Meetings and Events

Monthly Seminar Series

This year, the Center for Healthy Aging is sponsoring a monthly virtual seminar series, Wednesdays at 11 am. Please join us on Zoom using the link below, and forward the link to anyone who might be interested in attending.

Meeting ID: 980 3702 2918

Passcode: 426599

  • October 30, 11 am: Samantha Rossano, PhD, Medical Science Liaison, Life Molecular Imaging, Inc., Brain imaging biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease
  • November 20, 11 am: Gregorio Valdez, PhD, GLF Translational Associate Professor of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry, Brown University, Slowing muscle degeneration
  • December 18, 11 am: Laura Niedernhofer, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics. Director, Institute on the Biology of Aging & Metabolism (iBAM) and Medical Discovery Team on the Biology of Aging, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, DNA damage as a primary  driver of aging and gerotherapeutic approaches targeting it
  • February 26, 11 am: Christopher Barrett Bowling, MD, MSPH, Associate Professor of Medicine, Associate Professor in Population Health Sciences, Senior Fellow of the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development, Duke University, Geriatricizing chronic disease research
  • March 26, 11 am: Frank Lin, MD, PhD, Director of the Cochlear Center for Hearing and Public Health, Professor of Otolaryngology, Medicine, Mental Health, and Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore HEARS and the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
  • April 30, 11 am: Dennis Selkoe, MD, Vincent and Stella Coates Professor of Neurologic Diseases, Harvard University, Role of soluble oligomers of amyloid beta in synaptic injury
  • May 28, 11 am: Priyadharshini Devarajan, PhD, Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Stony Brook University, Leveraging what works: Age-associated B cells and protective immunity against infection in the elderly

  • Past Meetings and Events

    November 6, 2024: Healthy Aging Fall Symposium

    7:45 am to 2:30 pm

    Location: Charles B. Wang Center Theatre (7:45 am–12:30 pm); East Hall, Wang Center (12:45–2 pm)

    Our fall symposium on November 6 delivered important updates on pilot projects funded by the CHA, introduced the Renaissance School of Medicine’s new Chair of Neurology, and provided the latest on the research done at UConn’s Center on Aging, as well as opportunities to join the NIH-funded SenNet Consortium, established to better understand the senescent cells that underlie aging and chronic disease development.

    Click here for the complete Fall Symposium schedule.

    October 23, 2024: Center for Healthy Aging Quality Improvement Research Workshop

    The CHA hosted an in-person, interactive workshop at the MART Building for fellows, junior faculty and students who are interested in learning more about Clinical Geriatric Quality Improvement Research. The event included a roundtable discussion by experts in IRB submissions, statistical considerations, hypothesis generation and testing, protocol development, and computational needs. These experts also provided feedback and answered questions on some research proposals that were presented by faculty, fellows and graduate students. To view the complete Workshop schedule, click here.

    May 2, 2024: "Research Implications of the NYS Master Plan for Aging" (virtual via Zoom)

    On May 2, 2024, Mr. John Cochran, New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA)’s Chief of Staff, described how New York State's Master Plan for Aging (MPA) can influence and enhance healthy aging research. The MPA, which was first announced in Governor Kathy Hochul's State of the State Address and Fiscal Year 2023 State Budget, is designed to ensure that older adults and individuals of all ages can live healthy, fulfilling lives while aging with dignity and independence.

    November 29, 2023: Center for Healthy Aging Fall Research Symposium

    On Nov. 29, 2023, the Center for Healthy Aging held its Fall Research Symposium. Participants met colleagues working on healthy aging research and heard updates from two recent Center for Healthy Aging pilot grant awardees. Dr. Vishwa Deep Dixit, Director of Yale's Center for Research on Aging, was the keynote speaker. To view the day's symposium schedule, please click here.

    June 2023: Center for Healthy Aging Inaugural Workshop

    In June 2023, the Center for Healthy Aging hosted an internal workshop, which brought together approximately 100 faculty and researchers from all disciplines — across the university, medical center and the Long Island State Veterans Home — to generate creative, multidisciplinary solutions to current challenges confronting aging populations. Two pilot proposals were funded. These proposals took a multidisciplinary approach to advance knowledge in preventing falls and removing senescent cells, two increasingly relevant areas in aging research that support the center’s foundational mission. Building on this momentum, the center plans to host a symposium in the fall of 2023, welcoming community members and speakers to learn more about the center’s progress and long-term plans.