Cardio-Oncology Program

Our Team

Lea N. Baer, MD
Co-Director of the Cardio-Oncology Program
Stony Brook Cancer Center
Medical oncologist
kort Smadar Kort, MD
Director, Heart Institute Cardiovascular Imaging

Which Patient Should Be Referred to Cardio-Oncology Clinic?

Oncologic Risk Factors Cardiac Risk Factors
  • Planned therapy with potential cardiac toxicity
  • Sequential therapies with potential for cardiac toxicity (Ex. Anthra + Herceptin)
  • History of Mediastinal RT (+/- concurrent anthracyclines) Ex. Hodgkins
  • Planned use of TKIs
  • H/O MI/CAD
  • Known LVD/HF
  • DM
  • HTN
  • HLD
  • Smoking
  • Family H/O CAD
  • Female gender
  • Extremes of Age

Contact Information

For more information or to find out if you would benefit from a cardio-oncology consultation, call the Stony Brook Cardio-Oncology Program at (631) 444-9746.