Kathryn Hill

HillKathryn Hill


B.A. Boston University (2016)

Current Position:

7th Year MSTP

4th Year Medical Student


Ramin Parsey, MD-PhD, Dept. of Psychiatry

Graduate Program:


Research Interest:

In general, I am interested in using neuroimaging to determine more accurate diagnostic and more effective treatment methods for neurodegenerative and psychiatric conditions with an emphasis on Alzheimer’s disease and Major Depressive Disorder. My previous research has focused on elucidating biomarkers for psychosis risk among offspring of those with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder.

My thesis work centered on the use of PET neuroimaging to relate biology to behavior, specifically, evaluating early neurodegeneration within cholinergic neuronal populations in relation to cognitive decline, and the relationship between mu opioid receptor dynamics and factors that contribute to Major Depressive Disorder development.


Bartlett EA, Yttredahl AA, Boldrini M, Tyrer AE, Hill KR, Ananth MR, Milak MS, Oquendo MA, Mann JJ, DeLorenzo C, Parsey RV. European Psychiatry. In vivo serotonin 1A receptor hippocampal binding potential in depression and reported childhood adversity. 2023, 66(1):1-9

Narayan GA, Hill KR, Wengler K, He X, Wang J, Yang J, Parsey RV, DeLorenzo C. Molecular Psychiatry. Does the change in glutamate to GABA ratio correlate with change in depression severity? A randomized, double-blind clinical trial. 2022, 27(9):3833-3841

Hill KR, Hsu DT, Taylor SF, Ogden RT, Parsey RV, DeLorenzo C. Mu Opioid Receptor Dynamics in Healthy Volunteers with a History of Childhood Maltreatment. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, June 2022. doi: 10.1007/s40653-022-00463-4 
Hill KR, Hsu DT, Taylor SF, Ogden RT, DeLorenzo C, Parsey RV. Rejection sensitivity and mu opioid receptor dynamics associated with mood alterations in response to social feedback. Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging. 2022 Jun 6;324:111505. doi:10.1016/j.pscychresns.2022.111505. 
Hill KR, Gardus JD, Bartlett AE, Perlman G, Parsey RV, DeLorenzo C. Measuring brain glucose metabolism in order to predict response to antidepressant or placebo: A randomized clinical trial, NeuroImage: Clinical, Volume 32, 2021,102858, ISSN 2213-1582, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102858  

Pillai RLI, Butchart L, Hill K, Lazarus Z, Patel R, Yan L, Kenyon L, Post S. You’re Not Alone: Sharing of Anonymous Narratives to Destigmatize Mental Illness in Medical Students and Faculty. Academic Psychiatry. 2020; 223-226. doi: 10.1007/s40596-019-01145-4.

Hill K, Bolo N, Sarvode Mothi S, Lizano P, Guimond S, Tandon N, Molokotos E, Keshavan M. Subcortical Surface Shape in Youth at Familial High Risk for Schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 2017; 267, 36-44. doi: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2017.07.002.

Zhang K, Hill K, Labak S, Blatt GJ, Soghomonian JJ. Loss of glutamic acid decarboxylase (Gad67) in Gpr88-expressing neurons induces learning and social behavior deficits in mice. Neuroscience. 2014; 275:238-47.