DI/MS Combined Program Completion Requirements

Dietetic Internship Component

  • Complete all rotations by practicing at the facility for the prescribed amount of time, completing all assignments as noted on the assignment checklists and as assigned by preceptors in a timely manner, and obtaining a minimum of 80% “meets or exceeds competency” ratings on all rotation evaluation forms.
  • Attend required Orientation and Review weeks.
  • Complete anonymous evaluations of preceptors and rotation sites on Qualtrics using links provided on Blackboard within one week of the end of a rotation.
  • Complete time sheet on Google sheets and have the summary signed by your preceptor.
  • Onsite interns must attend all seminar meetings.
  • Distance interns are required to have video conference meetings with the Program Coordinator two times a month.
  • Demonstrate mature and professional behavior at all times.
  • Complete all additional assignments and activities as assigned by preceptors, Program Director or Associate Director to improve upon areas for which intern initially received an evaluation of “needs improvement”.
  • If writing skills are considered below professional standards, it will be recommended that interns complete an individualized writing enhancement plan.
  • Clinical and Professional portfolios.

Master’s Degree Component

  • If master’s degree earned prior to starting the dietetic internship submission of official transcript conferring degree
  • Interns admitted without a graduate degree but in a self-identified graduate degree program will be required to submit an official transcript conferring the graduate degree before a DI Verification statement will be granted.
  • Without a prior master’s degree, enroll and successfully complete the Stony Brook University MS in Nutrition
    • Successfully complete 36 credits in the MS program (including accepted transfer credits)
    • Achieve a grade of C+ or better in all courses (must repeat courses with a grade of less than C+)
    • Maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher
    • Satisfy all accounts with the bursar’s office
    • Students are encouraged to finish graduate course work in 31.5 months, although have up to 5 years to complete the MS degree requirements.