Janet Hearing: Publications

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Noted Publications (See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/janet.hearing.1/bibliography/public/ for a complete list of publications)

Sohn, S.Y., Hearing, J., Mugavero, J., Kirillov, Varvara, Gorbunova, E., Helminiak, L., Mishra, S., Mackow, E., Hearing, P., Reich, N., and Kim, H.K. (2021). Interferon-lambda intranasal protection and differential sex pathology in a murine model of SARS-CoV-2 infection. mBio, in press.

Bennett-Guerrero, E., Romeiser, J.L., Talbot, L.R., Ahmed, T., Mamone, L.J., Singh, SM., Hearing, J.C., Salman, H., Holiprosad, D.D., Freedenberg, A.T., Carter, J.A., Browne, N.J., Cosgrove, M.E., Shevik, M.E., Generale, L.M., Andrew, M.A., Nachman, S., and Fries, B.C. (2021). Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 convalescent plasma versus standard plasma in Coronavirus Disease 2019 infected hospitalized patients in New York: a double-blind randomized trial. Crit. Care Med. 49(7): 1015-1025. (Editor's Choice)

Hearing, J.C., and Lu, W.-H. (2014) Trends in teaching laboratory medicine in microbiology to undergraduate medical students: a survey study. Med. Sci. Ed. DOI 10.1007/s40670-014-0015-4.

Hearing, J., and Lu, W.-H. (2012) Demise of the medical microbiology teaching laboratory? Med. Sci. Ed. 22(4S): 52-53.

Polonskaya, Z., Benham, C.J., and Hearing, J. (2004) Role for a region of helically unstable DNA replication, oriP, in origin function. Virology 328: 282-291 . [Abstract]

Julien, M., Polonskaya, Z., and Hearing, J. (2004) Protein and sequence requirements for the recruitment of the human origin recognition complex to the latent cycle origin of DNA replication of Epstein-Barr virus, oriP.Virology 326: 317-328. [Abstract]

Koons, M.D., Van Scoy, S., and Hearing, J. (2001) The replicator of the Epstein-Barr virus latent cycle origin of DNA replication, oriP, is composed of multiple functional elements. J. Virol. 75: 10582-10592. [Abstract]

Van Scoy, S., Watakabe, I., Krainer, A.R., and Hearing, J. (2000) A co-activator for Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen-1mediated transcriptional activation and possible role in viral latent cycle DNA replication.Virology 275: 145-157. [Abstract]