
The Dietetic Internship Program at Stony Brook is sponsored by the School of Medicine.  The Stony Brook University Dietetic Internship Program - Distance Track has an emphasis on clinical nutrition therapy.  The program includes 30 hours of orientation, 1115.5 hours of block rotations (clinical nutrition therapy, food service, community nutrition, elective, renal), and 24 hours of Evaluation & Review week.  The Internship is 1215 hours in length.  

A virtual orientation will be held in mid-July.  Rotations and bi-weekly phone calls will begin after Orientation.  The intern will work directly with their preceptor to arrange a schedule for each rotation. Evaluation & Examination Review Sessions will be held virtually in the spring.  

Highlights of the Distance Dietetic Internship: 

  • The program will accept up to 15 students per year, 2 of whom can be part-time
  • Interns participate in professional development workshops on resume writing, interviewing, and professional portfolio development.
  • Each intern will be required to be participate in a 30-minute video conference with the Program Coordinator or Associate Director every other week to assess attainment of competencies and to provide feedback.
  • Intern prepares the schedule to meet their needs. 
  • Integrative nutrition therapy perspective.
  • Involved in robust CQI projects.
  • Access to SBU library system, e-journals, e-databases (such as Natural Standard).
  • Interns have a 75 hour elective rotation to allow for further development of interests. Examples of potential placement options include private practice, NICU, campus athletics department or a renal facility.