
**All applicants interested in applying MSTP must designate their Program Type on AMCAS as “Combined Medical Degree/PhD”**

Applications for admission to the Stony Brook MSTP are processed via the medical school Office of Admissions. MSTP candidates are screened and invited for a one-day virtual interview visit by the MSTP. The interview visit consists of a welcoming session with the Director, two interviews by basic-translational scientists, one interview by a physician/translational scientist, and one interview by a 3rd year MSTP student. Candidates virtually tour our learning facilities and meet with current students to learn more about the program and cultureo and finish with a wrap-up session with the Director. Our interview season runs  from September to March, although most interviews are completed by January. Candidates are admitted on a rolling basis and invited for an expense-paid in-person visit to see Stony Brook and meet possible future research mentors and classmates in April.

While our interviewed and accepted students have on average a GPA of 3.8 and MCAT score of 93%, these metrics are only two of many factors that we consider in our holistic screening and decision-making process. Over the past three years, we have interviewed and/or accepted applicants with MCAT scores ranging from 50% - 100% and GPA 2.9 - 4.0. All applicants additionally and critically need to present compelling evidence of persistence, resilience, substantial research experience, and knowledge of and commitment to the physician-scientist career path.

Letter to Pre-Med Advisors

MSTP Informational Videos

MSTP Recruitment Flyer