St. Charles Hospital & Rehabilitation Center

- Founded over a hundred years ago in 1907 by the Daughters of Wisdom
- Began as a hospital for children with disabilities
- Expanded its mission to a full service hospital in the 1960’s
- 76 bed Rehabilitation Service in a full service hospital
- The only CARF (Commission for Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) accredited inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation facility on Long Island
- Extensive inpatient & outpatient clinical experience is available in:
- Pediatric Orthopedic and Neurologic Rehabilitation
- Adult Orthopedic and Neurologic Rehabilitation
- Spasticity Management (botulinum toxin & baclofen pump refills)
- ThinkSMART! Concussion Management Center
- Muscular Dystrophy Association Care Center
- Additional outpatient experience in neuromuscular medicine,EMG, general rehab medicine, orthotics and prosthetics, TBI, stroke, cardiopulmonary rehab
Northport Veterans Affairs Medical Center 

- Predominantly outpatient experience
- Extensive procedural experience is available, including:
- Electrodiagnosis (EMG/NCS)
- Intraarticular Injections & Viscosupplementation
- Botulinum Toxin Injections, Peripheral Nerve Blocks
- Trigger Point Injections
- Tendon Sheath Injections, Arthrocentesis
- Acupuncture
- Ultrasound guided injections
Stony Brook University Hospital
- Interventional Spine
- Procedural experience is available in Interventional Spine Procedures, including :
- Epidural Blocks
- Facet and Medial Branch Blocks
- Selective Nerve Root Blocks
- And more!
- Rotation is two months in duration in the PGY 3, with option for another two month rotation as a PGY 4
- Supervising attending physicians are both physiatrists
- Procedural experience is available in Interventional Spine Procedures, including :
- Neuromuscular Medicine and EMG Rotation
- 2 month rotation in PGY 4
- With the Department of Neurology