For Physicians

Stony Brook HomeAttending Physician Responsibilities


  • Provide quality, compassionate care in a timely manner
  • Precept medical students
  • Cosign notes and modify history, physical, assessment and plan as necessary
  • Write prescriptions
  • Recommend referrals if necessary
  • Prescribe labs using SB HOME’s lab order form if necessary

Prior to Clinic Session:

  1. Please confirm your username and password for Practice Fusion (our EMR) works.
  2. In order to electronically prescribe (which is now a requirement of NYS), your license information must be updated in Practice Fusion and go through their verification process. This process takes at least 7 days, so please send us this information as soon as possible.

What to Bring to Clinic Session:

  • Stethoscope
  • White coat

Ideally, we aim to have three physicians booked per clinic session, one in each of three time slots: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM, 12PM-3:00 PM and 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM.

We use Zwanger Pesiri’s “Give Back Sundays” program to acquire any necessary imaging for patients (

Teaching is highly encouraged, but we also ask that time be managed appropriately so that you are seeing approximately 4 patients per hour. Clinic managers may kindly remind you of this if there is a back-up of patients waiting to be seen.

We have a Social Work intern who sees every patient after you have seen them.