Projects at our Partner Universities (see International Opportunities) are given priority as are projects that clearly address issues in Global Health. While basic science/laboratory type proposals will be considered, they will not be given priority unless it can be demonstrated that the foreign site lab or the project has a direct impact on core issues in Global Health.
The program is administered by Dr. Mark Sedler, Director for Global Medical Education, who also chairs the Advisory Committee that reviews applications for funding. Applications (SB Med International Research fellowship application) may be submitted to the Administrative Assistant for the Office of Global Medical Education, Laurel Loh (8-7807), by March 1st for consideration in the next funding cycle. All students must attend at least one introductory session on opportunities in global medicine offered in the fall. In addition, prospective applicants must meet individually with Dr. Sedler by appointment to discuss their proposal and a notice of intent to apply must be received no later than November 1st. Failure to meet these requirements may result in denial of funding.
- The student is responsible for finding a Stony Brook faculty member to serve as a "domestic" advisor with whom he/she develops a research proposal for a project as well as an appropriate onsite mentor in the foreign country in which he/she plans to do the project.
- Site selection for all projects must be reviewed and approved by the Director for Global Medical Education, prior to submission of an application.
- The application process involves letters of support from the Stony Brook mentor and the onsite mentor as well as a description of the research project, the student's CV, and a brief personal statement.
- Students must be in good academic standing to receive the funding and must remain so during the project.
- Applications will be considered in March of each year and decided by April 1st.
- The Fellowship stipend may not cover all expenses for the project. Below are listed those expenses that are eligible for reimbursement.
- Round trip economy airfare to the research site. Receipts, flight itinerary and boarding passes are required for reimbursement. Tickets should be purchased directly from the carrier or through a SUNY approved agent. DO NOT purchase tickets through a third-party vendor such as Expedia or Travelocity.
- Costs of any required immunizations or prophylaxis, foreign Visa-related expenses and required health/evacuation insurance.
- Airport transfers and additional ground transportation at the research site, approved direct costs of research such as translators, enrollment in a language course at the international site, etc. These miscellaneous expenses should be included in the budget and are subject to pre-approval.
- Receipts are required for all approved expenses.
- Advances on expenses are not permitted by the Stony Brook Foundation or the Research Foundation.
- The usual allowable award is $2500. Once the award has been approved, no changes will be considered except under extenuating circumstances. Students are expected to make up any difference in the cost of travel.
- Students are encouraged to apply for extramural funding, scholarships, or grants that may support this activity. Generally, such funding takes precedence toward reimbursement of expenses but may be supplemented by intramural awards up to the approved cap.
7. Stony Brook is unable to provide liability or malpractice insurance for this activity and students will be required to sign a waiver and assumption of risk declaration as a condition of the award.
8. Before beginning any research project that involves Human Subjects, CORHIS approval/acknowledgement for the project from the Office of Research and Compliance is required (IRB Net). Allow a minimum of 8 weeks for this process. The Director for Global Medical Education must be allowed full access to all IRB applications and the electronic signature as "institutional official" is required to demonstrate compliance with the cultural and ethical competencies training.
9. Insurance is available through Stony Brook University.
10. Receipt of this award is dependent on the student maintaining good academic standing at the start of the project.
11. Assumption of risk, a waiver of liability, a copy of the insurance certificate, and itinerary information must be submitted to Ms. Loh prior to travel.