Present & Past Recipients of Fellowship Awards & Awards & Honors Received During The MSTP!
Awards and Honors:
Martinez, Michael- Molecular And Cellular Pharmacology President's Award to Distinguished Doctoral Student
Fellowship Awards:
Alexander, Terry- NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Arreguin, Andrea- NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Chen, Allen- NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Cleary, Christian- NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Moresco, Philip- NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Oh, Ki- NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Radin, Daniel- NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Rangwala, Aziz- NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Shevik, Margaret- NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Voss, Dillon- NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Williams, John- NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Arreguin, Andrea- Turner Summer Research Grant (2022)
Arreguin, Andrea- SUNY Graduate Research Empowering and Accelerating Talent (GREAT) Award
Arreguin, Andrea- Excellence in Promoting Diversity and Inclusion Award, MSTP Retreat
Chesebro, Anthony- Outstanding Presentation, Honorable Mention – American Medical Student Ethics Conference - (Spring 2022)
Chesebro, Anthony- Top Abstract (published in AJOB Neuroscience) – International Neuroethics Society Conference - (Fall 2021)
Hill, Kathryn- Three Minute Thesis Competition Finalist at Stony Brook University
Larkin, Alex- Poster presentation award at the Women in Medicine Conference (Stony Brook)
Martinez, Michael- Joint Meeting Travel Award 2022
Martinez, Michael- American Physician Scientist Association
Martinez, Michael- SUNY Graduate Research Empowering and Accelerating Talent (GREAT) Award
Murgas, Kevin- Society for Mathematical Biology 2021 Conference, Mathematical Oncology Subgroup Contributed Talk Prize
Nuri, Kim- Institute of Chemical Biology & Drug Discovery Annual Symposium Poster Award
Oh, Ki- SUNY Graduate Research Empowering Accelerating Talent (GREAT) Award – 2022
Radin, Daniel- SUNY Graduate Research Empowering and Accelerating Talent (GREAT) Award
Rangwala, Aziz- SUNY Graduate Research Empowering and Accelerating Talent (GREAT) Award
Rupert, Deborah- Finalist, 3 Minute Thesis Competition, Stony Brook University
Rupert, Deborah- Winner Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Mentorship Awards, Senior Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Category
Rupert, Deborah- Winner Distinguished Travel Award, Graduate Student Organization, Stony Brook University
Schappell, Laurel- Graduate Council Fellowship
Steinberg, Joshua- Louis Morin Charitable Trust Award
Torre-Healy, Luke- ECOG-ACRIN Diversity Travel Scholarship
Voss, Dillon- RNA Society 2022, Poster Prize Winner
Zheng, Yuejiao- AAUW International Fellowship
Fellowship Awards:
Kogan, Joshua-NIDCD F30 NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship
Martinez, Michael-NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Moresco, Philip-NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Oh, Ki-NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Radin, Daniel-NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Rangwala, Aziz-NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Carter, Jason-Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society
Chesebro, Anthony-MagicAid - Magic Therapist of the Season - Spring 2021
Gurevich, Mikhail-Provisional Patent Indinavir 2021
Martinez, Michael-Norton B. Gilula Travel Award
Martinez, Michael-St. Jude's National Graduate Student Symposium
Shevik, Margaret-SUNY Graduate Research Empowering and Accelerating Talent (GREAT) award
Williams, John -SUNY Graduate Research Empowering and Accelerating Talent (GREAT) award
Fellowship Awards:
Arreguin, Andrea-NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Oh, Ki-NIH/NCI F30 Fellowship Award – Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral NRSA
Shevik, Margaret-NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Williams, John-NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Arreguin, Andrea-2020 Turner Summer Research Grant
Arreguin, Andrea-2020 Turner Conference Travel Award
Chen, Allen-GSO Distinguished Travel Award, SBU
Guinn, Tyler-President's Distinguished Doctoral Students Award
Guinn, Tyler-American Physical Society, Division of Biological Physics
Guinn, Tyler-Shirley Chan Student Travel Grant
Gurevich, Mikhail-Finalist In Preclinical Models Section. (Poster) Y. Kulyomina, M. Gurevich, J. Achonu, E. Penna, L. Douglas, M. Kanjiya, M. Kaczocha, D. Komatsu, S. Uddin. Video fluoroscopic gait analysis of a rat TKA model. Poster No. 1917. Orthopaedic Research Society Conference 2020. Phoenix, AZ.
Kirschen, Gregory-Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society, SoM
Kirschen, Gregory-Clinical Excellence Award, SoM
Kirschen, Gregory-Martin Stone Award (Ob/Gyn), SoM
Lopez-Cleary, Cristian-NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Martinez, Michael-2020 DREAM Travel Award; Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD
Pillai, Raja-Citizenship Award, SoM
Pillai, Raja-Gold Foundation Humanism Honor Society, SoM
Pillai, Raja-Kristin Harris Award (Psych), SoM
Pillai, Raja-Stony Brook HOME Student Service Award, SoM
Rupert, Deborah-2020 NYU-Winthrop Community Service Award (for WiSH Clinic service & leadership)
Rupert, Deborah-2020 Trainee Professional Development Award from the Society for Neuroscience
Steinberg, Joshua- Louis Morin Charitable Trust Recipient
Yuen, John-Dept. of Pathology Research TG Recipient
Fellowship Awards:
Motley, Michael-NIH NRSA F30 Fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Chan, Kelvin-Student Achievement Award, ACR/Rheumatology Research Foundation October 2019
Chan, Kelvin-Outstanding Poster Award, 2019 Gordon Research Conference Excitatory Synapses
Chen, Allen-SBU Outstanding Undergraduate Biology Employee Award (TA in Upper Division Cell Signaling course) NIH/NIDCD F30 NRSA Fellowship
Guinn, Tyler-National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship, NDSEG (DoD fellowship), April 2019
Guinn, M.T. & Balazsi, G. (2019). Noise-Reducing Optogenetic Negative-Feedback Gene Circuits in Mammalian Cells. doi:
Gurevich, Mikhail-(POSTER) G. Singh, M. Gurevich, I. Nozal Martin, D. Bui, S. Khan, D. Komatsu, A. Dagum. Role of Leupeptin in preventing hind limb ischemic tissue injury during reconstructive surgeries. 8th EURAPS Research Council Meeting. 22-23 May 2019, Helsinki, Finland.
Kim, Joanna-AAP/ASCI Travel Award, 2019 AAP/ASCI/APSA Joint Meeting, Chicago, IL
Kim, Joanna-Best Poster Award, 2019 AAP/ASCI/APSA Joint Meeting, Chicago, IL
Martinez, Michael-Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research; NIGMS, NIH
Motley, Michael-Motley MP, Banerjee K, Fries BC. Monoclonal antibody-based therapies for bacterial infections. Current opinion in infectious diseases. 2019;32(3):210-6.
Oh, Ki-Gloria and Mark Snyder Cancer Symposium – Best Poster Award
Oh, Ki-1st Place Best Poster Award – Stony Brook Cancer Center Research Symposium
Psonis, John-2019 Abrahams Award for outstanding scientific achievement by a graduate student, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, SBU
Fellowship Awards:
Chan, Kelvin-NIH NRSA F30 fellowship
Hill, Kathryn-Graduate Council Fellowship (GCF)
Kéry, Rachel-NIH NRSA F30 fellowship (received a 1% score!)
Kim, Young Jin-NIH NRSA F30 fellowship
Kogan, Joshua-Carolyn L. Kuckein Student Research Fellowship
Lyczek, Agatha-NIH NRSA F30 fellowship
Rupert, DeeDee-Royal Arch Masons Fellowship from Autism Speaks
Siller, Saul- NIH NRSA F30 fellowship
Yu, Allen-NIH NRSA F31 fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Amin, Johansen-Van Der Kloot Award for Excellence in Research, MCP Program
Chan, Kelvin-Kevin King and John Miller Memorial Travel Grant
Chan, Kelvin-Sigma Xi Travel Grant
Chan, Kelvin-Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research
Chan, Kelvin-American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Chrysalis Program
Chan, Kelvin-Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds Travel Grant
Chan, Kelvin-FENS/CAJAL Advanced Neuroscience Training Program, Bordeaux, France
Jares, Alexander-Gold Humanism Honor Society
Kéry, Rachel-Graduate Program in Neuroscience Excellence in Teaching Assistance Award
Kim, Chang Kyung-AGA Student Abstract Prize, American Gastroenterology Association
Kim, Chang Kyung-AGA Certificate of Recognition for Early Career Investigator
Kim, Chang Kyung-Poster Winner, Stony Brook Annual MSTP Research Retreat
Kim, Chang Kyung-Van der Kloot Award for Excellence in Teaching in MCP at Stony Brook University.
Kim, Chang Kyung-Poster Winner and Travel Award, FASEB “Gastrointestinal Tract XVII: Current Biology of the GI Tract, Mucosa, Microbiota, and Beyond.” Steamboat Springs, CO
Kim, Young Jin-RNA society meeting travel award, Berkeley, CA
Kirschen, Gregory-Nominee, AAAS Science Program for Excellence in Science
Li, Michael-Molecular Genetics & Microbiology Annual Department Retreat Poster Award
Martinez, Michael-Black Faculty and Staff Association Scholarship, Latino Medical Student Association Group Travel Award
Martinez, Michael-MAC Travel Award; American Society for Cell Biology, Bethesda, MD
Martinez, Michael-NIH T32 NRSA; National Institute of General Medical Sciences, Bethesda, MD
Oh, Ki-2nd Place Best Poster Award – Stony Brook MSTP 36th Annual Retreat
Psonis, John-Best Poster Award, Stony Brook Medical Scientist Training Program Annual Retreat
Psonis, John- Outstanding Poster Award, SBU Molecular Genetics & Microbiology Annual Retreat
Psonis, John-Sigma Xi Travel Award
Roth, Eric-Best Snapshot Presentation, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (MCP) Program
Roth, Eric- Van der Kloot Award for Excellence in Teaching, MCP Program Best Poster Award
Roth, Eric-Gloria & Mark Snyder Cancer Symposium
Schwartz, Nicholas-Outstanding Manuscript of the Year Award, Program in Neuroscience
Awards and Honors:
Martinez, Michael-Policy Summit Travel Award; Latino Medical Student Association, Washington, DC
Martinez, Michael-BFSA Scholarship; Renaissance School of Medicine at SBU
Saul Siller - Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology - President's Award to Distinguished Doctoral Students
Fellowship Awards:
Alagesan, Brinda (2016 - 2020) - NIH F30 NRSA, NCI Predoctoral Fellowship
He, Ping (2016-2020) - NIH F30 NRSA, NCI Predoctoral Fellowship
Miyauchi, Jeremy (2016-2020) - NIH F30 NRSA, NCI Predoctoral Fellowship
Rajapillai, Pillai (July 2016 - May 2020) – NIH F30 NRSA, NIMH Predoctoral Fellowship
Sharma, Himanshu (2016-2018) - PhRMA Foundation, Pharmacology Predoctoral Fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Chan, Kelvin - AAAS Program for Excellence in Science Award
Guja, Kip - Julian David Baumert Ph.D. Thesis Award – Brookhaven National Laboratory
Jares, Alexander - Outstanding Young Investigator Award, Department of Pathology, Stony Brook Medicine
He, Ping - American Gastroenterology Association Student Abstract Award
Kim, Chang Kyung - FASEB Travel Award 2016
McMillan, Nadia - CSCTR Travel Award
Miyauchi, Jeremy - Kirschstein-NRSA Fellowship Award for Predoctoral MD/PhD Fellows F30CA196110
Miyauchi, J. - ASPET 2nd Place Best Abstract Award at Experimental Biology
Miyauchi, J. - ASPET Graduate Student Travel Award
Miyauchi, J. - AACR Scholar in Training Award
Lopez-Cleary, Cristian - Dean's Turner Fellowship Award
Pillai, Rajapillai - Society of Biological Psychiatry 2016 Chair Choice Award
Pillai, Rajapillai Travel Award to the NIMH MD/PhD Student Conference in conjunction with the 3rd Annual Molecular Psychiatry meeting
Schneider, Michael - Society for Glycobiology Travel Award
Schwartz, Nick - Stony Brook GSO Distinguished Travel Award
Sharma, Himanshu - Discussion Leader, Gordon Research Seminar on Neural Development
Sharma, Himanshu - GSO Distinguished Travel Award
Sharma, Himanshu - Provost Graduate Student Lecture
Sharma, Himanshu PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Award
Siller, Saul - Dave Williams Travel Award. Department of Pharmacological Sciences, Stony Brook University School of Medicine.
Siller, Saul - Dean’s Alumni Association Leadership Award. Stony Brook University Graduate School.
Siller, Saul - Van der Kloot Award for Excellence in Teaching. Department of Pharmacological Sciences, Stony Brook University School of Medicine
Singleton, Courtney - Van der Kloot Award for Excellence in Teaching. Department of Pharmacological Sciences, Stony Brook University School of Medicine
Fellowship Awards:
Levine, Jesse (2015-2019) - NIH F30 NRSA, NIMH Predoctoral Fellowship
Miyauchi, Jeremy - ASPET Graduate Student Travel Award
Patel, Hiren (1/2015 - 6/2016) - NIH F30 NRSA, NIDDK Predoctoral Fellowship
Sharma, Himanshu (2015-2018) – PhRMA Predoctoral Fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Foda, Zack - Invited Speaker Provost's Graduate Lecture Series
Foda, Z. - President's Award to distinguished doctoral student
Jares, Alexander - Best Poster Award, MSTP Annual Retreat, Stony Brook University
Jares, Alexander - Best Poster Award, Pharmacology Annual Fall Symposium, Stony Brook University
Nomakuchi, Tomoki - Travel grant to attend the 11th Annual Meeting of the Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Society, in Leiden, the Netherlands - 2015.
Schroeder, Bryce - Best Poster Presentation, BME Research Day 2015. Best Oral Presentation, 2015 MSTP Retreat.
Schwartz, Nicholas - NIGMS and UAB Metabolomics Workshop, Birmingham, AL
Schwartz, N. - RIKEN Brain Summer Institute Summer Program, Tokyo, Japan
Sharma, Himanshu - Bio-Techne ISSCR Travel Grant ($1,000) Award
Singleton, Courtney - 1st Place Poster Award, Laufer Center 2015 Spring Retreat
Werneburg, G. - Travel Award APSA / AAP/ ASCI
Werneburg, G. - Distinguished Travel Award SBU Graduate School and GSO - Attend Gordon Research Conf. on Bacterial Cell Surfaces
Werneburg, G. - Best Poster Award, Dept. of Mole. Genetics & Micro. Annual Retreat
Fellowship Awards:
Ballinger, Elizabeth (2014-2018) - NIH F30 NRSA, NIMH Predoctoral Fellowship
Bhagwat, Anand (2014 - 2018) NIH F30 NRSA, NCI Predoctoral Fellowship
Werneberg, Glenn (2014 - 2018) NIH F30 NRSA, NIAAD Predoctoral Fellowship
Lyczek, Agatha (2014) - Polish & Slavic Federal Credit Union Scholarship(2014-2015) - NIH T32 MSTP NRSA Predoctoral Training Grant Fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Carpenter, Eileen - Travel Award ASCI/AAP Physician Scientist Joint Meeting, Chicago
Cheng, Derek - Submitted and had adopted Medical Student Section (MSS) Resolution 36Equal Paternal and Maternal Leave for Med. Residents Annual AMA MSS Meeting, Chicago, IL
He, Ping - Academic Achievement Award SBU SoMHe, P. - AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science award
Kazi, Rashek - Annual Glutamate Receptor Research Symposium at Cornell U., oral presentation, Biophysical Society
Kirschen, Gregory - Academic Merit Award, Stony Brook University School of Medicine
Pillai, Rajapillai - Certificate of Appreciation for Community Service in 2013
Schwartz, Nicholas - Travel Award NIMH MD/PhD Student Conference and Molecular Psychiatry Meeting in San Francisco
Schwartz, N. - Submitted and had adopted Medical Student Section (MSS) Resolution 36 - Equal Paternal and Maternal Leave for Med. Residents Annual AMA MSS Meeting, Chicago, IL
Shamseddine, Achraf - 56th Annual American Society for Radiation Oncology meeting, San Francisco
Siller, Saul - American Academy of Neurology, Medical Student Travel Award
Werneburg, G. - Travel Award for Central Society for Clinical and Translational Research /Midwest American Federation for Medical Research 2014 Annual Meeting
Wysocki, Robert - Poster presentation Targeting VEGF-mediated Tumor
Wysocki, R. - Angiogenesis in Cancer Therapy, New York Academy of Sciences
Wysocki, R. - Best Talk at the CSHL Graduate Student Symposium
Fellowship Awards:
Foda, Zack (2013 - 2016) - NIH F30 NRSA, NCI Predoctoral Fellowship
Guja, Kip - (2013 - 2015) NRSA F31 NIEHS Predoctoral Fellowship
Kirschen, Gregory - Julian Sandler Fellowship, Kesher Refuah Global Health and Cultural Connections Program
Lyczek, Agatha (2013-2017) - Thomas Shortman Graduate Scholarship
Awards and Honors:
Adada, Mohamad - Travel Award 13th intl. conference on Bioactive lipids in cancer, inflammation and related diseases
Adada, M. - Second place award Santosh Nigam Outstanding Young Scientist
Adada, M. - Travel Award International Ceramide Conference
Adada, M. - Best Student Oral Presentation International Ceramide Conference
Al-Shareffi, Esam - MSTP Scientific Poster Best Presentation Award, annual Program retreat
Al-Shareffi, E. -Travel Award Glycobiology Society
Aleem, Saadat - Award for Best Seminar Presentation, MCB, Stony Brook University
Feinstein, Igor - Elected as a senior member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society in recognition of academic excellence, professionalism and service in the SoM
Guja, Kip - Top Graduate Student Award, Stony Brook University Selected for student profile article in Medicine Today, the SBU School of Medicine alumni magazine entitled "Kip Guja: The Making of a 21st Century Physician"
He, Ping - Academic Achievement Award, SBU SoM
Kazi, Rashek - MSTP Scientific Best Oral Presentation Award, annual Program retreat.
Kazi, R. - Best Paper Program in Neuroscience
Kelly, Sean - Excellence in teaching award, SBU Department of Neuroscience
McGillick, Brian - John Dunn Excellence Award
Patel, Hiren - Best Poster Award Winner, Chemical Biology Discussion Group, Year-End Symposium at the New York Academy of Sciences
Pillai, Rajapillai - Community Service Award, Stony Brook School of Medicine
Schwartz, Nicholas - Beta Chapter of North Carolina
Tucciarone, Jason - Best Poster Award, MSTP Annual Retreat
Tucciarone, J. - Best Oral Presentation Award, SBU Dept. of Neurobiology and Behavior Symposium
Wysocki, Robert - Best Poster Award, MSTP Annual Retreat
Fellowship Awards:
Carpenter, Eileen (2012-2016) - NIH F30 NRSA, NCI Predoctoral Fellowship
Kelly, Sean (2012-2015) - NIH F30 NRSA, NINDS Predoctoral Fellowship
Tucciarone, Jason (2012-2015) - NIH F30 NRSA, NIMH Predoctoral Fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Al-Shareffi, Esam - Best Poster Award ICB & DD Conference
Brett, Ian - MSTP Scientific Best Oral Presentation Award, annual Program retreat.
Griffen, Trevor - MSTP Scientific Best Poster Presentation Award, annual Program retreat
Carpenter, Eileen - Awarded Best Poster and Travel Award at the ASCI/AAP Joint Meeting, Chicago IL
Kazi, Rashek - Education Travel Committee Award
Kazi, R. - Biophysical Society Education Committee Travel Award
Kazi, R. - MSTP Scientific Oral Presentation Award
Peters, Tricia - Gold Humanism Honor Society, Stony Brook University chapter
Salussolia, Catherine - MSTP Scientific Best Poster Presentation Award
Salussolia, C. - Provost's Graduate Student Lecture Series Speaker, SBU
Schwartz, Nicholas (2012-2014) - Stony Brook SOM Honor Code Committee
Tucciarone, Jason - Best Poster Award, SBU Dept. of Neurobiology and Behavior Symposium
Tucciarone, J. - Best Oral Presentation Award, SBU Dept. of Neurobiology and Behavior Symposium
Fellowship Awards:
Kazi, Rashek (2011-2014) - NIH F30 NRSA, NINDS Predoctoral Fellowship
Salussolia, Catherine (2011-2014) - F31 NIH NRSA NINDS Predoctoral Fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Al-Shareffi, Esam - Travel Award Glycobiology Society
Carpenter, Eileen - MSTP Scientific Best Poster Presentation Award
Feinstein, Igor - MSTP Scientific Best Oral Presentation Award
Guja, Kip - MSTP Scientific Best Poster Presentation Award
Salussolia, Catherine - Graduate Student Organization Service Award
Salussolia, C. - Awarded Best Poster at the FASEB Ion Channel Regulation Conference, Steamboat Springs, CO
Salussolia, C. - Invited Speaker in the Stony Brook University Provost's Graduate Student Lecture Series
Salussolia, C. - Best Scientific Publication at the Symposium in Neuroscience. Salussolia et al, J.Neuroscience 2011
Fellowship Awards:
Rodriguez, Justin (2010-2013) - NIH F31 NRSA, NINDS Predoctoral
Salussolia, Catherine (2010-2013) - Society for Neuroscience. Neuroscience Scholars Fellow
Awards and Honors:
Adada, Mohamad - Dean's Honor List, ranked 2nd of 90 in MS2: American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Feinstein, Igor - Competitively selected to give one of seven hour-long lectures as part of a graduate school-wide Provost's Graduate Lecture Series
Feinstein, I. - Award for Excellence in Advanced Teaching, Symposium in Neuroscience, SBU
Feinstein, I. - Best Oral Presentation, Symposium in Neuroscience, Stony Brook University
Lazarus, Matthew - Society of Biological Psychiatry, Top Poster Award for basic research
Premsrirut, Prem - Outstanding Scientific Poster Award, SBU Genetics Graduate Program
Salussolia, Catherine - Graduate Student Organization Service Award
Werneburg, G. - Elected to Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society
Fellowship Awards:
Bukhari, Noreen (2009-2014) - NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service (NRSA) Predoctoral Fellowship. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke NINDS, Bethesda, MD
Patel, Hiren - Boston Univ. UROP - Faculty Matching Grant, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
Talukder, Iehab (2009-2011) - American Heart Association (AHA) FDA Predoctoral FellowshipYeku, Oladapo O. - Van der Kloot Award for Excellence in Teaching
Awards and Honors:
Adada, Mohamad - Dean’s Honor List, rank 2 out of 92. Medicine 1 (MS1): American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Bukhari, Noreen - American Physician Scientists Association $500 Inaugural Travel Award. NCI – National Institutes of Health
Patel, Hiren - Boston Univ. UROP - Student Research Award, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
Premsrirut, Prem - American Physician Scientists Association $1,000 Poster Award
Premsrirut, P. - Salk Institute Mechanisms and Models of Cancer Travel Award
Salussolia, Catherine - Service Award, Graduate Student Organization.
Shamseddine, Achraf - SCORE-Issam Fares Institute Research Grant
Zanazzi, George - Stony Brook University Kevin King/John Miller Travel Scholarship Award
Fellowship Awards:
Cheney, Laura (1/08-12/09) - PhRMA (Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers of America Fellowship
Yeku, Oladapo (2008-2010) - NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Predeoctoral Fellowship. National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney diseases (NIDDK). Bethesda, MD
Zanazzi, George (2008-2010) - NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Predoctoral Fellowship. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Awards and Honors:
Al-Shareffi, Esam - Member of SoM Honor Committee
Cheney, Laura - American Medical Association. AMA Foundation Seed Grant.
Rodriguez, Justin - Awarded best poster by SBU Dept Neurobiology and Behavior’s Symposium in Neuroscience
Fellowship Awards:
Yeku, Oladapo O. - W. Burghardt Turner Fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Al-Shareffi, Esam - Member of SoM Honor Committee. Vice President of Note Service student-run transcription service for the medical students
Bien, Harold H. - President Award to Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Student
Bukhari, Noreen - Award for Excellence in Teaching, Program in Neuroscience
Siolas, Despina C. - Women in Cancer Research Brigid Leventhal Scholar Award. American Association for Cancer Research
Werneburg, G. - Invited guest speaker at Brookhaven National Laboratory's closing ceremonies for interns
Zanazzi, George - Graduate Program in Neuroscience Best Poster Award, Stony Brook University
Fellowship Awards:
Khalil, Danny N. (2006-2009) - U.S. Dept. of Defense for Prostate Cancer Research Fellowship
Siolas, Despina C. (2006-2009) - U.S. Dept. of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program Idea Award
Yeku, Oladapo O. - W. Burghardt Turner Fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Kontorovich, Amy R. - Finalist, Collegiate Inventors Competition. Sponsored by the National Inventors Hall of Fame Foundation and the US Patent and Trademark Office
Fellowship Awards:
Siolas, Despina C. - Astra-Zeneca Scholar-in-Training Award
Yeku, Oladapo O. - W. Burghardt Turner Fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Bhatt, Dimple H. - MSS Research Poster Award. American Medical Association
Peters, Tricia (2005-2009) - NIH/Cambridge Biomedical Scholarship Award, Bethesda, MD
Rampal, Raajit - AAAS Excellence in Science Award
Rampal, Raajit - J Biol Chem. 2005 Sep 16;280(37) :32133-40 was selected as paper of the week by JBC
Roohi, Jasmin - American Society of Human Genetics MD/PhD Student Travel Grant
Rosenberg, Avi Z. - DoD Breast Cancer Predoctoral Award. Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP), Washington, D.C.
Siolas, Despina. - This paper was announced to be a "ISI fast breaking paper" Please see link for more details.
Yeku, Oladapo O. - (2004-2005) - Belle Zeller Scholar
Yeku, O. - Department of Defense ScholarYeku, O. - Jonas E. Salk Fellow
Zanazzi, George - Stony Brook University School of Medicine Dean's list
Fellowship Awards:
Bien, Harold H. (2004-2007) - NIH NRSA - NIEHS Predoctoral FellowshipSiolas, Despina C. - U.S. Dept. of Defense Predoctoral Breast Cancer Fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Bien, Harold H. - Travel Award for International Meeting on Oscillations and Waves in Cells and Cell Networks
Gambhir, Alok - President's Award to Distinguished Doctoral Student
Grace, Kristen S. - Society for Male Reproduction and Urology and the American Society of Reproductive Med. Traveling Scholar Award
Kontorovich, Amy R. (2004-2005) - Student Employee of the Year, Honorable Mention
McVoy, Lauren A. - Chrysalis Award to outstanding M.D./Ph.D. students interested in a career in Allergy and Applied Immunology
Mittra, Erik S. - Sigma Xi Travel AwardMittra, E. - Graduate Council Commendation to Distinguished Graduate Student
Mittra, E. - Sigma Xi Award for Excellence in Reseach
Roohi, Jasmin - Cody Center Fellowship
Teressa, Getu - American Academy of Sciences, member
Siolas, Despina C. - American Medical Association (AMA) Leadership Award
Fellowship Awards:
Hsieh, Helen (2003-) NIH NRSA, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke "mechanisms of abeta synaptic depression" FellowshipLaLonde, Mary M. - NIH NINDS Predoctoral FellowshipOcampo, Christopher J. (2003-2006) - Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA: Minority Predoctoral Fellowship. NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Szema, Robert S. - NCIIA Advanced E-Team GrantWeston, Christi A. - Institute of Cellular & Developmental Biology Predoctoral Fellowship, Stony Brook University
Awards and Honors:
Grace, Kristen S. - American Society of Andrology Testes Workshop Travel AwardKamenetz, Flavio R. - Thesis published as featured article, Neuron, March 13th, 2003Mittra, Erik S. - 1st Place Poster at 29th Annual IEEE Northeast BioengineeringConferenceMittra, Erik S. - Coulter Foundation Travel AwardMittra, E. - Sigma Xi Travel AwardMittra, E. - Paleoanthropology Society Travel AwardMittra, E. - IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Travel AwardPremsrirut, Prem - CSCR Trainee Travel AwardWeston, Christi A. - Van der Kloot Award for Excellence in Research Yeku, Oladapo O. - Minority Inc. National Role Model
Fellowship Awards:
Archer, Herbert M. (2002-2004) - Department of Defense - Breast Cancer Research Program, Predoctoral Training Grant AwardeeBien, Harold H. - Seed Grant; American Medical Association Foundation, Chicago, ILKassem, Iris S. (2002-2005) - NINDS Predoctoral MD/PhD National Research Service AwardKim, Edward J. - U.S. Army Breast Cancer Research Program Predoctoral Traineeship AwardMittra, Erik S. - National Osteoporosis Foundation Mazeness Summer FellowshipOcampo, Christopher J. (2002-2003) - Molecular and Cell Biology in Infectious Diseases Fellowship, Stony Brook University: Department of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology
Awards and Honors:
Bien, Harold H. - Travel Award; Sigma Xi, Research Triangle Park, NCBien, H. - Student Paper Competition; Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Piscataway, NJGrace, Kristen S. - Gordon Conference on Mammalian Gametogenesis & Embryogenesis Trainee Travel AwardManganas, Louis N. - Sigma Xi Excellence in Research AwardMittra, Erik S. - Coulter Foundation Travel AwardOcampo, Christopher J. - Van der Kloot Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Graduate Program in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
Awards and Honors:
Archer, Herbert M. - Scholar in Training Award - 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research
Manganas, Louis N. - Excellence in Graduate Research Award; Institute for Cellular and Developmental Biology, Stony Brook University
Weston, Christi A. - American Society for Cell Biology Research Travel Award
Weston, C. - Second Place, Poster Session for the Van der Kloot Symposium on The Molecular Basis of Disease. Department of Physiology and Biophysics. Stony Brook Univ.
Weston, C. - First Place, Snapshot Contest. Department of Pharmacological Sciences. Stony Brook University
Awards and Honors:
DeLucia-Deranja, Evan O. - Van der Kloot Award for Excellence in Teaching
Levine, Robert L. - Van der Kloot Award for Excellence in Research Manganas, Louis N. - Sigma Xi Travel Award recipient
Ocampo, Christopher J. - Van der Kloot Award for ExcellenceSeandel, Marco - Travel Award. Society for In vitro Biology
Seandel, M. - Honor B. Fellow Award. Society for In vitro Biology
Fellowship Awards:
Manganas, Louis N. - Predoctoral Fellowship from The Institute of Cell and Developmental Biology, Stony Brook University
Vankatesan, Charu - Individual Predoctoral NRSA for M.D./Ph.D. Fellowship, NIMH
Awards and Honors:
Bell III, James - Van der Kloot Award for Excellence in TeachingKim, Edward J. - National Dean's ListManganas, Louis N. - American Physiological Society Travel Award for the Biology of Potassium Channels: From Molecules to Disease ConferenceManganas, L. - First Place Graduate Student Presentation Award; American Physiological Society Conference
Fellowship Awards:
Levine, Robert L. (1998-2000) - Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturer's of America (PhRMA) Predoctoral Fellowship in Pharmacology
Indyk, Justin A. - NIH Minority Supplement Grant. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Vankatesan, Charu (1998-2002) - Individual NRSA for M.D./Ph.D. students. National Institute of Mental Health
Vankatesan, C. - NIH Predoctoral Training Grant in Neurobiology & Behavior Bethesda, MD
Awards and Honors:
Kamenetz, Flavio R. - Inductee, Pathology Honor SocietyLevine, Robert L. - Van der Kloot Award for Excellence in Teaching
Fellowship Awards:
Dougherty, Douglas A. - Student Fellowship Award, Education and Research Foundation of the Society of Nuclear Medicine. The Society of Nuclear Medicine, Chicago, IL
Awards and Honors:
Alexander, Daniela S. - President's Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation -Honorable mention
Asch, William S. - Excellence in Graduate Research Award
Dougherty, Douglas A. - Student Fellowship Award, Education and Research Foundation, Society of Nuclear Medicine
Fellowship Awards:
Dranovsky, Alexander (1996-1997) - Research Fellowship. Long Island Alzheimer Foundation, Garden City, NY
Awards and Honors:
Alexander, Daniela S. - The Aaron Janoff Award for Excellence in Experimental Pathology
Dranovsky, Alexander - Glenn Foundation Scholar. American Federation for Aging Research, New York, NY
Dranovsky, A. - Travel Award. International Conference on Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders, Osaka, Japan
Mittra, Erik S. - McCowen Prize for most outstanding graduating senior in anthropology
Rogove, Andrew D. - Scholarship for Research in the Biology of Aging. Glenn Foundation / American Federation for Aging Research
Fellowship Awards:
Lieberfarb, Marshal E. (1995-1996) - Hoffman-LaRoche Predoctoral Fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Alexander, Daniela S. - Sigma Xi Travel Award and Sigma Xi Excellence in Research Award
Janardhan, Ajit H. (1995-1997) - Biomedical Engineering Honor Society (AEMB)
Kutok, Jeffery L. - Marvin Kuschner Award for Outstanding Graduating Medical School Senior, Stony Brook University
Kutok, J. - Merck Book Award for Excellence in Medical Training, Stony Brook Univ.
Fellowship Awards:
Lieberfarb, Marshal E. (1994-1995) - Hoffman-LaRoche Predoctoral Fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Kutok, Jeffery L. - Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society, Stony Brook University
Fellowship Awards:
Lieberfarb, Marshal E. (1993-1994) - Hoffman-LaRoche Predoctoral Fellowship
Awards and Honors:
Kutok, Jeffery L. - Aaron Janoff Award for Excellence in Experimental Pathology,Stony Brook University
Kutok, J. - International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis Young Investigator Award
Awards and Honors:
Heidelberger, Ruth - Sigma Xi Award for Excellence in Research
Awards and Honors:
Parsons, Ramon E. - Irving Abrahams Memorial Award for Outstanding Graduate Student
Awards and Honors:
Sanacora, Gerard - Sigma XI, Scientific Research Society
Awards and Honors:
Kutok, Jeffery L. - Summa Cum Laude, Stony Brook University
Kutok, J. - Ward Melville Valedictorian Award, Stony Brook University
Kutok, J. - Sigma Xi Excellence in Research Award, Stony Brook University
Kutok, J. - Raymond F. Jones Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement in Biological Sciences, Stony Brook University
Kutok, J. - Academic Excellence Award in Biological Sciences, Stony Brook University
Kutok, J. - Daniel Cohen Memorial Research Scholarship, Stony Brook University
Fellowship Awards:
Heidelberger, Ruth (1986-1991) - NIMH Predoctoral Training Grant Fellowship
Awards and Honors: Bunz, Fred - Phi Beta Kappa, Stony Brook University
Awards and Honors:
Heidelberger, Ruth - Summa Cum Laude with Departmental Honors in Chemistry