2025 SMFM (Society Maternal-Fetal Medicine) Abstracts
- Rachel Lee, Cassandra Heiselman, Emily Stetler, Zenobia Gonsalves, Kimberly Herrera, David Garry. A Comparison of Newborn Birthweights Between Opioid Use Disorders Treated with Methadone vs Buprenorphine
- Zenobia Gonsalves, Rachel Lee, Chaitali Korgaonkar-Cherala, Kimberly Herrera, Cassandra Heiselman. Variations in MFM Fellowship Clinical Competency through Curriculum Requirements Surpassing ACGME ABOG Minimums by Geo Region
- Tiffany Yang, Hannah Agoglia, David Garry, Samantha Gobioff, Cassandra Heiselman.Ethnic Racial Diff in Preg. Outcomes for Patients Requiring Antepartum Antihypertensive Maintenance for Non-Severe Hypertension
- Tiffany Yang, Hannah Agoglia, David Garry, Cassandra Heiselman. Hypertensive Control and Delivery Outcomes with Use of Oral Antihypertensives in Pregnancy for Non-Severe Hypertension
- Zenobia Gonsalves, Rachel Lee, Lama Noureddine, Kimberly Herrera, Cassandra Heiselman. Do Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship Websites Adequately Depict Training Opportunities?
- Oladunni Ogundipe, Michelle Carfagno, Adeola Adeyeye, Cassandra Heiselman, Kimberly Herrera. Hypertensive Disorders and Postpartum Follow Up: Care In and Outside the Hospital
2024 SMFM (Society Maternal-Fetal Medicine) Abstracts
- Heiselman C, Momper J, Nachman S, Jean-Philippe P, Capparelli E.
Impact of Pregnancy on Ceftriaxone Pharmacokinetics and Treatment of Syphilis- Physiologic-Based Population PK Modeling Approach - M. Acosta-Martinez, C. Jean-Baptiste, Z. Shao, O. Abuzeid, C. Heiselman, D. Garry.
Circulating EV-miRNA profile in pregnant persons with opioid use disorder treated with buprenorphine - E. Stetler, T. Yang, O. Ogundipe, L. Stewart, C. Korgaonkar-Cherala, J. Kim, R. Pattanaik, E. Zambrano Alvarez, K. Herrera, D. Garry, D. Garretto, C. Heiselman
Differences in dosing strategies and perinatal outcomes for pregnant persons on buprenorphine compared with buprenorphine-naloxone - O. Ogundipe, E. Stetler, C. Korgaonkar-Cherala, J. Kim, L. Stewart, G. Lo Monaco, R. Pattanaik, K. Herrera, D. Garry, D. Garretto, C. Heiselman
Differences in Dosing Strategies and Perinatal Outcomes for Pregnant Patients on Buprenorphine Compared with Methadone - T. Yang, J. Kim, E. Stetler, C. Chan, O. Ogundipe, C. Korgaonkar-Cherala, L. Stewart, E. Zambrano Alvarez, G. Lo Monaco, K. Herrera, D. Garry, D. Garretto, C. Heiselman
Antepartum Multidisciplinary Approach Improves Postpartum Pain Scores in Patients with Opioid Use Disorder - C. Korgaonkar-Cherala, E. Stetler, L. Stewart, O. Ogundipe, J. Kim, R. Pattanaik, D. Garry, K. Herrera, D. Garretto, C. Heiselman.
Infant developmental delays at well visit encounters in infants exposed to MOUD buprenorphine or methadone - C. Korgaonkar-Cherala, I. Khattaby, L. Woo, J. Burgan
The association of free fluid in the abdomen after cesarean delivery and postpartum pain - L. Stewart, L. Woo, B. Parikh, C. Heiselman, D. Garry, K. Herrera
Maternal risk factors for preeclampsia and prescription practices of low dose aspirin for preeclampsia prophylaxis - L. Stewart, B. Parikh, L. Woo, C. Heiselman, D. Garry, K. Herrera.
Differences in provider practices in recommending low dose aspirin for preeclampsia prophylaxis - L. Stewart, B. Parikh, L. Woo, C. Heiselman, D. Garry, K. Herrera
Do social determinants of health Influence prescribing practices of low dose aspirin prophylaxis?
2024 ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine) Annual Conference Presentations
- Stetler E, Herrera K, Garry D, Kim J, Stewart L, Korgaonkar-Cherala C, Heiselman, C. Breastfeeding in Postpartum Patients with Opioid Use Disorder.
2024 AIUM (American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine) Annual Convention Presentations
- Parikh B, Heiselman C, Massa J, Lo Monaco G, Herrera K, Garry D, Bernasko J. Is one as good as two: impact of single umbilical artery on labor and delivery outcomes.
2023 ACOG District II Abstracts
Yang T, Parikh B, Garry D, Herrera K. Poster presented at American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, District II Meeting, Brooklyn, NY. Management of Pregnancy with Maternal Alagille Syndrome A Case Report.pdf
Gonsalves Z, Lee R, Wang S, Hussain A, Herrera K. Poster presented at American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology District II Meeting; Brooklyn, NY. Case Study: Autoimmune Hepatitis and Pancytopenia in Pregnancy
2023 AIUM (American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine) Annual Convention Presentations
H Kohli, B Parikh, C Korgaonkar-Cherala, T Yang, E Stetler, M Gorman, D Garretto, D Garry, K Herrera, C Heiselman
Concordance of Ultrasound and MRI Findings for Diagnosis of Placenta Accreta Spectrum -
J Kim, O Abuzeid, C Heiselman, D Garry, K Herrera
Isolated Fetal Pleural Effusion with Progression to Non-Immune Hydrops Fetalis: A case report and literature review
2023 SMFM (Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine) Abstracts
- B Parikh, E Shinder, R Pattanaik, K Herrera, D Garretto, D Garry, C Heiselman
Wild Type Through Omicron: Maternal Outcomes Across COVID-19 Waves -
B Parikh, R Pattanaik, E Shinder, C Heiselman, D Garretto, D Garry, K Herrera
Wild Type Through Omicron: Obstetric Outcomes Across COVID-19 Waves -
C Korgaonkar-Cherala, B Parikh, H Kohli, M Gorman, J Bernasko, D Garretto, D Garry, C Heiselman, K Herrera
Preoperative Planning for PAS and Delivery Outcomes -
L Stewart, C Korgaonkar-Cherala, B Parikh, E Shinder, C Heiselman, K Herrera, D Garretto, D Garry
COVID Pandemic Effect on Prenatal Care Utilization in Women with OUD -
A Fuchs, C Heiselman, R Fassler, C Korgaonkar-Cherala, O Abuzeid, D Garretto, J Choi, C Avila, K Herrera, D Garry
Early Pregnancy Serum Ferritin in the Non-Anemic Patient as a Predictor of Anemia at Delivery -
M Heiligenstein, H Preis, M Baucicot, C Melian, H Korlipara, B Franz, D Garry, C Heiselman
Effectiveness of an Induction of Labor Education Video on Maternal Knowledge -
L Noureddine, C Heiselman, K Riddle, GL Monaco, M Figueroa, J Bernasko
Gender Differences in Obstetrics NIH Funding -
L Noureddine, J Bernasko, K Riddle, GL Monaco, M Figueroa, E Saliba, C Heiselman
Characteristics of Funding for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Investigators in Obstetrics -
G Singleton, B Parikh, C Heiselman, D Garry
Maternal Depression and its Effect on Spontaneous and Indicated Preterm Births within the nuMoM2b Cohort -
C Chan, B Franz, M Tiwari, J Chappelle
Antenatal Anxiety as a Predictor for Postpartum Depression
2023 ACOG (American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology) Annual Clinical Meeting Presentations
O Abuzeid, E Shinder, R Pattanaik, C Heiselman, D Garry, D Garretto
Comparison of Pregnancy and COVID 19 Complications Stratified by Maternal Vaccination Status -
B Parikh, C Korgaonkar-Cherala, H Kohli, D Garretto, C Heiselman, K Herrera
Impact of Race and Insurance on Outcomes in Women with Placenta Accreta Spectrum -
C Heiselman, B Parikh, E Shinder, M Heiligenstein, O Abuzied, D Garry
Long Term Developmental Outcomes of Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome -
Z Shoepoen, L Kaufman, N Gabbur, S Miller
Applicant and Program Director Perceptions Regarding Virtual Interviewing and Signaling
2023 Society of Ob/Gyn Hospitalist Annual Clinical Meeting Presentations
- Hassan, R, So, J, Chappelle, J.
"The Creation of an Evidence-Based Postpartum Hemorrhage Risk Assessment Tool">The Creation of an Evidence-Based Postpartum Hemorrhage Risk Assessment Tool
2022 SMFM (Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine) Presentations
Heiselman C, Fuchs A, Heilgenstein M, Noureddine L, Fassler R, Abuzeid O, Korgaonkar-Cherala C, Iovino N, Herrera K, Garretto D, Garry D. Discordance Between Maternal and Newborn Drug Screening at Delivery (Oral Presentation)
Abuzeid O, Heiselman C, Fuchs A, Noureddine L, Heiligenstein M, Fassler R, Korgaonkar-Cherala C, Iovino N, Garry D, Garretto D, Herrera K. Factors That Affect Opioid Use for Postpartum Pain Control in Women with Opioid Use Disorder (Poster Presentation)
Noureddine L, Parikh B, Saliba E, Lo Monaco G, Herrera K, Heiselman C. How Comprehensive Are Websites of Maternal Fetal Medicine Programs for Prospective Fellows? (Poster Presentation)
Noureddine L, Fuchs A, Heiligenstein M, Fassler R, Abuzeid O, Korgaonkar-Cherala C, Iovino N, Herrera K, Garry D, Garretto D, Heiselman C. Predictors of Positive Postpartum Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in Opioid Use Disorder (Poster Presentation)
Heiligenstein M, Fuchs A, Noureddine L, Fassler R, Abuzeid O, Korgaonkar-Cherala C, Iovino N, Herrera K, Garry D, Garretto D, Heiselman C. Risk Factors for Severe Pain Scores in Women with Opioid Use Disorder (Poster Presentation)
2021 ACOG (American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology) Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting Presentations
Abuzeid O, Heiselman C, Fuchs A, Herrera K, Garry D, Abuzeid M. Obstetric Outcomes of Singleton Live Birth After Hysteroscopic Division of Complete Uterine Septum. (Poster presentation)
Heiselman C, Fuchs A, Abuzeid O, Huber A, Heiligenstein M, Herrera K. Risk Factors for Preterm Delivery in Women on Opioid Maintenance Therapy (OMT). (Poster presentation)
Cochrane, E, Mylod, G, Dayton, S, Kowalska, D. High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion Outcomes in Pregnancy. (Poster Presentation)
Huber A, Chappelle J, Lian X, Burke W. Clinical Responsibilities of Graduates from a Fellowship in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery (FMIGS). (Poster presentation)
2021 AIUM (American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine) Annual Convention Presentations
Fuchs A, Heiselman C, Peralta L, Umesh V, Gorman M, Herrera K, Abuzeid O, Choi J, Garretto D, Garry D. Prediction of Cesarean Delivery by Umbilical Artery Dopplers in Growth Restricted Fetuses (Poster presentation)
2021 ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine) Annual Conference Presentations
Heiselman C, Fuchs A, Abuzeid O, Gorman M, Iovino N, She S, Garretto D: Risk Factors Associated with Severe Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Requiring Morphine (Poster presentation)
2021 ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology) 37th Annual Meeting Presentations
Abuzeid O, Heiselman C, Fuchs A, LaChance J, Herrera K, Garry D, Abuzeid M. Obstetric outcomes of singleton birth after hysteroscopic divison of septate uterus. (Poster presentation)
2021 SMFM (Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine) Presentations
Heiselman C, Fuchs A, Abuzeid O, Heiligenstein M, Iovino N, Huber A, Gorman M, Sha S, Herrera K, Garretto D, Noureddine L, Choi J, Garry D: Opioid Maintenance Therapy Prescription by Obstetricians and Postpartum Visit Compliance (Poster presentation)
Fuchs A, Heiselman C, Peralta L, Gorman M, Umesh V, Abuzeid O, Garretto D, Herrera K, Hussain A, Garry D: Fetal Abdominal Circumference as an Early Marker in Prediction of Small for Gestational Age Newborns (Poster presentation)
Milone G, M. Tiwari, H. McInerney, B. Franz, K. Potkin, M. Persad, K. Herrera: Does use of a video module improve adherence to recommended gestational weight gain guidelines? (Poster presentation)
Milone G, M. Tiwari, H. McInerney, B. Franz, K. Potkin, M. Persad, K. Herrera: Does BMI influence the impact of an educational video module on gestational weight gain? (Poster presentation)
Milone G, M. Tiwari, H. McInerney, B. Franz, K. Potkin, M. Persad, K. Herrera: Does use of a gestational weight gain video module decrease postpartum weight retention? (Poster presentation)
Milone G, M. Tiwari, H. McInerney, B. Franz, K. Potkin, M. Persad, K. Herrera: Does implementation of a video module improve patient knowledge about gestational weight gain? (Poster presentation)
Noureddine L: Differences in NIH Funding in Maternal Fetal Medicine by Gender and Rank (Poster presentation)
Pollard J, Chappelle J: Effects of diet counseling on gestational weight gain: a retrospective chart review (Poster presentation)
2021 Society of Urodynamics & Female Pelvic Medicine & Urogenital Reconstruction (SUFU) Meeting
Huber A, Hung M, Jeong R, Kim J. Exposure of Obstetric/Gynecology residents to Urogynecology specific procedures. (Poster Presentation)
Hung M, Huber A, Jeong R, Kim J. Comparison of urogynecologic training among US Urology and Obstetrics/Gynecology residents. (Poster presentation)
2021 Society for Academic Specialists in Obstetrics and Gynecology (SASGOG) Meeting
Huber A, Shah L, Chappelle J. Quantitative blood loss compared to estimated blood loss at time of delivery. (Poster presentation)
2020 SMFM (Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine) Presentations
- Davis J, Heiselman C, Cochrane E, Staszewski C, Gruttadauria M, Fuchs A, Fung J, Dayton S, Garry D, Herrera K, Garretto D: Comparison of Opioid Maintenance Therapy (OMT) on Prenatal and Postnatal Growth Effects (Poster presentation)
- Davis J, Heiselman C, Peresleni T, Baker D, Garry D: Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) are Potential Markers for Preterm Birth (PTB) (Poster presentation)
- Fuchs A, Heiselman C, Davis J, Overbey J, Rosenn B: Do Fibroids Change in Size During Pregnancy? (Poster presentation)
- Heiselman C, Pastore LM, Milone G, Davis J, Dinglas C, Persad M, Garretto D, Herrera K: How do distress levels affect women’s decision-making for invasive prenatal genetic testing? (Poster presentation)
- Johnson C, Garretto D, Dayton S, Chiu F: What are the differences in Maternal/Neonatal Outcomes at Stony Brook University Hospital by zip code? (Poster presentation)
- Milone G, Tiwari M, McInerney H, Franz B, Potnik K, Persad M: Gestational Weight Gain Video Module Increases Patients’ Knowledge of Pregnancy Weight Gain Goals (Poster presentation)
- Milone G, Pastore LM, Davis D, Buckley A, Persad M, Herrera K: The association between patient characteristics and psychological experiences when deciding about prenatal genetic diagnostic testing (Poster presentation)
2020 International Gynecologic Cancer Society (IGCS) Annual Global Meeting
DiNobile C, Kertowidjojo E, Wen X, Tornos C, Gossner G, Burke W, Pearl M. Correlation Of Endometrial Tumor DNA Mismatch Repair Status And MELF-Pattern Invasion. (Poster presentation)
2020 American Urogynecologic Society (AUGS) Meeting
Huber A, Garduno E, Budnick L. Teaching seminar on pelvic anatomy for residents.Correlation Of Endometrial Tumor DNA Mismatch Repair Status And MELF-Pattern Invasion. (Poster presentation)