Roman Kotov, Ph.D.

Dr. Roman Kotov


Phone: (631) 638-1923
Email(link sends email)

Curriculum Vitae

One focus of my work is on refining the classification of mental disorders, which involves identify natural clusters of symptoms and charting trajectories of these syndromes over time. The other focus is on vulnerabilities to these disorders: genes, neural circuits, and personality traits. This work employs methods from advanced quantitative modeling, molecular genetics, and neuroscience. I study these questions in adults, adolescents, and special populations, such as, responders to WTC disaster. Main areas of focus are anxiety and mood disorders, psychotic disorders, and personality problems.

BS (Physics and Psychology) The Ohio State University 2000
MA (Clinical Psychology)
University of Iowa 2003
PhD (Clinical Psychology)
University of Iowa 2006
Psychology Internship
Brown University 2006
Research Interests: Longitudinal research
Quantitative methods
Personality-psychopathology interface
Classification of mental disorders
Neural markers
Psychotic disorders
Anxiety and depression
Mental-physical comorbidity
Current Research: Principal Investigator, NIH: Personality Development and Vulnerability to First-Episode Depression

Principal Investigator, NIH: Trajectories of Recovery in Psychosis Over Two Decades

Multiple Principal Investigator, NIOSH: Burden of Mental-Physical Comorbidity in World Trade Center Responders

Multiple Principal Investigator, NIOSH: Enhanced Smoking Cessation Intervention for World Trade Center Responders

Co-Investigator, NIOSH: Epigenetic Linkage Between PTSD and Respiratory Disease in WTC Responders

Co-Investigator, NIH: Trajectories of Reward Sensitivity and Depression across Adolescence

Co-Investigator, NIH: Temperamental emotionality in preschoolers and depression risk – Hurricane Sandy Supplement

Honors: University of Iowa Department of Psychology Spence Award (2006)
Publications: Medline Search
Consortium Lead: Hierarchial Taxonomy of Psychopathology
Psychological instruments and manuals

Interview for Mood and Anxiety Symptoms (IMAS)

IMAS manual

Multidimensional Iowa Suggestibility Scale (MISS)

MISS Brief Manual

Short Suggestibility Scale (SSS)

Russian Adaptation of Anxiety Sensitivity Index, Agoraphobic Cognition Inventory, and Mobility Inventory

Multidimensional Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (MEAQ)

New! Research article: JAMA Psychiatry, "Boundaries of Schizoaffective Disorder: Revisiting Kraepelin" (October 2, 2013)
Research article: Psychiatry Research, "A cross-cultural replication of an interactive model of anxiety sensitivity relevant to suicide" (2013)
Research article:  Archives of General Psychiatry: "New dimensions in the quantitative classification of mental illness" (October 2011)