Professors Emeriti

Several of our retired professors in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology have been honored with the emeritus title for their distinguished service and contributions to research, education and the academic community. Though retired, they often remain engaged in scholarly activities, mentoring and departmental events for the department and the Renaissance School of Medicine.

Jorge Benach
Pathogenesis of spirochetal infections and host responses

James Bliska
Molecular mechanisms of microbial pathogenesis

Nicholas Delihas
Control of gene expression, noncoding RNAs

Michael Hayman
Signal transduction in cell growth, differentiation and cancer, nuclear and membrane oncoproteins

Janet Hearing
SARS-CoV-2 antiviral drug development

Eugene Katz
Dictyostelium discoideum developmental biology

Laurie Krug
Virus-host interactions during gammaherpesvirus infection

Aniko Paul
Molecular biology of poliovirus replication, picornavirus pathogenesis

Eckard Wimmer
Molecular biology of poliovirus replication, picornavirus pathogenesis