Grants, Fellowships, and Awards
Chabra, Inderjit (2005). Distinguished Service Award. Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Graduate Program, Stony Brook University. Stony Brook, NY.
Connolly, Sean (2006). Annual Dissertation Award for the Agricultural, Biological and Health Sciences. Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools.
Gladue, Doug (2005). Distinguished Service Award. Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Graduate Program, Stony Brook University. Stony Brook, NY.
Lucs, Alexandra (2003-2006). DoD Breast Cancer Research Program Predoctoral Traineeship Award. US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command. Fort Detrick, MD.
Medina, Gisselle (2005). W. Burghardt Turner Fellowship Award. Stony Brook University. Stony Book, NY.
Medina, Gisselle (2006). Chapter Sigma Xi Fraternity Research Travel Award. State University of New York. Stony Brook, NY.
Rutigliano, Robert (2005). Outstanding Poster Award, Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Retreat. Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
Jointly Authored Publications/Research Reports/Reviews
De Jesus, N., Franco, D., Paul, A., Wimmer E., Cello J. (2005) Mutation of a single conserved nucleotide between the cloverleaf and internal ribosome entry site attenuates poliovirus neurovirulence. Journal of Virology (79): 14235-14243.
Grabenstein, J.P., Fukuto, H.S., Palmer, L.E., and Bliska, J.B. (2006) Characterization of phagosome trafficking and identification of PhoP-regulated genes important for survival of Yersinia pestis in macrophages. Infection and Immunity (74): 3727-3741.
Medina, G., Zhang, Y., Yang, Y., Gottwein, E., Vana, M.L., Bouamr, F., Leis, J., and Carter, C.A. (2005) The functionally exchangeable L domains in RSV and HIV-1 Gag direct particle release through pathways linked by Tsg101. Traffic (6): 880-894.
Oliva, A., Rosebrock, A., Ferrezuelo, F., Pyne, S., Chen, H., Skiena, S., Futcher, B., Leatherwood, J. (2005) The cell cycle-regulated genes of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. PloS Biology (3): e225.
Ostapchuk, P., Anderson, M., Chandrasekhar, S., Hearing, P. (2006) The L4 22 kDa protein plays a role in packaging of the adenovirus genome. Journal of Virology (80): 6973-6981.
Pavlov, V.A., Ochani, M., Gallowitsch-Puerta, M., Ochani, K., Huston, J.M., Czura, C.J., Al-Abed, Y., Tracey, K.J. (2006) Central muscarinic cholinergic regulation of the systemic inflammatory response during endotoxemia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U.S.A. (103): 5219-23.
Pujol C., Grabenstein J.P, Perry R.D, Bliska, J.B. (2005) Replication of Yersinia pestis in interferon gamma-activated macrophages requires ripA, a gene encoded in the pigmentation locus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U S A Vol. (102): 12909-12914.
Shu Kin So, S., Thanassi, D.G. (2006) Analysis of the requirements for pilus biogenesis at the outer membrane usher and the function of the usher C-terminus. Molecular Microbiology (60): 364-375.
Yang, H., Wang, H., Czura, C.J., Tracey, K.J. (2005) The cytokine activity of HMGB1. Journal of Leukocyte Biology (78): 1-8.
Conferences/Colloquiums, Presentations, Symposiums, Workshops
Czura, C.J. (2006) The Inflammatory Reflex. 26th Annual International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. Brussels, Belgium.
Czura, C.J. (2006) Neural Regulation of Inflammation. Roundtable Conference: Mechanisms of Sepsis-induced Organ Dysfunction and Recovery. Brussels, Belgium.
Czura, C.J., Schultz, A., Huston, J.M., Kaipel, M., Khadem, A., Ochani, M., Ochani, K., Redl, H., and Tracey, K.J. (2005) Vagus nerve stimulation attenuates peripheral hemorrhage in rodents and swine. Advanced Technology Applications for Combat Casualty Care 2005 Conference. St. Pete Beach, FL.
Czura, C.J., Schultz, A., Huston, J.M., Kaipel, M., Khadem, A., Ochani, M., Ochani, K., Redl, H., and Tracey, K.J. (2006) Vagus nerve stimulation attenuates hemorrhage in rodents and swine. Experimental Biology. San Francisco, CA.
Lucs, A. and Muthuswamy, S. (2005) Structure/Function Study of ErbB2. Era of Hope Department of Defense Breast Cancer Program Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
Lucs, A. and Muthuswamy, S. (2005) Structure/Function Analysis of ErbB2’s Ability to Disrupt Epithelial Apical-Basal Cell Polarity American Society of Cell Biology Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Medina, G., Kanungol, M., Zhang, Y., Ehrlich, L.S., Lee, S., Tang, Y., Wong, S.S., Leis,
J., and Carter, C.A. (2006) NEDD4 functions as an adaptor linking RSV Gag to Tsg101-
regulated budding machinery. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting on Retroviruses.
Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
Post-doctorates Obtained and Professional Appointments
Grabenstein, Jens. (2005) Postdoctoral Fellow. Department of Medicine, New York University, New York City, NY.
Ryndak, Michelle. (2005) Postdoctoral Fellow. TB Center, Public Health Research Institute, Newark, NJ.