New Course Offerings: Population Health and Clinical Outcomes Research

HPD 650 “Seminar Series: Clinical Applications of Molecular Medicine”

Course Directors:
Kanokporn “Noy” Rithidech, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Research, Department of Pathology
Kenneth R. Shroyer, Ph.D., M.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Pathology

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 11:00 am – noon
Starting Monday, April 5th through Friday, May 7th, 2010

BST – 9th floor, class room #145 (Department of Pathology)

Course Description: This introductory 1-credit course provides a broad-based overview of the clinical applications
of molecular medicine, with a focus on cutting edge technologies related to the current and future clinical
applications to improve early detection, to enhance diagnostic testing, to monitor treatments, and to counsel
patients on their prognosis. As applied to clinical patient care questions, the specific molecular medicine topics
discussed will include: DNA, RNA, proteomics, and chromosome assays. Pending the specific lecturers and
topics coordinated, students will be introduced to a broad range of biomarkers for disease such as cancer,
pulmonary/heart diseases, autism, and immune-related disease challenges. An emphasis will be placed in this
course is placed on learning how molecular markers can be applied in a clinical setting to augment the patient
and provider decision-making process.

Guest Lecturers: Drs. Silvia Spitzer, Eli Hatchwell, John Dunn, Jingfang Ju, Fred Miller, Richard Kew, Sandy
Simon, Ute Moll, Jay Bock, Meenakshi Singh, Toni Koller, Dwight Martin, Robert Rieger, and Ann Leslie Berger-

Target Audience: Graduate students, residents, fellows, and junior faculty members

Course Readings: On the Blackboard course management system, there will be 15 to 30 publications that will
be provided to registered course participants.

Participant Registration: For further information, please contact Jamie Romeiser at or x 4-3725 to register for this 1 credit course. Non-matriculated registration
paperwork must be received by Friday, January 8th before noon. Maximum enrollment is 25 participants, but
at least 10 registered participants will be required.

Stony Brook University Medical Center - PhD Program in Population Health and Clinical Outcomes Research