Magnetic Resonance

Diagram Magnetic ResonanceWe develop state-of-the-art spectroscopy and imaging applications.  We utilize cutting-edge artificial intelligence and biomolecular modeling approaches to maximize the information content afforded by these technologies.  We use these tools to investigate biology from the atomic-to-systems level in the basic research, preclinical, and clinical settings. 





Iron Metabolism

diagramIron is a ubiquitous micronutrient whose dysfunctional metabolism is associated with carcinogenesis and inflammatory immune response.  Magnetic resonance technologies are exquisitely sensitive to endogenous and exogenous iron.  We leverage these methods and combine them with modern molecular and cell biology approaches to investigate the role of iron metabolism in cancer.





Lipid Metabolism

diagramLipids are essential structural components of cells that also serve as metabolic fuels.  Perturbation of lipid structure and metabolism is implicated in cancer.   We utilize magnetic resonance and biochemical approaches to characterize changes in lipids in biophysical models and in vivo.