Danielle J. Fassler

FasslerDanielle J. Fassler                                                       


B.S. Tulane University, 2012

Ph.D. Stony Brook University, 2022

Current Position:

11th Year MSTP

3rd Year Medical Student


Joel Saltz

Graduate Program:

Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology


My current work focuses on using digital pathology image analysis tools to map out the immune landscape in patient tumor tissue with the goal of understanding how the spatial relationship between immune and tumor regions relates to patient survival and treatment response.

Recent Awards:

2018 Best Poster Award, Pharmacology Annual Fall Symposium, Stony Brook University

(MSTP-supported publications preceded by an *)

Fassler D*, Abousamra S*, Gupta R, Chen C, Zhao M, Paredes D, Batool SA, Knudsen B, Escobar-Hoyos L, Shroyer KR, Samaras D, Kurc T, and Saltz J. Deep learning-based image analysis methods for brightfield-acquired multiplex immunohistochemistry images. Diagn Pathol. – accepted July 2020

*Le H, Gupta R, Hou L, Abousamra S, Fassler D, Torre-Healy L, Moffitt RA, Kurc T, Samaras D, Batiste R, Zhao T, Rao A, Van Dyke AL, Sharma A, Bremer E, Almeida JS, Saltz J. Utilizing Automated Breast Cancer Detection to Identify Spatial Distributions of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Invasive Breast Cancer. Am J Pathol. 2020.

*Abousamra S, Fassler D, Hou L, Zhang Y, Gupta R, Kurc T, Escobar-Hoyos LF, Samaras D, Knudson B, Shroyer K, Saltz J, Chen C. Weakly-supervised deep stain decomposition for multiplex IHC images. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2020.

Sammarco MC, Simkin J, Cammack AJ, Fassler D, Gossmann A, Marrero L, Lacey M, Van Meter K, Muneoka K. Hyperbaric Oxygen Promotes Proximal Bone Regeneration and Organized Collagen Composition during Digit Regeneration. PLoS One. Oct 2015

Sammarco MC*, Simkin J*, Fassler D, Cammack AJ, Wilson A, Van Meter K, Muneoka K. Endogenous Bone Regeneration is Dependent Upon a Dynamic Oxygen Event. J Bone Miner Res. Nov 2014