Finding Preceptors

When applying to the distance track, applicants are encouraged to provide a schedule of all supervised experiential learning sites and preceptors.  Applicants are required to submit completed Preceptor Commitment forms for each preceptor.  A blank copy of the Preceptor Commitment form can be found here. Once the applicant is accepted into the program, the program assistant will initiate Clinical Affiliation agreements for all secured sites. The applicant can be formally admitted once the agreement for the Food Service Systems & Management is executed. A student is not permitted to rotate at a site if a Clinical Affiliation agreement is not in place. If an agreement cannot be reached between the site and Stony Brook University, it will be the responsibility of the student to locate a new preceptor/site for that particular SEL.

Note: SELs cannot be secured at sites in Suffolk County

Required forms: 

A listing of SEL types can be found here.  Preceptors must be secured in specific timeframes as per the program-established rotation schedule.

Provide a preceptor with the MS PNP Preceptor Orientation Guide which explains what is required of the preceptor and also provide this flier, Why Precept for Stony Brook University? which offers reasons they might want to precept for Stony Brook University. If the preceptor agrees to being a preceptor for you, have them complete the Preceptor Commitment form and return it to you.

Possible sources for preceptors/sites:

  • Stony Brook University Graduate Nutrition Program has Clinical Affiliation agreements with many sites.  This listing can be found here.
  • AND Find-a-Preceptor database
  • Reach out to Diversity Dietetics
  • Reach out to nutrition departments in local hospitals, provider's offices(endocrinologists, diabetes educator, bariatric centers, etc.) long term care facilities, private practice RDs, local community nutrition sites (WIC, Head Start, Cornell Cooperative Extension, etc.)
  • DPD Program Director or other faculty in your undergraduate nutrition department
  • Consider relocating to a family/friend for a particular SEL if you are unable to find a preceptor in your area