Camelia Zheng
B.S. Brandeis University (2016)
M.S. Brandeis University (2016)
Current Position:
6th Year MSTP
4th Year Graduate Student
Alfredo Fontanini, MD, PhD, Neurobiology & Behavior
Graduate Program:
Research Interest:
I am interested in the mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, especially the molecular and circuitry changes that appear before the onset of symptoms, and how they could guide the design of diagnostic tests and prevention methods. My varied research experiences have allowed me to explore molecular mechanisms of kinases and drug design based on high-affinity binding proteins. I also worked on mechanistic studies on genes related to Alzheimer’s disease.
Hadzipasic A, Wilson C, Nguyen V, Kern N, Kim C, Pitsawong W, Villali J, Zheng Y, Kern D. Ancient origins of allosteric activation in a Ser-Thr kinase. Science. 2020 Feb 21;367(6480):912-7.
Zorba A, Nguyen V, Koide A, Hoemberger M, Zheng Y, Kutter S, Kim C, Koide S, Kern D. Allosteric modulation of a human protein kinase with monobodies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2019 Jun 25:201906024.
Suh J, Romano DM, Nitschke L, Herrick SP, DiMarzio BA, Dzhala V, Bae JS, Oram MK, Zheng Y, Hooli B, Mullin K, Wasco W, Schmahmann JD, Albers MW, Zoghbi HY, Tanzi RE. Loss of Ataxin-1 Potentiates Alzheimer’s Pathogenesis by Elevating Cerebral BACE1 Transcription, Cell, Volume 178, Issue 5, 2019, Pages 1159-1175.e17, ISSN 0092-8674,