Attention students who have earned a DPD Verification Statement and who are eligible for a dietetic internship...
Along with the MS degree program, Stony Brook University's Department of Family, Population & Preventive Medicine also offers an ACEND-accredited dietetic internship program for those pursuing the Registered Dietitian credential. You can start the MS first or apply to enroll in both the DI and MS at the same time.
If you start our MS first and you are DI-eligible (have a DPD Verification Statement and an undergraduate GPA > 3.2 or better), you are guaranteed an interview for our Stony Brook Dietetic Internship after completing 6 graduate credits. Just contact our Program Administrator, Sharon Schmidt, to request to be interviewed.
For more details on our dietetic internship, please visit the program website.
Stony Brook offers a coordinated MS/DI. Students will have the option to select the Generalist track or a concentration: ANT (Advanced Nutrition Therapy & Critical Care) or INT (Integrative Nutrition Therapy).
Interns will complete the Dietetic Internship program in 1st Fall and 1st Spring and will continue with MS courses through the second summer.
Coordinated MS Nutrition/DI