Provides professional staff support to assist and advise in Academic renovations that enhance HSC facilities. For example, space planning and allocation, renovations, rehabs and new construction.
Glen Itzkowitz, the Associate Dean for Scientific Operations and Research Facilities, directs and manages laboratory and other research space renovations in the School of Medicine. To date the Renaissance School of Medicine has renovated more than 100,000 sq. ft. of research labs in the Health Sciences Center and Basic Science Tower of Stony Brook University.
Daniel Kelley, AIA is Sr. Architect for the Health Science Facilities on the East Campus of Stony Brook University. He is responsible for the design of proposed renovation projects including, but not limited to, Research Labs, Educational Classrooms, and Administrative Offices.
James (Jimmy) Fritz - HSC Facilities Manager provides estimates, schedules, oversees and manages the construction and renovation of labs, classrooms, conferences rooms and administration areas within the HSC and BST from start to finish. His Facilities team includes:
Timothy Iberger - Supervisor
Mark Albrecht - Electrician
Benito Alicea - Painter / Finish
Drew Hartmann - Carpenter
Roy Hellberg - Carpenter
Joseph Jiminez - Carpenter
Thomas Macchiaruli - Painter
Ray Mock - Electrician