Kaustubh Parashar

Kaustubh Parashar

B.D.S., 2008, D. Y. Patil Dental College, New Bombay, Maharashtra, India
M.S., 2011, Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine, Stony Brook NY
Ph.D., 2018, Stony Brook University

Advisor: Nicholas Carpino

Current Position Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Utah School of Dentistry, Salt Lake City, UT

Research Interests

Sts-1 and Sts-2 proteins are known regulators of immune function. By using knockout mice that lack Sts-1 and -2, I study the role these proteins play in the host response to bacterial infections. Using Francisella tularensis as a model pathogen, I hope to uncover a better understanding of host-pathogen interactions for future antibacterial therapies.


Parashar, K., and Carpino, N. (2020). A role for the Sts phosphatases in negatively regulating IFN γ-mediated production of nitric oxide in monocytes. Immunity, Inflammation and Disease 8(4): 523-533.

Frank, D., Naseem, S., Russo, G.., Li, C., Parashar, K., Konopka, J., and Carpino, N. (2018). Phagocytes from mice lacking the Sts phosphatases have an enhanced antifungal response to Candida albicans. MBio 9(4): e007832-18.

Parashar, K., Kopping, E., Frank, D., Sampath, V., Thanassi, D.G., and Carpino, N. (2017). Increased resistance to intradermal Francisella tularensis LVS infection by inactivation of the Sts phosphatases. Infection and Immunity, 85: e00406-17.

Wang, X., Parashar, K., Sitaram, A., and Bliska, J.B. (2014). The GAP activity of type III effector YopE triggers killing of Yersinia in macrophages. PLoS Pathogens 10(8): e1004346. PMID: 25165815


Parashar, K., Kopping, E., Frank, D., Sampath, V., Thanassi, D.G., and Carpino, N. Increased Resistance to Intradermal Francisella tularensis LVS Infection by Inactivation of the Sts Phosphatases. Microbial Pathogenesis and Host Response, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, September 12 - 16, 2017.