The Stony Brook Center for Healthy Aging (CHA) unites leading researchers and clinicians who are focused on enhancing the health and wellness of people as they age.
The goal of the CHA is to promote healthy aging and extend both physical and mental well-being through innovative research solutions. Stony Brook is a leading institution in aging research, with a collective $23 million in research funding from the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation and other sources. Paired with one of the country’s largest academic geriatric practices, an Age-Friendly Health System and the Stony Brook Center of Excellence for Alzheimer’s Disease, Stony Brook is optimally positioned to improve the understanding and treatment of age-related conditions.
The CHA is a collaboratory, promoting the organization and coordination of this significant expertise and infrastructure at Stony Brook Medicine (SBM), including the five Health Sciences Schools and the Program in Public Health, Stony Brook University (SBU), as well as affiliated institutions such as the Northport VA and the Long Island State Veterans Home.
Initially funded by the Stony Brook University Presidential Innovation and Excellence Fund, the CHA fits into the missions of both SBM and SBU of patient care, education, research and community service. Through its unifying goal, the CHA will coordinate aging research on campus, promote bidirectional interactions between researchers in aging and geriatricians, and transform the care of the aging population in Suffolk County and beyond.