Nathan Smith MD

Nathan (Nate) Smith, M.D. is originally from Amelia County, Virginia. He comes to us from Howard University College of Medicine, At Howard, Dr. Smith was active in the community engagement and serving the underserved. He led community outreach programs, ranging from elementary health classes to community health fairs. Through these activities, he noticed his love for being a resource for both the adult and pediatrics population. Following training, Dr. Smith plans to continue his altruistic was by providing low cost healthcare to communities in need. In his free time, he loves spending time with family and friends, working out, watching 90's movies, and going to different restaurants. Another fun fact is Dr. Smith is a huge basketball fans. If he is not watching a game, he can be found playing basketball at different courts around Long Island. 

Nickname: Nate or Nay Gatsby (still working on this one sticking)

Hometown: Amelia County, Virginia

Why Med-Peds?:  First question, why not Med-Peds? I chose Med-Peds because of the variety of clinical cases and patients I am able to see. I want to use the transferable skills learned on each side so I can bring a unique view and understanding to every patient I care for.

Why Stony Brook?: Here at Stony Brook, I get the chance to learn from some of the greatest minds in medicine. The new Children’s Hospital was an extra motivating factor!

What do you plan on doing when finished residency (if known)? Right now, I don’t have a specific field in mind yet, so I am keeping an open mind to every rotation and clinical experience

Outside interests: cycling, running, basketball (playing, coaching, and watching), watching movies (all genres), and most importantly...I am a huge foodie!