78. Uzan M, Çıplak N, Dashti SGR, Bozkuş H, Erdinçler P, Akman C. Depressed skull fracture overlying the superior sagittal sinus as a cause of benign intracranial hypertension. J Neurosurg 88:598-600, 1998
  79. Erdinçler P, Canbaz B, Sanus GZ, Oğuz E, Dashti SGR, Özyurt E, Kuday C. Surgical management of hydrosyrengomyelia related with Chiari malformation. Turkish Neurosurg 8: 6-12, 1998
  80. Erdinçler P, Dashti SGR, Kaynar MY, Canbaz B, Çıplak N, Kuday C. Hydrocephalus and Chronically Increased Intracranial Pressure in Achondroplasia. Child’s Nerv Syst 13:345-348. 1997
  81. Uzan M, Bozkuş H, Hanci M, Dashti SGR, Çıplak N. The prognosis of vegetative state following head injury. J of Turkish Neurosurgical Society 7:60-64. 1997
  82.  Korkmaz B, Dashti SGR. Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis, The Journal of Istanbul Chamber of Medicine [Subakut Sklerozan Panensephalit: Genel Bilgiler. Klinik Gelişim] 6 (3) 2348-2351. 1993
  83. Korkmaz B, Dashti SGR, Dervent A. Clinical Characteristics of Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis, The Journal of Istanbul Chamber of Medicine [Subakut Sklerozan Panensephalit’in klinik Özellikleri. Klinik Gelişim] 6 (3) 2352-2354. 1993 

Meeting Abstracts

  1. John K, Syed S, Kaestner T, Dashti R, Fiorella D, Sadasivan C. Liquid embolic surface area as a predictor of chronic subdural hematoma resolution in middle meningeal artery embolization. SNIS 20th annual meeting. July 31-August 4 2023, San Diego, CA
  2. Rezai Jahromi B, Ota N, Srivasan V, Henriksson S, Dashti R, schwartz C, Jaaskelainen J, Koivisto T, Jahromi B, Noda K, Potts M, Tanikawa R, Kalani Y, Vajkoczy P, Spetzler, Gohre F, Hernesniemi J, Lawton M, Niemela M. Natural History of vertebrobasilar dolicoectasia- multinational study. SNIS 20th annual meeting. July 31-August 4 2023, San Diego, CA
  3. Gopal M, Wong R, Sloutski A, Dashti R, Rafailovich M, Sadasivan C. Poly (vinyl alcohol) grafts of brain aneurysms with patient-specific morphologies. SVIN 2022 annual meeting, November 16-19 2022, Los Angeles, CA
  4. Syed S, John K, Dashti R, Fiorella D, Sadasivan C. Middle meningeal artery embolization to treat chronic subdural hematomas- Retrospective study of morphological parameters. SVIN 2022 annual meeting, November 16-19 2022, Los Angeles, CA
  5. Khezri N, Servider J, Mastrogiacomo C, Peyster R, Siedman R, Dashti R. Aggressive Sphenoid Sinus Aspergillosis with Invasion of Bilateral Internal Carotid Arteries. 32nd Annual North American Skull Base Society Meeting (NASBS).  February 17-19, 2023, Tampa, FL
  6. Dammavalam V, Mathew J, Peyster R, Dashti R. Microvascular Decompression for Trigeminal and Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia in a Patient with Diagnosis of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease. 32nd Annual North American Skull Base Society Meeting (NASBS).  February 17-19, 2023, Tampa, FL
  7. Dashti N, Sathi N, Dashti R, Sadavistan C.Suture Retention Strenght Tests for Microvascular Surgery Training. Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) Annual Meeting. October 16-20, 2021, Austin, TX
  8. Dashti N, Wong R, Calandra C, Rafailovich M, Dashti R, Sadavistan C. External Ventricular Drain Placement Training Model. Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) Annual Meeting. October 16-20, 2021, Austin, TX
  9. Sathi N, Dashti N, Fiorella D, Dashti R, Sadasivan C. “Mechanical Testing of Poly-Vinyl Alcohol Models for Microvascular and Interventional Training”. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) 2021 Conference, October 6-9, 2021, Orlando, Florida
  10. Dashti N, Calandra C, Dashti R, Sadasivan C. “LED-Feedback Based External Ventricular Drainage Model for Improving Hemorrhagic Stroke Care”, European Stroke Organization Conference (ESOC), September 1-3 , 2021, Virtual meeting