Kristiana Hanna, M.D.

Undergraduate school and major(s): Siena College, Biology

Activities in medical school (clubs, positions, organizations): Advocacy Club/Lobby day founder, Capital District Asylum Collaborative e-board, Student Counsel student representative, NYSAFP representative/advocacy chair, Medicine in Motion president, physicians for human rights president

Awards Received since college: MD with distinction in advocacy, MD with distinction in service, Gold Humanism Award, The Legal Project's Champion Award.

Languages Spoken: Arabic, Spanish

Nickname: Kris

Hometown: Merrick

Why Med-Peds?: I always knew I wanted to do primary care for families and have a practice where I can see everyone from all walks of life. Internal medicine and pediatrics gives you the ability to learn both fields in depth.

What do you plan on doing when finished residency (if known)? Likely primary care/dual hospitalist
Outside interests: hiking, skiing, yoga, weightlifting, traveling, scuba diving, baking, cooking.