Research Coordinator
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Overview |
Publications and Presentations
Dr. Preis is a Senior Research Scientist (Assistant Research Professor) with the Department Ob/Gyn and is affiliated with the Department of Psychology and the Program in Public Health. She earned her doctorate in social work 2018 in which she focused on childbirth choices and satisfaction. During her graduate studies, she developed advanced quantitative data analytic skills and gained expertise in mixed methods program evaluation.
Dr. Preis has been collaborating with the Department of Ob/Gyn through her interdisciplinary perinatal-focused research since she came to Stony Brook for a postdoctoral fellowship in 2018. Her primary research interest focuses on uncovering and addressing the roles that social and psychological factors have on perinatal physical and mental health outcomes. Her current research projects include: 1) a longitudinal national birth cohort study on the impacts of maternal stress on perinatal health and fertility and childbirth-related choices (SB-COPE Study; PI), 2) developing clinical tools to assess psychosocial vulnerabilities in prenatal care (PROMOTE Project; PI), and 3) disentangling the effects of life experiences and discrimination on expectations and experiences of prenatal care (PHEED Study; Co-PI). These projects have been funded through several federal and institutional grants Dr. Preis secured and have been highlighted in multiple high impact articles.
In addition to her own research program, in which several Ob/Gyn faculty have been instrumental, Dr. Preis contributes her expertise to Ob/Gyn research projects. In that capacity, she mentors graduate students and assists faculty and trainees in study design, analytic planning, data analysis, and grant and manuscript writing.
2014-2018 Ph.D., Tel Aviv University, School of Social Work, Israel
2011-2013 M.S.W., Tel Aviv University, School of Social Work, Israel
2007-2009 B.S.W. , cum laude, Bar Ilan University, School of Social Work, Israel
2003-2007 B.A., cum laude, Bar Ilan University, Biblical Studies Department, Israel
Additional Training:
2019 | Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Training. (Sep. 5-6, 2019). Stony Brook University School of Social Welfare and School of Nursing, Stony Brook, NY. |
2018 | Write Winning Grant Proposals' Grant Writing Workshop (Sep. 4, 2018). Office of Proposal Development, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY. |
2016 | Beyond Birth Cohorts: From study design to data management (Nov. 23-25, 2016). Training School for Cost Action N° IS1405.Valencia, Spain |
2016 | Narralizer -- Qualitative analyses software workshop (Jul. 4-6, 2016). Mofet Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel. |
2015 | Writing Science for Journals, Funders and Other Audiences (Aug. 30- Sep. 1, 2015). Collaborative Research and Training in the European Health Psychology Society. Lymasol, Cyprus |
2015 | Advanced Models of Mediation and Moderation Analyses (Jul. 5, 2015). The Interdisciplinary School, Herzliya, Israel. |
2021-present | Assistant Professor of Research, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY |
2020-present | Research Scientist, Department of Psychology and Department of Pediatrics, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY |
2020 | Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Pediatrics, Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY (PI Dr. Pati) |
2019-2020 | Lecturer, School of Social Welfare, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY |
2018-2020 | Research Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY; Post-doctoral Fellow in the Stress and Reproduction Laboratory (PI Dr. Lobel) |
2016-2018 | Lecturer, School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel |
2020-2022 | Early Career Reviewer (ECR) Program, the Center for Scientific Review, NIH |
2018-2020 | Tel Aviv University Presidential Fellowship for Outstanding Post-doctorates |
2018 | Dean’s List of Honor Students (Ph.D.), Tel Aviv University |
2017 | Israeli Ministry of Science Travel Grant |
2016-2018 | Israel Pollack Fellowship of Excellence, Tel Aviv University |
2016 | Dean’s List of Honor Students (Ph.D.), Tel Aviv University |
2016 | Inspiring Young Researcher (International Women’s Day), Tel Aviv University |
2015-2016 | School of Social Work Doctoral Fellowship of Excellence, Tel Aviv University |
2015 | Doctoral Encouragement Award of Excellence, Tel Aviv University |
2013 | Dean’s List of Honor Students (M.S.W.), Tel Aviv University |
2005 | Dean’s List of Honor Students (B.A.), Bar Ilan University |
Pending | “Development and evaluation of a machine learning-based clinical decision support tool to improve assessment and intervention in perinatal health” (Parent R01 Clinical Trial Required), National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health. Amount requested: $3,933,820. Role: PI |
2023-2023 | “Pregnancy Expectations Among Stigmatized Populations: Life experiences, Vulnerabilities, and Community Roles”, LINCATS Amount awarded: $25,00. Role: Co-I (PI Cassandra Heiselman) |
2022-2024 | “Promoting Provider Resilience via Communication, Self-Care, and Organizational Training Programs”, Health Resources and Services Administration. Amount awarded: $2,280,633. Role: Co-Investigator (PI Susmita Pati) |
2022-2023 | “Health Equity, Opioids and Maternal Brain-Behavior Adaptation During the Early Postpartum”, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health. Amount awarded: $223,302. Role: Co-Investigator (PI James Swain) |
2021-2024 | “The Stony Brook COVID-19 Pregnancy Experiences (SB-COPE) Study: Effects of Stress and Social Determinants of Health on Maternal Physical And Mental Health Morbidities During the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Supplement for NIH Grants to Add or Expand Research Focused on Maternal Health, Structural Racism and Discrimination, and COVID-19. NIH Office of the Director, Implementing a Maternal Health and Pregnancy Outcomes Vision for Everyone (IMPROVE) Program. Amount Awarded: $432,351. Role: PI. |
2020-2024 | “Evaluation of a novel instrument to assess the psychosocial and drug history backgrounds of pregnant women with or without Opioid Use Disorder”, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health. Amount awarded: $435,263. Role: PI |
2020-2022 | “Harnessing Machine Learning to Assess Risk for Adverse Health Outcomes Among Pregnant Women”, SUNY Research Seed Grant Program. Amount awarded: $30,000. Role: Collaborator (PI Marci Lobel) |
2020 | “The COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences of Pregnant Women and Associated Health Impacts for Women and Infants”, Office of Vice-Presidential Affairs, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY. Amount awarded: $20,000 Role: PI |
2017 | “Testing a multivariate model of the subjective childbirth experience” US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF). Rahamimoff Travel grant for young scientists. Amount awarded: $5,000. Role: PI |
Research Projects | |
2020- present | Co-Investigator, Perinatal Healthcare Expectations, Experiences and Discrimination (PHEED) Study. Department Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY |
2020- present | Co-Investigator, Mixed-methods program evaluation of the Alda Clinical Experience- Communication training for healthcare workers. Department of Pediatrics, Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY |
2020-present | Principal Investigator, The COPE Study (COVID-19 Pregnancy Experiences)-- Experiences of Women Pregnant During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Associated Health Impacts. Department of Psychology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY. |
2018-present | Principal Investigator, The PROMOTE Project-- Assessment of life context among pregnant women. Department of Psychology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY and Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY |
2015-2018 | Research Coordinator (Dr. Benyamini) Perceptions of birth and their associations with planned and actual mode of delivery, birth experience, and post-natal adjustmen School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel |
2015-2017 | Research Coordinator (Dr. Peled & Dr. Shilo) Mixed-methods process and outcome evaluation of a program for youth and young adults involved in prostitution. School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel |
2014-2016 | Research Coordinator (Dr. Orit Bershtling & Malka Prager) Evaluation of pre-abortion intervention to improve post-abortion health behaviors of teenagers. National Social Work Service, Israeli Ministry of Health, Tel Aviv, Israel |
2014 | Research Assistant (Dr. Peled) The state of girlhood research in Israel. School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel |
2013-2015 | Research Assistant (Dr. Benyamini) Contributors to women’s childbirth choices in Israel & Illness perceptions, treatment expectations and psychophysical profile as predictors of spinal cord stimulation outcomes for chronic pain relief. School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel |
Summary: I have 56 publications (33 as first author) including 50+ peer-reviewed journal articles, two invited commentaries, and one book chapter. I have an h-index of 14 as calculated by Web of Science and 18 as calculated by Google Scholar.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Preis, H., Wang, W., St. Denis, I., Zhu, W., Mahaffey, B., & Lobel, M. (In press). Anxiety trajectories from pregnancy to one-year postpartum and their contributors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology.
Levinson, A., Lobel, M., Preis, H., & Mahaffey, B. (2023). Coping with subjective and objective stress during a pandemic pregnancy: Implications for maternal mental health. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 26(6), 819-829
Preis, H., Djurić, P. M., Ajirak, M., Mane, V., Garry, D. J., Garretto, D.,& Marci, L. (2023). Missingness patterns in a comprehensive instrument identifying psychosocial and substance use risk in antenatal care. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 41(4):376-390.
Preis, H., Wang, W., Zhu, W., Mahaffey, B., & Lobel, M. (2023). Social determinants of health, prenatal maternal stress, and earlier birth during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, e12751.
Amiel Castro, R. T., Schaal, N. K., Meyerhoff, H., Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., Lobel, M., & La Marca-Ghaemmaghami, P. (2023). Investigating Factors Influencing Prenatal Stress, Anxiety, and Fear of Childbirth During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany and Switzerland: An Online Survey. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 1-12.
Schaal, N. K., Marca-Ghaemmaghami, P. L., Märthesheimer, S., Hepp, P., Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., Castro, R. A. (2023). Associations of stress, anxiety, and partner satisfaction with maternal-fetal attachment in women pregnant during the COVID-19 pandemic: an online study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 23(1), 1-8.
Preis, H., Dobias, M., Cohen, K., Bojsza, E., Whitney, C., & Pati, S. (2022). A mixed-methods program evaluation of the Alda Healthcare Experience-a program to improve healthcare team communication. BMC Medical Education, 22(1), 897.
Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., & Lobel, M. (2022). Factors related to COVID-19 vaccination intention and uptake among childbearing women. Health Psychology, ahead of print.
Preis, H., Somers, J., Mahaffey, B., & Lobel, M. (2022). When pregnancy and pandemic coincide: Changes in stress and anxiety over the course of pregnancy. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, ahead of print.
Preis, H., Djurić, P.M., Ajirak, M., Chen, T., Mane, V., Garry, D.J., Heiselman, C., Chappelle, J., & Lobel, M., (2022). Applying machine learning methods to psychosocial screening data to improve identification of prenatal depression: Implications for clinical practice and research. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 25, 965–973.
Preis, H., Lobel, M., Mahaffey, B., & Pati, S. (2022). Association of Discrimination and Health Care Experiences with Incomplete Infant Vaccination During COVID-19. JAMA Pediatrics, 176(2), 196-198.
Lobel, M., Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., Schaal, N.K., Yirmiya, K., Atzil, S., Meyerhoff, H., (2022). Common model of stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms in pregnant women from seven high-income Western countries at the COVID-19 pandemic onset. Social Science and Medicine, 315, 115499.
Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., Heiselman, C., & Lobel, M. (2022). The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on birth satisfaction in a prospective cohort of 2,341 US women. Women and Birth, 35(5), 458-465.
Preis, H., Whitney, C., Kocis, C., & Lobel, M. (2022). Saving time, signaling trust: Using the PROMOTE self-report screening instrument to enhance prenatal care quality and therapeutic relationships. Patient Education Communication- Innovation, 1, 100030.
Levinson, A., Mahaffey, B., Lobel, M., & Preis, H. (2022). Development and psychometric properties of the Pandemic-Related Postpartum Stress Scale (PREPS-PP). Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 43(4), 426-432.
Preis, H., Yin, D., Yang, J., Pati, S. (2022) Program, cultural and neighborhood factors related to attrition from a community-based enriched medical home program in the United States. Health and Social Care in the Community, 30(5), 2013-2024.
Kahalon, R., Preis, H., & Benyamini, Y. (2022). Mother-infant contact after birth can reduce postpartum post-traumatic stress symptoms through a reduction in birth-related fear and guilt. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 154, 110716.
Ilska, M., Brandt-Salmeri, A., Kołodziej-Zaleska, A., Preis, H., Rehbein, E., & Lobel, M. (2022). Anxiety among pregnant women during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-7.
Preis, H., Bojsza, E., Lindenfeld, L., Gan, T. J., & Pati, S. (2021). Process evaluation of a medical improvisation program for healthcare communication training. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, ahead of print.
Penengo, C., Colli, C., Cesco, M., Croccia, V., Degano, M., Ferreghini, A., Garzitto, M., Lobel, M., Preis, H., Sala, A., Driul, L., & Balestrieri, M. (2021). Stress, Coping, and Psychiatric Symptoms in Pregnant Women in Outpatient Care During the 2021 Second-Wave COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 775585.
Preis, H., Bojsza, E., Lindenfeld, L., & Pati, S. (2021). Medical improvisation improves communication skills among healthcare professionals. Communication Center Journal, 7(1), 95-107.
Penengo, C., Colli, C., Garzitto, M., Driul, L., Sala, A., Degano, M., Preis, H., Lobel, M., & Balestrieri, M. (2021). Psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Pandemic-Related Pregnancy Stress Scale (PREPS) and its correlation with anxiety and depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 294, 48-53.
Mahaffey, B. L., Levinson, A., Preis, H., & Lobel, M. (2022). Elevated risk for obsessive–compulsive symptoms in women pregnant during the COVID-19 pandemic. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 25(2), 367-376.
Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., Pati, S., Heiselman, C., & Lobel, M. (2021). Adverse perinatal outcomes predicted by prenatal maternal stress among US women at the COVID-19 pandemic onset. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 55(3), 179-191.
Gendelman, R., Preis, H., Chandran, L., Blair, R.J., Chitkara, M., Pati, S. (2021). Healthcare workforce transformation: Implementing patient-centered medical home standards in an academic medical center. BMC Medical Education, 21 (1), 1-10.
Colli, C., Penengo, C., Garzitto, M., Driul, L., Sala, A., Degano, M., Preis, H., Lobel, M., & Balestrieri, M. (2021). Prenatal stress and psychiatric symptoms during early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. International Journal of Women's Health, 13, 653.
Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., & Lobel, M. (2021) The role of pandemic-related pregnancy stress in preference for out-of-hospital birth during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. Birth, 48(2), 242-250.
Shilo, G., Preis, H., & Peled, E. (2021). Gender differences among commercially sexually exploited youth in Israel. Child Abuse Review, 30(1), 32-47.
Yirmiya, K., Yakirevich-Amir, N., Preis, H., Lotan, A., Atzil, S., & Reuveni, I. (2021). Women’s Depressive Symptoms during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Pregnancy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(8), 4298.
Ilska, M., Kołodziej-Zaleska, A., Brandt-Salmeri, A., Preis, H., Lobel, M. (2021). Pandemic-Related Pregnancy Stress Assessment - Psychometric Properties of the Polish PREPS and its Relationship with Childbirth Fear. Midwifery. 96, 102940.
Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., Heiselman, C., & Lobel, M. (2020). Vulnerability and resilience to pandemic-related stress among U.S. women pregnant at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Science and Medicine, 226, 113348.
Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., & Lobel, M. (2020). Psychometric properties of the Pandemic-Related Pregnancy Stress Scale (PREPS). Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 41, 191-197.
Kahalon, R., Preis, H., & Benyamini, Y. (2020). Who benefits most from skin-to-skin mother-infant contact after birth? Survey findings on skin-to-skin and birth satisfaction by mode of birth. Midwifery, 92, 102862.
Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., Heiselman, C., & Lobel, M. (2020). Pandemic-related pregnancy stress and anxiety among women pregnant during the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Maternal Fetal Medicine, 2, 1-3.
Schaal, N. K., La Marca-Ghaemmaghami, P., Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., Lobel, M., & Castro, R. A. (2020). The German version of the pandemic-related pregnancy stress scale: A validation study. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 256, 40-45.
Preis, H., & Inman, L., & Lobel, M. (2020). Contributions of Psychology to Research, Treatment, and Care of Pregnant Women With Opioid Use Disorder American Psychologist, 75, 853-865. (Special Issue on Psychology's Role in Addressing the Dual Crises in Opioids and Chronic Pain)
Kahalon, R., Preis, H., Shilo, G., & Benyamini, Y. (2020). Maternal Expectations Among Pregnant Women from Single, Lesbian, and Heterosexual Parented families. Journal of Family Issues, 42(4), 863-880.
Kahalon, R., Yanushevsky Cnaani, G., Preis, H., & Benyamini, Y. (2020). The complex effects of maternal expectations on postpartum depressive symptoms: when does a protective factor become a risk factor? Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 43(1), 74-82.
Preis, H., Moore, P., Smoelof, A, Grisaro, S., Tovim, S., & Benyamini, Y. (2020). Fertility intentions and the way they change following birth-a prospective longitudinal study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20, 1-11.
Preis, H., Shilo, G., & Peled, E. (2020). Health behaviour change among commercially sexually exploited Israeli youth and young adults in a multi‐module program. Health and Social Care in the Community, 28, 1448-1458.
Preis, H., Mor, P., Grisaru‐Granovsky, S., Samueloff, A., Gabbay-Benziv, R., Chen, R., Eisner, M., Pardo, J., Peled, Y., Wiznitzer, A. and Benyamini, Y. (2020) Women's preferences for mode of second birth—A prospective study of two Israeli birth cohorts. Birth. 47, 237-245.
Preis, H. & Garry, D., Herrera, K., Gerrato, D., & Lobel, M. (2020). Improving assessment, treatment, and understanding of pregnant women with Opioid Use Disorder: The importance of life context. Women’s Reproductive Health. 7, 153-163.
Preis, H. & Garry, D., Herrera, K., Gerrato, D., & Lobel, M. (2020). Contextualizing Life Context: Discrimination, Structural Competency, and Evaluation in the Treatment of Pregnant Women with Opioid Use Disorder. Women’s Reproductive Health. 7, 185-189.
Preis, H., Lobel, M., Benyamini, Y. (2019). Between expectancy and experience: Testing a model of childbirth satisfaction. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 43, 105-117.
Preis, H., Eisner, M., Chen, R., & Benyamini, Y. (2019). First-time mothers' birth beliefs, preferences, and actual birth: A longitudinal observational study. Women and Birth, 32, 110-117.
Peled, E. Lachover, E, & Preis, H., (2019). Constructions of girls’ bodies in Israeli academic literature: a critical scoping review. Journal of Gender Studies, 28, 531-544.
Preis, H., Gozlan-Nativ, M., Shamir-Caspi, I., & Benyamini, Y. (2019). Births in Israel and the psychosocial factors related to them. In: Soskolne, V., Bershtling, O, & Prager, M. (ED). Medical social work in Israel. Jerusalem: Ministry of Health [Hebrew].
Lachover, E, Preis, H., & Peled, E. (2019). From research on girls to girlhood studies: Exploring Israeli girlhood studies from an international and historical perspective. European Journal of Women’s Studies, 26, 132-149.
Preis, H., Pardo, J., Peled, Y & Benyamini, Y. (2018). Changes in the basic birth beliefs following the first birth experience: Self-fulfilling prophecies? Plos One, 13, e0208090.
Handelzalts, J.E., Preis, H., Rosenbaum, M., Gozlan, M., & Benyamini, Y. (2018). Pregnant women’s recollections of early maternal bonding: Associations with maternal-fetal attachment and birth choices. Infant Mental Health Journal, 39, 511-521.
Preis, H., Benyamini, Y., Eberhard-Gran, M., & Garthus-Niegel, S. (2018). Childbirth preferences and related fears - comparison between Norway and Israel. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18.
Preis, H., Prager, M., & Bershtling, O. (2018). Abortion among adolescents in Israel - Intervention and health behavior outcomes. Health and Social Work, 43, 243-252.
Preis, H., Dan, U., Gozlan, M., & Benyamini, Y. (2018). A quantitative investigation into women's basic beliefs about birth. Midwifery 63, 46-51.
Preis, H., Chen, R., Eizner, M., Pardo, Y., Peled, Y., Wiznitzer, A., & Benyamini, Y. (2018). Testing a biopsychosocial model of the basic birth beliefs. Birth, 45, 79-87.
Benyamini, Y., Molcho, M.L., Dan, U., Gozlan, M., & Preis, H. (2017). Women’s attitudes towards the medicalization of childbirth and their associations with planned and actual modes of birth. Women and Birth, 30, 424-430.
Preis, H., & Benyamini, Y. (2017). The birth beliefs scale – a new measure to assess basic beliefs about birth. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 38(1), 73-80.
Preis, H., Baban, A., Morgan, K., Todorova, I., & Benyamini, Y. (2015). Women's health psychology and sociocultural context in the EHPS 2015 conference. European Health Psychologist, 17(5), 246-249.
Presentations at Scientific Meetings
Preis, H., Azeem, A., Lobel, M., Heiselman, C., (2024). Identification of psychosocial risk factors associated with prenatal substance use. SBU Addiction Research Symposium, April 5, 2024.
Preis, H. Wang, W. St. Denis, I.V. Zhu, W., Mahaffey, B., Lobel, M (2024). Anxiety trajectories and their contributors throughout the peripartum period during a global pandemic. Poster presentation at the 45rd annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, March 13-16, Philadelphia, PA.
Likhacheva, D., Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., Lobel, M., (2024). Associations of stress with long COVID incidence and symptoms in U.S. women. Poster presentation at the 45rd annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, March 13-16, Philadelphia, PA.
Rehbein, E.C., Levinson, A., Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., Lobel, M. (2024). Maternal health disparities: group differences in prenatal and gendered racism during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presentation at the 45rd annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, March 13-16, Philadelphia, PA.
Philippopoulos, A., Levinson, A., Preis, H., Lobel, M., & Mahaffey, B. (2023). Validation of a stressor-aligned coping instrument. Poster to be presented at the 57th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, November 16-19, Seattle, Washington.
Whitney, C., Dobias, M., Bojsza, E., Preis, H., Passarelli, J., Pati, S. (2023). Clinical co-facilitation in medical improvisation: Supporting a resilient workforce through team communication. Poster presentation at the 6th Annual Medical Ethics Symposium, June 6th, Stony Brook, NY.
Heiligenstein, M., Preis, H., Baucicot, M., Melian, C., Korlipara, H., Franz, B., Garry, D., Heiselman, C. (2022). Effectiveness of an induction of labor education video on maternal knowledge. Poster Presentation at the Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine 43rd Annual Pregnancy Meeting, February 6-11, San Francisco, CA.
Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., Abraham, V., & Lobel, M. (2022). Individual and structural predictors of COVID-19 vaccine intention and uptake among pregnant and postpartum U.S. women. Presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, April 6-9, Baltimore, MD.
Levinson, A., Lobel, M., Preis, H., & Mahaffey, B. (2022). Prenatal coping and pandemic-related pregnancy stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, April 6-9, Baltimore, MD.
Lobel., M., Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., Schaal, N., Yirmiya, K., Balestrieri, M., Ilska, M., Caparros-Gonzalez, R., La Marca-Ghaemmaghami, P. (2022). Prenatal maternal stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic in seven Western countries. Presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, April 6-9, Baltimore, MD.
Pati, S., Bojsza, E., Lindenfeld, L., Gan, T.J, & Preis, H. (2021). Process evaluation of a medical improvisation program for healthcare communication training. The 14th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, Dec. 14-16, [held virtually].
Rehbein, E., Levinson, A., Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., & Lobel, M. (2021). Perceived discrimination and stress among pregnant women of color during the COVID-19 pandemic. The annual meeting of the New England Psychological Association, Nov. 6th, [held virtually].
Rehbein, E., Levinson, A., Preis, H., Mahaffey, B., & Lobel, M. (2021). Intersecting identities at a time of communal crisis: Discrimination and stress among pregnant women of color during the COVID-19 pandemic. The annual Harvard Women in Psychology Trends in Psychology Summit, Nov. 12th, [held virtually].
Benyamini, Y., Preis, H., & Kahalon, R. (2021). Mother-infant contact after birth can reduce postpartum post-traumatic stress by reducing birth-related fear and guilt. The 35th conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Aug. 23-27, [held virtually].
Preis, H., Peled, E., & Shilo, G. (2020). Health and risk outcomes among commercially sexually exploited youth throughout a year of intervention. The 24th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Jan. 15-19, Washington, DC.
Preis, H. & Benyamini, Y. (2020). Changes to fertility intention- the effects of culture and birth experience. The 24th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Jan. 15-19, 2020, Washington, DC.
Benyamini, Y. Moore, P., Smoelof, A, Grisaro, S., Tovim, S., & Preis, H. (2019). Fertility intentions and the way they change following childbirth. The 19th International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology congress, Oct. 9-12, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Preis, H. & Benaymini, Y. (2019). How the first birth experiences affect women's basic beliefs about birth- a quantitative prospective assessment. The Society of Behavioral Medicine 40th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions, March 6-9, Washington D.C.
Preis, H., Lobel, M., & Benyamini, Y. (2019). Childbirth satisfaction: Between expectancy and experience. The Society of Social Work Research 23rd Annual Conference, Jan. 16-20, San Francisco.
Preis, H. (2018) Women's beliefs about birth- Self-fulfilling prophecies? Students Developing Knowledge Conference, June 4, School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Benyamini, Y. & Preis, H., (2018). Women's perceptions about birth, birth rights and shared decision making. The second Israeli multidisciplinary conference on women's birth rights, May 9, Rishon Le'tzion, Israel.
Preis, H., Peled, E., & Shilo, G. (2017). What is a successful intervention with youth and young adults involved in prostitution? The 18th National Conference of Social Workers, Nov. 20-21, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Preis, H., Benyamini, Y., Eberhard-Gran, M., & Garthus-Niegel, S (2017). Fear of childbirth: Cross-validation and comparison between two cultures. The 31th conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Aug. 29-Sep. 2, Padua, Italy.
Preis., H., Samuel, C., Martziano, O., & Israeli, I. (2017). Predictors of the birth experience. Students Developing Knowledge Conference, June 19, School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Preis, H., Prager, M., & Bershtling, O. (2017). Adolescents seeking abortions in Israel: A longitudinal study for policy design. The 12th Annual Conference of Health Policy, May 8, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Preis, H. (2017). Doctoral student assistance in a “homogenous” thesis seminar. The 3rd Conference for Social Work Doctoral Students, Feb. 7, Be'er Sheva, Israel.
Preis, H., Prager, M., & Bershtling, O. (2016). Adolescents seeking abortions in Israel: A longitudinal study examining health behaviours. The 30th conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Aug. 23-27, Aberdeen, UK (Scotland).
Preis, H. & Benyamini, Y. (2016). Women's beliefs about birth, their expectations regarding shared decision-making and their birth choices. The 18th International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology congress, May 12-14, Malaga, Spain.
Preis, H., Gozlan, M., Dan, U., & Benyamini, Y. (2015). Perceptions of birth and planned and unplanned modes of delivery. The 29th conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Sep. 1-5, Limassol, Cyprus.
Benyamini, Y., Preis, H., Dan, U., & Gozlan, M. (2015). Women's Attitudes towards the Medicalization of Childbirth. The 2016 International Health Conference, June 20-22, Oxford, England.
Preis, H., Gozlan, M., Dan, U., & Benyamini, Y. (2015). Fear of childbirth: its correlates and associations to planned and unplanned modes of delivery. The 36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, June 30-July 2, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Preis, H. & Benyamini, Y. (2014). Fear of birth- what is it correlated to and how does it affect the birth. The Biannual Conference of the Israel Midwives Association, Dec. 2, Ramat Gan, Israel.
Preis, H., Gozlan, M., Dan, U., & Benyamini, Y. (2014). The association between beliefs about birth, planned birth modes and actual modes of delivery. The 18th Annual Conference of the Israeli Social Work Association, Nov. 24-25, Tel Aviv.
Preis., H. (2014). Pregnant women’s birth choices and their associated factors. Students Developing Knowledge Conference, June 2, School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Benyamini, Y., Preis H., Zuquert, H., Gozlan, M., & Dan, U. (2014). Planned choices and actual method of delivery and their relationship with fear of childbirth. The 10th Annual Conference of Health Policy, May 24, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Preis, H., Shamir-Caspi, I., Gozlan, M., Dan, U., & Benymini, Y. (2014). Women’s choices during pregnancy and birth and their associated factors. The National Conference of Medical Social Workers, Jan. 28, Jerusalem, Israel.
Invited Talks
Preis, H., (2023). Fear of Childbirth. Guest lecture, Department of Psychology, March 1, Stony Brook University.
Preis, H. (2023). Perinatal anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic- growth trajectories and their contributors in the first year postpartum. NIH IMPROVE Initiative Awardee Workshop March 9th, 2023, [held virtually].
Preis, H. (2020). Screening of Psychosocial vulnerability in prenatal care. Obstetrics and Gynecology Research Meeting, Stony Brook University Hospital, January 14, Stony Brook, NY.
Preis, H., (2019). Pregnant women with Opioid Use Disorder- improving Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment. Social/Health Colloquium Series, Department of Psychology, Nov. 22, Stony Brook University, NY,
Preis, H., (2019). Motivational interviewing in obstetric inpatient care. Nursing Staff Development Day, Stony Brook University Hospital, Nov. 13 and Dec. 11, Stony Brook, NY.
Preis, H., (2018, 2019, 2020, 2022). Fear of Childbirth. Continuing Education Division, The Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Feb. 4, 2018 and Feb. 26, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Thesis and Dissertation
Preis, H. (2018). Primiparae perceptions of birth and their birth experience -- a prospective study. Doctoral dissertation, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv. Supervised by Dr. Yael Benyamini.
Preis, H. (2013). Women's choices during pregnancy and childbirth -- The relationship of women's beliefs about birth and attitudes toward medicalization with their utilization of prenatal care and birth choices. Masters thesis Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv. Supervised by Dr. Yael Benyamini
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