Lab Fun

Labsgiving 2024

   labsgiving group picture

...with some myco-cookies made by the talented Isabel Sakarin!

   cookie versions of lab members  myco-cookies


December 2018: Lulu's thesis defense!

Congratulations, Dr. Bai!


July 2018: Annual lab retreat

Another lab selfie (no stick required). (Clockwise from left) Mike, Erik, Amgad, Cate, Jen, Mary Lou, Lulu, Jessica



April-May 2018: Defense and triple graduation!


Erik defense



Congratulations, Dr. Van Vlack, Dr. Dr. Patel (MD/PhD), and Kathryn, on crossing the finish line! Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors.

Graduation 2018

April 2018: URECA Research Symposium

Kathryn and Amgad presenting their "twin" posters at the undergradaute research symposium. Well done!

URECA 2018

December 2017: Congratulations, "Master" Jia!

Jia graduates with her MS in Biomedical Sciences (Pharmacology). We will miss you!

Jia graduation

August 2017: Simons Scholars Research Symposium

Adrian holding forth about peroxidase-dependent labeling with Dr. Aaron Neiman


Well done, Adrian! Thanks for your dedication and contributions to the lab.

Adrian and Jessica

July 2017: Lab lunch!

The lab that eats together...? (L-R) Jia, Adrian, Lulu, Erik, (missing PI/photographer), Amgad, Uday, Mike, Mary Lou

Lab lunch 2017

Post-prandial elevator selfie



May 2017: Graduation!

Congratulations, Rebecca! University valedictorian and BA with honors in biochemistry!
Plus (nearly) everyone in the lab in the same place at the same time, at last.
(L-R): Mike, Amgad, Rebecca, Jessica, Erik, Uday, Mary Lou, Jia (not pictured: Lulu)

Rebecca graduation

April 2017: URECA Symposium

Kathryn showing off her excellent poster at the annual undergraduate research fair.

October 2016: Congratulations, Uday!

Look who won the Outstanding Presentation Prize at the NYAS Emerging Paradigms in Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery meeting!

September 2016: Finally, a new lab photo!

(L-R) Jessica, Lulu, Mike, Mary Lou, Erik, Stephanie, Uday, Rebecca, Kathryn.

August 2016: Simons Scholars symposium!

Lulu and Jessica with Melody at her poster for the Simons Summer Research Program.
Thanks, Melody, for all your hard work, and good luck with senior year!

May 2016: Congrats Dr. Patel, PhD!

Thesis defense

Hiren defense

Doctoral hooding

Hiren hooding

Another one bites the dust...

March 2016: Flannel Friday

We're all lumberjacks and we're okay!
(L-R) Kathryn, Erik, Hiren, Uday, Meg, Jessica, Lulu, Mary Lou, Rebecca

November 2015: Lab outing! Peacock PaintNite at Napper Tandy's Pub

I see your truuuuue colors shining through....

Paint Nite

July 2015: Congrats Dr. Touchette!!

Congratulations to the lab's first PhD! Well done, Meg, on your thesis defense!

Meg defense

May 2015: Congratulations to our lab graduates Julia, Peter and Meg!

All dressed up for a little pomp and circumstance: graduation for Peter and Julia and doctoral hooding for Meg.

Peter Meg Julia graduation

April 2015: Congratulations to Peter and Julia on their Academic Excellence!

Peter, Jessica and Julia at the ceremony for the Undergraduate Recognition awards.

September 2014: Obligatory elevator selfie

(L-R) Rebecca, Lulu, Julia, Eric, Meg, Peter, Mary Lou, Jessica, Mohamed, Hiren.

December 2013:  J&MSeeliger Labs Holiday Party

Homemade pizzas, white elephant gift exchange, and the surprise appearance of a pack of mustaches.

holiday party 2013

July 2013: JSeeliger Lab takes on the Netherlands!

Jessica and Meg at the University of Groningen (and VUmc in Amsterdam) to pow-wow on mycobacterial lipids and membranes.

June 2013: NYAS Chemical Biology Symposium

Hiren wins best poster. Who says blue ribbons are only for county fairs?

April 2013: Baby shower for Satarupa and Arijit

Wishing Arijit, Rupa and little "Simba" Satrajit all the very best with a Lion King-themed tea party.

Satarupa baby shower

March 2013: Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium at Columbia University

JCSLab represent! Thanks to Viven and Julia for doing the lab proud at the Columbia research conference.

December 2012: Lab Cupcakes

Happy birthday to Satarupa! (And thanks to Meg for a fantastic decoration job on the cupcakes.)

August 2012: Lab Potluck and Tri-Lab Ice Cream Outing

One word- EPIC!


August 2012: Undergraduate Summer 2012 Research Symposium

Mentor (Meg) and Mentee (Julia)... a couple of troublemakers.

July 2012: Post Fro-Yo

Taking the leap of faith: Hiren, Meg, Mary Lou, Julia, and Lulu.

June 2012: NYAS Chemical Biology Discussion Group Year-End Symposium

Satarupa, Lulu, Jessica, and Meg at the NYAS in lower Manhattan. Science with a view!

May 2012: Hello, summer! For the reading-impaired, this spells out "JCSLAb!" Obviously.

(L-R) Meg, Mike, Mary Lou, Julia, Lulu, Satarupa, Jessica, and Viven (not pictured: Joe).

March 2012: Seeliger v. Seeliger Lab Bowling Party

We were bowling really well! And then we weren't. Good fun regardless, and look out for the rematch...


December 2011: End-of-rotation lunch at Domo Sushi

Mmmmm, sushi... with Meg, Jessica, Mary Lou, Carla, Lawton, Julie-Ann (missing: Ben)

October 2011: 5th annual ICB&DD Annual Symposium

Meg with her poster at the afternoon session.

August 2011: Ice cream outing

Savoring the best of Port Jeff:  Coffee mud pie and hotel black bottom pie (yep, that's a ice cream flavor.)

Thanks to our UGs Larisa and Sam for a great summer in the lab!
(Below L-R: Mary Lou, Hiren, Larisa, Jessica, Sam, Meg)

Hiren and Meg show the Sartorious balance who's boss. We will measure mass in milligrams!


June 2011: JSeeligerLab goes to Boston!

(L-R: Hiren, Meg, Jessica)

In the Broad Institute to hear about all things Mtb at the 5th Annual New England TB Symposium...which meant road trip! And crossing the lovely Long Island Sound on the ferry.

May 2011: Lab lunch

(L-R)  Sam, Carla, Dane, Jason, Mary Lou, Jessica
Springtime is...

...for being silly!


December 2010  Double-lab holiday party

(L-R) Zac, Leah, Mike, Carla, George, Markus, Meg)
Cookie decorating extravaganza with the Seeliger labs!

Gingerbread and copious glitter. Yummy.