
PET research is a rapidly growing field at Stony Brook University, with investigators from many departments exploring diverse biomedical research questions. Our research facilities include a Siemens Biograph mMR combined PET/MRI scanner, a MART PET Research Facility with an MiE Scintron dedicated PET scanner and a uMI 550 PET/CT scanner, and a molecular imaging laboratory with a cyclotron capable of producing 18F-, 11C-, 15O-, and 13N-labeled radiotracers. 

MART (Medical and Research Translation) PET Research Facility
Opened in 2019, the MART building is designed to bring together translational scientists and clinicians to foster the necessary communication to bring clinical problems into the laboratory for intense study and basic science innovation to the clinic. Our facility contributes with a GMP radiosynthesis laboratory, a research radiochemistry laboratory, organic chemistry facilities, an on-site cyclotron, and research-dedicated PET and PET/CT scanners.

The PET research effort is directed by Professor Ramin Parsey, MD, PhD, Della Pietra Family Chair of Biomedical Imaging and Director of PET Strategy at Stony Brook University. The PET Research Core, directed by Mark Slifstein, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry, facilitates biomedical research at Stony Brook University by providing key services and consultation for data acquisition, analysis, and study design to PET researchers. 

MART Chart