Faculty Publications


Faculty Publications from 2005

Asher Baer, MD

  1. Breuer GS, Baer A, Dahan D, Nesher G. Lupus-associated pancreatitis. Autoimmun Rev.  2006;5(5):314-8.
  2. Nesher G, Breuer GS, Temprano K, Moore TL, Dahan D, Baer A, Alberton J, Izbicki G, Hersch M. Lupus-associated pancreatitis.  Semin Arthritis Rheum.  2006;35(4):260-7.


Sabine Brouxhon, MD

1.       Lim WH, Toothman J, Miller JH, Tallents RH, Brouxhon SM, Olschowka MD, Krykanides S.  IL-1beta inhibits TGFbeta in the temporomandibular joint. J Dent Res.  2009;88(6):557-62. 2.       Kyrkanides S, Yang M, Tallents RH, Miller JN, Brouxhon SM, Olschowka JA.  The trigeminal retrograde transfer pathway in the treatment of neurodegeneration. J Neuroimmunol.  2009;209(1-2):139-42.

  1. Fiorentino RM, Tallents RH, Miller JN, Brouxhon SM, O’Banion MK, Puzas JE, Kyrkanides S.  Spinal interleukin-1 beta in a mouse model of arthritis and joint pain. Arthritis Rheum.  2008;58(10):3100-9.
  2. Kyrkanides S, Miller AW, Miller JN, Tallents RH, Brouxhon SM, Olschowka ME, O’Banion MK, Olschowka JA.  Peripheral blood mononuclear cell infiltration and neuroinflammation in the HexB-/- mouse model of neurodegeneration. J Neuroimmunol.  2008;203(1):50-7.
  3. Erdle BJ, Brouxhon S, Kaplan M, Vanbuskirk J, Pentland AP.  Effects of continuous-wave (670-nm) red light on wound healing. Dermatol Surg.  2008;34(3):320-5.
  4. Brouxhon S, Kyrkanides S, O’Banion MK, Johnson R, Pearce DA, Centola GM, Miller JN, McGrath KH, Erdle B, Scott G, Schneider S, VanBuskirk J, Pentland AP.  Sequential down-regulation of E-cadherin with squamous cell carcinoma progression: loss of E-cadherin via a prostaglandin E2-EP2 dependent posttranslational mechanism. Cancer Res.  2007;67(16):7654-64.
  5. Kyrkanides S, Miller JN, Tallents RH, Brouxhon SM, Centola GM, Olschowka JA. Intraperitoneal inoculation of Sandhoff mouse neonates with an HIV-1 based lentiviral vector exacerbates the attendant neuroinflammation and disease phenotype. J Neuroimmunol.  2007;188(1-2):39-47.
  6. Brouxhon S, Konger RL, VanBuskirk J, Sheu TJ, Ryan J, Erdle B, Almudevar A, Breyer RM, Scott G, Pentland AP.  Deletion of prostaglandin E2 EP2 receptor protects against ultraviolet-induced carcinogenesis, but increases tumor aggressiveness.  J Invest Dermatol.  2007;127(2):439-46.
  7. Konger RL, Brouxhon S, Partillo S, VanBuskirk J, Pentland AP. The EP3 receptor stimulates ceramide and diacylglycerol release and inhibits growth of primary keratinocytes.  Exp Dermatol.  2005;14(12):914-22.
  8. Kyrkanides S, Miller JH, Brouxhon SM, Olschowka JA, Federoff JJ.  beta-hexosaminidase lentiviral vectors: transfer into the CNS via systemic administration.  Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 2005;133(2):286-98.


Christopher Carleo, MD

  1. Carleo C, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr.  Effect of frequent water immersion on the rate of tissue adhesive sloughing:  a randomized study.  Can J Emerg Med. 2005;7(6):391-5.

Stuart Chale, MD

  1. Fischer, T, Singer AJ, Chale, S.  Observation for acute otitis media in the emergency department.  Pediatr Emerg Care.  2009;25(9):575-8.
  2. Chale S, Singer AJ, Marchini S, McBride MJ, Kennedy D.  Digital versus local anesthesia for finger lacerations: a randomized clinical trial.  Acad Emerg Med.  2006;13(10):1046-50.
  3. Singer AJ, Gulla J, Hein M, Marchini C, Chale S, Arora B.  Single versus double-layer closure of facial lacerations: a randomized control trial.  Plast Reconstr Surg.  2005;116(2):363-8.

Kerry Cronin, MD

  1. Singer AJ, Blanda M, Cronin K, LoGiudice-Khwaja M, Gulla J, Bradshaw J.  Comparison of nasal tampons for the treatment of epistaxis in the Emegency Department: a randomized control trial.  Ann Emerg Med.  2005;45(2):134-9.


Thomas F. Fischer, MD

  1. Fischer T, Singer AJ, Chale, S.  Observation option for acute otitis media in the emergency department.  Pediatr Emerg Care.  2009;25(9):575-8.
  2. Fischer TF, Singer AJ, Lee CC, Thode HC Jr.  National trends in Emergency Department antibiotic prescribing for children with acute otitis media, 1996-2005.  Acad Emerg Med.  2007;14:1172-1175.
  3. Fischer T, Singer AJ, Gulla J, Garra G, Rosenfeld R.  Reaction toward a new treatment paradigm for acute otitis media.  Ped Emerg Care. 2005 Mar;21(3):170-2.


Gregory Garra, DO

  1. Garra G, Singer AJ, Leno R, Taira BR, Gupta N, Mathaikutty B, Thode HC Jr.  Heat or cold packs for neck and back strain:  A randomized controlled trial of efficacy.  Acad Emerg Med  2010;17:484-489.
  2. Garra G, Singer AJ, Taira BR, Chohan JK, Cardoz H, Chisena E, Thode HC Jr.  Validation of the Wong Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale in Pediatric ED Patients.  Acad Emerg Med  2010;17:50-54.
  3. Garra G, Albino H, Chapman H, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr.  The impact of communication barriers on diagnostic confidence and ancillary testing in the emergency department.  J Emerg Med. 2009 Mar 12.  [Epub ahead of print]; in press.
  4. Garra G, Singer AJ, Bamber D, Chohan J, Troxell R, Thode HC Jr. Pretreatment of patients requiring oral contrast abdominal computed tomography with antiemetics: a randomized controlled trial of efficacy.  Ann Emerg Med.  2009;53(4):528-33.
  5. Singer AJ, Garra G, Chohan JK, Dalmedo C, Thode HC Jr.  Triage pain scores and the desire for and use of analgesics.  Ann Emerg Med. 2008;52(6):689-95.
  6. Garra G, Cunningham SJ, Crain EF.  Reappraisal of criteria used to predict serious bacterial illness in febrile infants less than 8 weeks of age.  Acad Emerg Med.  2005;12(10):921-5.
  7. Fischer T, Singer AJ, Gulla JM, Garra G, Rosenfeld R.  Reaction toward a new treatment paradigm for acute otitis media.  Ped Emerg Care  2005;21:170-172.



Mark C. Henry, MD

  1. Lee CC, Im M, Stapleton ER, Kim TM, Singer AJ, Henry MC.  Comparison of traditional ACLS course instruction vs Scenario-based Performance Oriented Team Instruction (SPOTI) method to Korean paramedic students.  J Emerg Med  [Epub, 8/22/08] 2010; in press.
  2. Choi HJ, Lee CC, Lim TH, Kang BS, Singer AJ, Henry MC.  Effectiveness of mouth-to-mouth ventilation after video self-instruction training in laypersons.  Am J Emerg Med  2010;28:654-657.
  3. Schiller J, McCormack, JE, Tarsia, V, Shapiro MJ, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Henry, MC.  The effect of adding a second helicopter on trauma-related mortality in a county-based trauma system. Prehosp Emerg Care.  2009;13(4):437-43.
  4. Sasser SM, Hunt RC, Sullivent EE, Wald MM, Mitchko J, Jurkovich GJ, Henry MC, Salomone JP, Wang SC, Galli RL, Cooper A, Brown LH, Sattin RW.  Guidelines for field triage of injured patients. Recommendations of the National Expert Panel on field triage.  JEMS.  2009;34(7):Supplement 1-35.
  5. Viccellio A, Santora C, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Henry MC.  The association between transfer of emergency department boarders to inpatient hallways and mortality: a 4-year experience.  Ann Emerg Med.  2009;54(4):487-91.
  6. Sasser SM, Hunt RC, Sullivent EE, Wald MM, Mitchko J, Jurkovich GJ, Henry MC, Salomone JP, Wang SC, Galli RL, Cooper A, Brown LH, Sattin RW; National Expert Panel on Field Triage, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Guidelines for field triage of injured patients. Recommendations of the National Expert Panel on Field Triage.  MMWR Recomm Rep.  2009 Feb 27;58(7):172.
  7. Lee CC, Im M, Kim TM, Stapleton ER, Kim K, Suh GJ, Singer AJ, Henry, MC.  Comparison of Traditional Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Course Instruction vs. a Scenario-based, Performance Oriented Team Instruction (SPOTI) Method for Korean Paramedic Students.  J Emerg Med. 2008 Aug 22. [Epub ahead of print]
  8. Singer AJ, Viccellio P, Thode HC Jr, Bock JL, Henry MC.  Introduction of a stat laboratory reduces emergency department length of stay. Acad Emerg Med.  2008;15(4):324-8.
  9. Singer AJ, Shembekar A, Visram F, Schiller J, Russo V, Lawson W, Gomes CA, Santora C, Maliszewski M, Wilbert L, Dowdy E, Viccellio P, Henry MC.  Emergency department activation of an interventional cardiology team reduces door-to-balloon times in ST-segment-elevation.  Ann Emerg Med. 2007;50(5):538-44.
  10. Specht J, Singer AJ, Henry MC.  Self-inflicted injuries in adolescents presenting to a suburban emergency department. J Forensic Nurs. 2005 Spring;1(1):20-2.
  11. Riegel B, Nafziger SD, McBurnie MA, Powell, J, Ledingham R, Sehra R, Mango L, Henry MC; PAD Trial Investigators.  How well are cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillator skills retained over time?  Results from the Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) Trial.  Acad Emerg Med. 2006;13(3):254-63.
  12. Reed DB, Birnbaum A, Brown LH,  The PAD Trail Investigators (Mark C. Henry), et al.  Location of cardiac arrests in the public access defibrillation trial.  Prehosp Emerg Care.  2006;10:61-76.
  13. Hedges JR, Sehra R, Van Zile JW, The PAD Trail Investigators (Mark C. Henry), et al.  Automated external defibrillator program does not impair cardiopulmonary resuscitation initiation in the public access defibrillation trial.  Acad Emerg Med.  2006;13:659-665.
  14. Peberdy MA, Ottingham LV, Groh WJ, The PAD Trail Investigators (Mark C. Henry), et al.  Adverse events associated with lay emergency response programs:  The public access defibrillation trial experience.  Resuscitation.  2006;70:59-65.
  15. Riegel B, Mosesso VN, Birnbaum A, The PAD Trail Investigators (Mark C. Henry), et al.  Stress reactions and perceived difficulties of lay responders to a medical emergency.  Resuscitation.  2006;70:98-106.
  16. Henry MC.  Trauma triage: New York experience.  Prehosp Emerg Care.  2006;10(3):295-302.
  17. Riegel B, Birnbaum A, Aufderheide TP, Henry MC, Thode HC Jr, Van Ottingham L, Swor R.  Predictors of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillator skill retention.  Am Heart J. 2005 Nov;150(5):927-32.
  18. Henry MC, Hannan EL.  Assessing a regional trauma system.  J Am Coll Surg.  2005;200(3):481.
  19. Henry MC.  EMS in the future.  Matching patients to their resource needs advances in technology and communication.  J Korean Am Med Assoc.  2005;11:10-11.
  20. Hannan EL, Szypulski Farrell L, Cooper A, Henry MC, Simon B, Simon R.  Physiologic Trauma Triage Criteria in Adult Trauma Patients:  Are They Effective in Saving Lives by Transporting Patients to Trauma Centers?  J Am College Surgeons.  2005;200:584-592.


Sergey Kunkov MD

1.       Kunkov S, Pinedo V, Silver E, and Crain EF.  Predicting the Need for Hospitalization in Acute Childhood Asthma using End-tidal Capnography.  Pediatric Emergency Care  2005;21:574-577.

2.       Schreiber KM, Cunningham SJ, Kunkov S, Crain EF.  The association of preprocedural anxiety and the success of procedural sedation in children Am J Emerg Med  2006;24:397-401.

3.       Chao JH, Kunkov S, Reyes LB ,Lichten S, Crain EF.  Comparison of two approaches to observation therapy for acute otitis media in the emergency department.  Pediatrics  2008 121: e1352-6.

4.       Hussain-Rizvi A, Kunkov S.  Crain EF.  Does Parental Involvement in Pediatric Emergency Department Asthma Treatment Affect Home Management?  J Asthma  2009;46:792-95.

5.       Meltzer JA, Kunkov S, Crain EF.  Identifying Children at Low Risk for Bacterial Conjunctivitis.  Arch Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine  2010;164:263-7.

6.       Kunkov S, Crain EF.  Adherence and morbidity following emergency department care among inner-city children with asthma.  J Asthma  2010;47:545-50.


Melina LoGiudice-Khwaja, MD

  1. Singer AJ, Blanda M, Cronin K, LoGiudice-Khwaja M, Gulla J, Bradshaw J.  Comparison of nasal tampons for the treatment of epistaxis in the emegency department: a randomized control trial.  Ann Emerg Med. 2005;45(2):134-9.


Christopher C Lee, MD

  1. Kim K, Kim W, Rhee JE, Jo YH, Jae, Lee H, Kim KS, Kwon WY, Suh GJ, Cho K, Lee CC, Singer AJ.  Induced hypothermia attenuates the acute lung injury in hemorrhagic shock.  J Trauma  2009; in press.
  2. Jo YH, Kim K, Rhee JE, Kim Y, Lee JH, Kang SB, Kim DW, Kim YH, Lee KH, Kim SY, Lee CC, Singer AJ.  The accuracy of emergency medicine and surgical residents in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis.  Am J Emerg Med  2009; in press.
  3. Kim K, Jo YH, Rhee JE, Kim TY, Lee JH, Lee JH, Kwon WY, Suh GJ, Lee CC, Singer AJ. Effect of speed of rewarming and administration of anti-inflammatory or antioxidant agents on acute lung injury in an intestinal ischemia model treated with therapeutic hypothermia. Resuscitation, 2009; in press.
  4. Kim K, Lee CC, Kim W, Rhee JE, Jo YH, Jae, Lee H, Kim KS, Kwon WY, Suh GJ, Cho K, Singer AJ. Predicting change of hemoglobin after transfusion in hemodynamically stable anemic patients in emergency department.  J Trauma, 2009; in press.
  5. Hyun K, Lee CC, Lee KH, Singer AJ.  Clinical Characteristics of Reexpansion pulmonary edema.  Am J of Emerg Med  2009; in press.
  6. Gupta N, Lee CC, Lim TH, Singer AJ. The presentation of 6-mercaptopurine overdose in ED. Am J Emerg Med. 2009;27(4):513.e1-2.
  7. Taira BR, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Lee CC. National epidemiology of cutaneous abscesses: 1996 to 2005. Am J Emerg Med. 2009 Mar;27(3):289-92.
  8. Lee JH, Kim K, Jo YH, Kim KS, Lee CC, Kwon WY, Rhee JE, Suh GJ, Singer AJ. Early Norepinephrine Infusion Delays Cardiac Arrest after Hemorrhagic Shock in Rats. J Emerg Med. 2008  [Epub ahead of print, Dec 19]
  9. Kim H, Hwanf SO, Lee CC, Lee KH, Kim JY, Yoo BS, Lee SH, Yoon JH, Choe KH, Singer AJ. Direction of blood flow from the left ventricle during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in humans: its implications for mechanism of blood flow. Am Heart J. 2008 Dec;156(6):1222.e1-7.
  10. Rhee JE, Kim K, Lee CC, Kang J, Skin JH, Suh G, Singer AJ. The lack of association between age and diabetes and hospitalization in women with acute pyelonephritis. J Emerg Med. 2008  [Epub ahead of print, Nov 8]
  11. Kwak MJ, Kim K, Rhee JE, Shin JH, Suh GJ, Jo YS, Youn TJ, Chung WY, Chae IH, Choi DJ, Lee CC, Singer AJ. The effect of direct communication between emergency physicians and interventional cardiologists on door to balloon times in STEMI. J Korean Med Sci. 2008;23(4):706-10.
  12. Lee CC, Im M, Kim TM, Stapleton ER, Kim K, Suh GJ, Singer AJ, Henry, MC. Comparison of Traditional Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Course Instruction vs. a Scenario-based, Performance Oriented Team Instruction (SPOTI) Method for Korean Paramedic Students. J Emerg Med. 2008 Aug  [Epub ahead of print, Aug 22]
  13. Suh GJ, Lee CC, Jo IJ, Shin SD, Lee JC, Min BG, Singer AJ. Hemoperfusion using dual pulsatile pump in paraquat poisoning. Am J Emerg Med. 2008;26(6):641-8.
  14. Kim K, Lee CC, Rhee JE, Suh GJ, Lee HJ, Kim HB, Singer AJ. The effects of an institutional care map on the admission rates and medical costs in women with acute pyelonephritis. Acad Emerg Med. 2008;15(4):319-23.
  15. Kim K, Lee CC, Song KJ, Kim W, Suh G, Singer AJ. The impact of helical computed tomography on the negative appendectomy rate: a multi-center comparison. J Emerg Med. 2008;34(1):3-6. 
  16. Singer AJ, Emerman C, Char DM, Heywood JT, Kirk JD, Hollander JE, Summers R, Lee CC, Wynne J, Kellerman L, Peacock WF.  Bronchodilator therapy in acute decompensated heat failure patients without a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  Ann Emerg Med. 2008;51(1):25-34.
  17. Hwang SO, Lee CC, Singer AJ, Kim TM. The current status of the emergency medical system in Korea. Am J Emerg Med. 2007;25(7):846-8.
  18. Aydin A, Schultz E, Lee CC, Ackerman J.  Traumatic inferior gluteal artery pseudoaneurysm: case report and review of literature. Am J Emerg Med. 2007;25(4):488.e1-3. Review.
  19. Singer AJ, Lee CC.  The effects of an institutional care map on the admission rates and medical costs in women with acute pyelonephritis.  Acad Emerg Med  2008; in press.
  20. Kim KS, Lee CC, Singer AJ.  The impact of helical CT on the negative appendectomy rate:  A multicenter comparison.  J Emerg Med  2008; in press.
  21. Chaurdrhy A, Singer AJ, Chohan J, Russo V, Lee CC.  Inter-rater reliability of hemodynamic profiling of heart failue patients in the emergency department.  Am J Emerg Med  2008; in press.
  22. Lee CC, Golub R, Singer AJ, Cantu R, Levinson H.  Routine versus selective abdominal computed tomography scan in the evaluation of right lower quadrant pain:  a randomized controlled trial.  Acad Emerg Med. 2007 Feb;14(2):117-22.
  23. Fischer TF, Singer AJ, Lee CC, Thode HC Jr.  National trends in Emergency Department antibiotic prescribing for children with acute otitis media, 1996-2005.  Acad Emerg Med.  2007;14:1172-1175.
  24. Lee CC, Singer AJ.  Respiratory failure due to subglottic stenosis from relapsing polychondritis.  Am J Emerg Med. 2006 Oct;24(6):750-2.
  25. Lee CC, Im M, Suh GJ.  Time for a change: the state of emergency medical services in South Korea.  Yonsei Med J. 2006 Aug 31;47(4):587-8.
  26. Lee CC.  Evaluation and Management of Trauma during pregnancy.  J Korean Am Med Assoc (JKAMA) 2005;11:83-91.
  27. Lee CC.  Case series of paraquat poisoning.  J Korean Am Med Assoc  2005;11:107-111.

28.   Yang S, Lee CC.  Hydrogen peroxide causes FAK and c-Src dephosphrylation, dissociation and actin deplymerization in rat pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells.  [Original contribution]  Proc West Pharmaco  2006;in press.

29.   Goblub R, Lee CC.  Selective vs Mandatory CAT scan for diagnosing acute appendicitis.  [Original Contribution]  Arch Surgery  2006; in press.

  1. Lee CC.  Case series of paraquat poisoning.  [Case report]  J Korean Am Med Assoc  2005;.

31.   Lee CC.  Trauma during Pregnancy.  A Review Ariticle.  J Korean Am Med Assoc (The Journal of KAMA).  2005.


Theodore Packy, MD

  1. Arya R, Hansen A, Taira BR, Packy T, Singer AJ.  A comparison of the palatability of flavored oral contrasts.  Am J Emerg Med.  2009;27(7):847-50.


Frederick Schiavone, MD

  1. Schiavone F.  Necrotizing fasciitis, Emergency Potpourri, Audio-Digest, Emerg Med, Volume 22, Issue 12, June 21, 2005


Adam J Singer, MD

2.            Singer AJ, Taira BR, Anderson R, McClain SA, Rosenberg L.  Reepithelialization of mid-dermal porcine burns after rapid enzymatic debridement with Debrase.  J Burn Care & Res  2011; in press.

3.             Singer AJ, Hirth D, McClain SA, Crawford L, Lin F, Clark RA.  Validation of a vertical progression porcine burn model.  J Burn Care & Res  2011; in press.

4.             Singer AJ, Wang E, Taira BR, Steinhauff N, Rooney J, Zimmerman T.  Controlled mild hypothermia prolongs survival in a rat model of large scald burns.  Acad Emerg Med  2010; in press.

5.             Taira BR, Cassara G, Meng H, Salama MN, Chohan J, Sandoval S, Singer AJ.  Predictors of sustaining burn injury:  Does the use of common prevention strategies matter?  J Burn Care & Res  2010; in press.

6.             Singer AJ.  Curcumin reduces injury progression in a rat comb burn model.  J Burn Care & Res  [Epub ahead of print, Nov 17 PMID 21088615] 2010; in press.

7.             Gurfinkel R, Rosenberg L, Cohen S, Cohen A, Barezovsky A, Cagnano E, Singer AJ.  Histological assessment of tangentially excised burn eschars.  Can J Plast Surg  2010; in press.

8.             Markenson D, Ferguson JD, Chameides L, Cassan P, Chung KL, Epstein JL, Gonzales L, Hazinski MF, Herrington RA, Pellegrino JL, Ratcliff N, Singer AJ.  First Chapter Collaborators.  Part 13:  First Aid:  2010 American Heart Association and American Red Cross zInternational Consensus on First Aid Science with Treatment Recommendations.  Circulation  2010;122(16 Suppl 2):S582-S605.

9.             Taira T, Taira BR, Chohan J, Dickinson D, Troxell RM, Thode HC Jr, Singer AJ.  Physical fitness cannot be used to predict the likelihood of acute coronary syndromes in ED patients with chest pain.  Am J Emerg Med  [Epub ahead of print, Oct 22 PMID: 20971600] 2010; in press.

10.         Kim KS, Lee HJ, Kim K, Jo YH, Kim TY, Lee JH, Rhee JE, Suh GJ, Kim MR, Lee CC, Singer AJ.  Heart-type fatty acid binding protein as an adjunct to cardiac troponin-I for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction.  J Korean Med Sci  2010; in press.

11.         Lee CC, Im M, Stapleton ER, Kim TM, Singer AJ, Henry MC.  Comparison of traditional ACLS course instruction vs Scenario-based Performance Oriented Team Instruction (SPOTI) method to Korean paramedic students.  J Emerg Med  [Epub, 8/22/08] 2010; in press.

12.         Lee J, Kim K, Lee CC, Nam YW, Lee JH, Rhee JE, Singer AJ, Kim KS, Ro Y.  Low-dose diltiazem in atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response.  Am J Emerg Med  [Epub Apr 30 PMID: 20825912] 2010; in press.

13.         Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Chale S, Taira BR, Lee C.  Primary closure of cutaneous abscesses:  A systematic review.  Am J Emerg Med.  2010; [Epub, Mar 24, PMID: 20825801]; in press.

14.         Melendez MM, Martinez RR, Dagum AB, McClain SA, Simon M, Sobanko J, Zimmerman T, Wetterau M, Muller D, Xu X Singer AJ, Arora B.  Porcine wound healing in full-thickness skin defects using Integra with and without fibrin glue with keratinocytes.  Can J Plast Surg  2010;16: in press.

15.         Singer AJ, Perry LC, Allen RL.  In-vivo study of wound bursting strength and compliance of topical skin adhesives.  Acad Emerg Med  [Epub, 10/20/09] 2010;.in press

16.         Taira BR, Singer AJ, Rooney J, Steinhauff NT, Zimmerman T.  An in-vivo study of the wound bursting strengths of octylcyanoactylate, butyl-cyanoacrylate and surgical tape in rats.  J Emerg Med  [Epub, 1/30/09] 2010; in press.

17.         Taira BR, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Lee CC.  Burns in the emergency department:  A national perspective.  J Emerg Med  [Epub ahead of print, Aug 30] 2010; in press.

18.         Singer AJ, McClain SA, Zimmerman T, et al.  The effect of N-Acetyl cysteine on burn progression in rats.  JKAMA  2010; in press. 

19.         Singer AJ, McClain SA, Taira BR, Rooney J, Steinhauff N, Rosenberg L.  Rapid and selective enzymatic debridement of porcine comb-burns with bromelain derived Debrase®:  Acute phase preservation of non-injured tissue and zone of stasis.  J Burn Care & Res  2010;31:304-309.

20.         Garra G, Singer AJ, Leno R, Taira BR, Gupta N, Mathaikutty B, Thode HC Jr.  Heat or cold packs for neck and back strain:  A randomized controlled trial of efficacy.  Acad Emerg Med  2010;17:484-489.

21.         Garra G, Singer AJ, Taira BR, Chohan JK, Cardoz H, Chisena E, Thode HC Jr.  Validation of the Wong Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale in Pediatric ED Patients.  Acad Emerg Med  [Epub Dec 9] 2010;17:50-54.

22.         Khwaja SM, Minnerop M, Singer AJ.  Comparison of ibuprofen, cyclobenzaprine or both in patients with acute cervical strain:  A randomized controlled trial.  Can J Emerg Med  2010;12:39-44.

23.         Singer AJ, Taira BR, Anderson R, McClain SA, Rosenberg L.  Does pressure matter in creating burns in a porcine model.  J Burn Care Res  2010;31:646-651.

24.         Singer AJ, Taira BR, Anderson R, McClain SA, Rosenberg L.  The effects of rapid enzymatic debridement of deep partial thickness burns with Debrase on wound reepithelialization in swine.  J Burn Care Res  2010;31:795-802.

25.         Singer AJ, Kinariwala M, Kirov R, Thode HC Jr.  Patterns of use of topical skin adhesives (TSA) in the emergency department.  Acad Emerg Med  2010;17:670-672.

26.         Taira BR, Singer AJ, Cassara G, Salama MN, Sandoval S.  Rates of compliance with first aid recommendations in burn patients.  J Burn Care Res  2010;31:121-124.

27.         Singer AJ, Taira BR, Thode HC Jr, McCormack JE, Shapiro M, Aydin A, Lee C.  The association between hypothermia, pre-hospital cooling and mortality in burn victims.  Acad Emerg Med  2010; 17:456-459.

28.         Gurfinkel R, Singer AJ, Cagnano C, Rosenberg L.  Development of a novel animal burn model using radiant heat in rats and swine.  Acad Emerg Med  2010;17:514-520.

29.         Kim K, Kim W, Rhee JE, Jo YH, Jae, Lee H, Kim KS, Kwon WY, Suh GJ, Cho K, Lee CC, Singer AJ.  Induced hypothermia attenuates the acute lung injury in hemorrhagic shock.  J Trauma  2009; in press.

30.         Chheda N, Katz AE, Singer AJ, Gynizio L.  The pain of nasal tampon removal:  A randomized control trial.  Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg  2009;140:215-217.

31.         Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Green GB, Birkhahn R, Shapiro NI, Cairns C, Baumann BM, Aghababian R, Char D, Hollander JE.  The incremental benefit of a shortness of breath biomarker panel in emergency department patients with dyspnea.  Acad Emerg Med  2009;16:488-494.

32.         Lee JH, Kim K, Jo YH, Kim KS, Lee CC, Kwon WY, Rhee JE, Suh GJ, Singer AJ.  Early norepinephrine infusion delays cardiac arrest after hemorrhagic shock in rats.  J Emerg Med  2009;37:376-382.

33.         Singer AJ, Birkhahn RH, Guss D, Chandra A, Miller CD, Tiffany B, Levy P, Dunne R, Bastani A, Thode HC Jr, Hollander JE.  Rapid Emergency Department heart failure outpatients trial (REDHOT II):  A randomized controlled trial of the effect of serial B-type Natriuretic peptide testing on patient management.  Circ Heart Fail  2009;2:287-293.

34.         Jo YH, Kim K, Rhee JE, Kim Y, Lee JH, Kang SB, Kim DW, Kim YH, Lee KH, Kim SY, Lee CC, Singer AJ.  The accuracy of emergency medicine and surgical residents in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis.  Am J Emerg Med  2009; in press.

35.         Kim K, Jo YH, Rhee JE, Kim TY, Lee JH, Lee JH, Kwon WY, Suh GJ, Lee CC, Singer AJ. Effect of speed of rewarming and administration of anti-inflammatory or antioxidant agents on acute lung injury in an intestinal ischemia model treated with therapeutic hypothermia. Resuscitation, 2009; in press.

36.         Kim K, Lee CC, Kim W, Rhee JE, Jo YH, Jae, Lee H, Kim KS, Kwon WY, Suh GJ, Cho K, Singer AJ. Predicting change of hemoglobin after transfusion in hemodynamically stable anemic patients in emergency department.  J Trauma, 2009; in press.

37.         Hyun K, Lee CC, Lee KH, Singer AJ.  Clinical Characteristics of Reexpansion pulmonary edema.  Am J of Emerg Med  2009; in press.

38.         Fischer T, Singer AJ, Chale S.  Observation option for acute otitis media in the emergency department.  Pediatr Emerg Care.  2009;25(9):575-8.

39.         Xu X, Lau K, Taira BR, Singer AJ.  The current management of skin tears.  Am J Emerg Med.  2009;27(6):729-33.

40.         Schiller J, McCormack JE, Tarsia V, Shapiro MJ, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Henry MC.  The effect of adding a second helicopter on trauma-related mortality in a county-based trauma system.  Prehosp Emerg Care.  2009;13(4):437-43.

41.         Singer AJ, Taira BR, McClain SA, Rooney J, Steinhauff N, Zimmerman T, Clark RA.  Healing of mid-dermal burns in a diabetic porcine model.  J Burn Care Res.  2009;30(5):880-6.

42.         Ayra R, Hansen A, Taira BR, Packy T, Singer AJ.  A comparison of palatability of flavored oral contrasts.  Am J Emerg Med.  2009;27(7):847-50.

43.         Gupta N, Lee CC, Lim TH, Singer AJ. The presentation of 6-mercaptopurine overdose in ED. Am J Emerg Med. 2009;27(4):513.e1-2.

44.         Taira, BR, Meng H, Goodman MS, Singer AJ. Does “off-hours” admission affect burn patient outcome? Burns. 2009 [Epub ahead of print, Jun 22]

45.         Taira BR, Fenton KE, Lee TK, Meng H, McCormack JE, Huang E, Singer AJ, Scriven RJ, Shapiro MJ. Ventilator-associated pneumonia in pediatric trauma patients. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2009;10(4):491-4.

46.         Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Green GB, Birkhahn R, Shapiro NI, Cairns C, Baumann BM, Aghababian R, Char D, Hollander JE. The incremental benefit of shortness-of-breath biomarker panel in emergency department patients with dyspnea. Acad Emerg Med. 2009;16(6):488-94.

47.         Gurfinkel R, Lavon I, Cagnano E, Volgin K, Shaltiel L, Grossman N, Kost J, Singer AJ, Rosenberg L. Combined ultrasonic and enzymatic debridement of necrotic eschars in an animal model. J Burn Care Res. 2009;30(3):499-504.

48.         Taira BR, Singer AJ, McClain SA, Lin F, Rooney J, Zimmerman T, Clark RA. Rosiglitazone, a PPAR-gamma ligand, reduces burn progression in rats. J Burn Care Res. 2009;30(3):499-504.

49.         Vicellio A, Santora C, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Henry MC. The association between transfer of emergency department boarders to inpatient hallways and mortality: a 4-year experience. Ann Emerg Med. 2009;54(4):487-491.

50.         Taira BR, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Lee CC. National epidemiology of cutaneous abscesses: 1996 to 2005. Am J Emerg Med. 2009;27(3):289-92.

51.         Singer AJ, McClain SA, Taira BR, Romanov A, Rooney J, Zimmerman T. Validation of a procine comb burn model. Am J Emerg Med. 2009;27(3):285-8.

52.         Garra G, Albino H, Chapman H, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr. The impact of communication barriers on diagnostic confidence and ancillary testing in the emergency department. J Emerg Med. 2009 [Epub ahead of print, Mar 12]

53.         Chheda N, Katz AE, Gynizio L, Singer AJ. The pain of nasal tampon removal after nasal surgery: a randomized control trial. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009;140(2):215-7.

54.         Taira BR, Singer AJ, Rooney J, Steinhauff NT, Zimmerman T. An in-vivo study of the wound-bursting strengths of octyl-cyanoacrylate, butyl-cyanoacrylate, and surgical tape in rats. J Emerg Med. 2009 [Epub ahead of print, Jan 30.].

55.         Singer AJ, Huang SS, Huang JS, McClain SA, Romanov A, Rooney J, Zimmerman T. A novel TGF-beta antagonist speeds reepithelialization and reduces scarring of partial thickness porcine burns. J Burn Care Res. 2009;30(2):329-34.

56.         Melendez MM, Martinez RR, Dagum AB, McClain SA, Simon M, Sobanko J, Zimmerman T, Wetterau M, Mullder D, Xu X, Singer AJ, Arora B.  Porcine wound healing in full thickness skin defects using Integra with and without fibrin glue with keratinocytes.  Can J Plast Surg.  2008;16(3):147-52.

57.         Kim H, Hwang SO, Lee CC, Lee KH, Kim JY, Yoo BS, Lee SH, Yoon JH, Choe KH, Singer AJ.  Direction of blood flow from the left ventricle during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in humans:  Its implications for mechanism of blood flow.  Am Heart J  2008;156:1222,el-7.

58.         Kwak MJ, Kim K, Rhee JE, Shin JH, Suh GJ, Jo YS, Youn TJ, Chung WY, Chae IH, Choi DJ, Lee CC, Singer AJ.  The effect of direct communication between emergency physicians and interventional cardiologists on door to balloon time in STEMI.  J Korean Med Sci  2008;23:706-710.

59.         Bock JL, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr.  Comparison of emergency department patient classification by point-of-care and central laboratory methods for cardiac troponin I.  Am J Clin Path  2008;130:132-135.

60.         Chaudry A, Singer AJ, Chohan J, Russo V.  Inter-rater reliability of hemodynamic profiling of heart failure patients in the emergency department.  Am J Emerg Med  2008;26:196-201. 

61.         Singer AJ, Emerman C, Char DM, Heywood JT, Kirk JD, Hollander JE, Summers R, Lee CC, Wynne J, Kellerman L, Peacock WF.  Bronchodilator therapy in acute decompensated heat failure patients without a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  Ann Emerg Med  2008;51:25-34.

62.         Singer AJ, Garra G, Chohan JK, Dalmedo C, Thode HC Jr.  Triage pain scores and the desire for and use of analgesics.  Ann Emerg Med  2008;52:689-695.

63.         Lee JH, Kim K, Jo YH, Kim KS, Lee CC, Kwon WY, Rhee JE, Suh GJ, Singer AJ. Early norepinephrine infusion delays cardiac arrest after hemorrhagic shock in rats. J Emerg Med. 2008. [Epub ahead of print, Dec 19]

64.         Aydin A, Taira B, Singer AJ. Measurement of exhaled nitric oxide in the emergency department in patients with asthma. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2008;26(4):899-904, vii. Review.

65.         Kim H, Hwang SO, Lee CC, Lee KH, Kim JY, Yoo BS, Lee SH, Yoon JH, Choe KH, Singer AJ. Direction of blood flow from the left ventricle during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in humans: its implications for mechanism of blood flow. Am Heart J. 2008;156(6):1222.e1-7.

66.         Rhee JE, Kim K, Lee CC, Kang J, Lee JW, Shin JH, Suh G, Singer AJ. The lack of association between age and diabetes and hospitalization in women with acute pyelonephritis. J Emerg Med. 2008 [Epub ahead of print, Nov 8]

67.         Camargo Jr CA, Ginde AA, Singer AH, Espinola JA, Sullivan AF, Pearson JF, Singer AJ. Assessment of Emergency Physician Workforce Needs in the United States, 2005. Acad Emerg Med. 2008 [Epub ahead of print, Oct 17]

68.         Singer AJ, Perry LC, Allen Jr RL. In Vivo Study of Wound Bursting Strength and Compliance of Topical Skin Adhesives. Acad Emerg Med. 2008 [Epub ahead of print, Oct 20].

69.         Taira BR, Singer AJ, McClain SA, Zimmerman T. The effects of brain natriuretic peptide on scar formation in incisional rat wounds. Acad Emerg Med. 2008;15(10):945-8.

70.         Singer AJ, Dagum AB. Current management of acute cutaneous wounds. N Engl J Med. 2008;359(10):1037-46. Review.

71.         Taira BR, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Lee C. Burns in the emergency department: a national perspective. J Emerg Med. 2008 [Epub ahead of print, Aug 30]

72.         Lee CC, Im M, Kim TM, Stapleton ER, Kim K, Suh GJ, Singer AJ, Henry MC. Comparison of Traditional Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Course Instruction vs. a Scenario-based, Performed Oriented Team Instruction (SPOTI) Method for Korean Paramedic Students. J Emerg Med. 2008 [Epub ahead of print, Aug 22]

73.         Garra G, Singer AJ, Bamber D, Chohan J, Troxell R, Thode HC Jr. Pretreatment of patients requiring oral contrast abdominal computed tomography with antiemetics: a randomized controlled trail of efficacy. Ann Emerg Med. 2009;53(4):528-33.

74.         Singer AJ, McClain SA, Taira BR, Guerriero JL, Zong W. Apoptosis and necrosis in the ischemic zone adjacent to third degree burns. Acad Emerg Med.  2008;15(6):549-54.

75.         Suh GJ, Lee CC, Jo IJ, Shin SD, Lee JC, Min BG, Singer AJ.  Hemoperfusion using dual pulsatile pump in paraquat poisoning. Am J Emerg Med. 2008;26(6):641-8.

76.         Singer AJ, Hollander JE. How to write a manuscript. Am J Emerg Med. 2009;36(1):89-93.

77.         Taira BR, Jahnes K, Singer AJ, McLarty AJ. Does reported funding differ by gender in surgical literature. Ann Surg. 2008;247(6):1069-73.

78.         Singer AJ, Garra G, Chohan JK, Dalmedo C, Thode HC Jr. Triage pain scores and the desire for and use of analgesics. Ann Emerg Med. 2008;52(6):689-95.

79.         Singer AJ.  Hot topics in Wound Management.  Clin Decisions  2008; in press.

80.         Singer AJ, Emerman C, Char DM, Heywood JT, Kirk JD, Hollander JE, Summers R, Lee CC, Wynne J, Kellerman L, Peacock WF.  Bronchodilator therapy in acute decompensated heat failure patients without a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  Ann Emerg Med  2008; in press.

81.         Kim KS, Lee CC, Singer AJ.  The impact of helical CT on the negative appendectomy rate:  A multicenter comparison.  J Emerg Med.  2008; in press.

82.         Hwang SO, Lee CC, Singer AJ.  The state of emergency medical service.  Am J Emerg Med.  2008; in press.

83.         Singer AJ, Quinn JV, Hollander JE.  The cyanoacrylate topical skin adhesives.  Am J Emerg Med. 2008;26(4):490-6. Review.

84.         Singer AJ, Taira BR, Chisena EN, Gupta N, Chipley J. Warm lidocaine/tetracaine patch versus placebo before pediatric intravenous cannulation: a randomized controlled trial. Ann Emerg Med. 2008;52(1):41-7.

85.         Singer AJ, Viccellio P, Thode HC Jr, Bock JL, Henry MC. Introduction of a stat laboratory reduces emergency department lenght of stay. Acad Emerg Med. 2008;15(4):324-8.

86.         Kim K, Lee CC, Rhee JE, Suh GJ, Lee HJ, Kim HB, Singer AJ.  The effects of an institutional care map on the admission rates and medical costs in women with acute pyelonephritis.  Acad Emerg Med. 2008;15(4):319-23.

87.         Chaudhry A, Singer AJ, Chohan J, Russo V, Lee CC.  Inter-rater reliability of hemodynamic profiling of heart failure patients in the emergency department.  Am J Emerg Med. 2008;26(2):196-201.

88.         Singer AJ, McClain SA, Zimmerman T, et al.  The effect of N-Acetyl cysteine on burn progression in rats.  JKAMA.  2008; in press. 

89.         Taira B, Singer AJ.  Burn Injury:  A review for emergency practitioners.  Emerg Med  2008; in press.

90.         Singer AJ, Arora B, Dagum A, Valentine S, Hollander JE.  Development and validation of a novel scar evaluation scale.  Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007;120(7):1892-7.

91.         Fischer TF, Singer AJ, Lee CC, Thode HC Jr.  National trends in Emergency Department antibiotic prescribing for children with acute otitis media, 1996-2005.  Acad Emerg Med.  2007;14:1172-1175.

92.         Lee CC, Golub R, Singer AJ, Cantu R, Levinson H.  Routine versus selective abdominal computed tomography scan in the evaluation of right lower quadrant pain.  A RCT.  Acad Emerg Med  2007;14:117-123.

93.         Hwang SO, Lee CC, Im MJ, Kim TM, Singer AJ.  The current status of emergency medical system in Korea.  Am J Emerg Med.  2007;25:846-848.

94.         Fischer TF, Singer AJ, Lee CC, Thode HC Jr.  National trends in Emergency Department antibiotic prescribing for children with acute otitis media, 1996-2005.  Acad Emerg Med.  2007;14:1172-1175.

95.         Singer AJ, Shembekar A, Visram F, Schiller J, Russo V, Lawson W, Gomes CA, Santora C, Maliszewski M, Wilbert L, Dowdy E, Viccellio P, Henry MC.  Emergency department activation of an interventional cardiology team reduces door-to-balloon times in STEMI.  Ann Emerg Med  2007;50:538-544.

96.         Singer AJ, McClain SA, Romonov A, Rooney J, Zimmerman T.  Curcumin reduces burn progression in rats.  Acad Emerg Med.  2007;14:1125-1129.

97.         Singer AJ, Jurukovski V, Simon M, Ma J-Y, Protter A, Arora B, Soroff HS.  The presence of BNP in burns and the responsiveness of fibroblasts to BNP:  Proof of Principle.  Acad Emerg Med.  2007;14:503-507. 

98.         Singer AJ, Brebbia J, Soroff HS.  Management of local burn wounds in the ED.  Am J Emerg Med.  2007;25:666-671. 

99.         Singer AJ, Wang Z, McClain SA, Pan Y.  Optical coherence tomography:  A non-invasive method to assess wound reepithelialization.  Acad Emerg Med.  2007; 14: 387-391.

100.      Lee CC, Golub R, Singer AJ, Cantu R, Levinson H.  Routine vs selective abdominal CAT scan in the evaluation of right lower quadrant pain:  A randomized controlled trial.  Acad Emerg Med.  2007;14(2):117-22.

101.      Lee CC, Singer AJ.  Respiratory failure due to subglottic stenosis from relapsing polychondritis.  Am J Emerg Med.  2006;24:750-752.

102.      Singer AJ, Friedman B, Modi P, Soroff HS.  Effects of a commercially available cooling blanket on core temperatures in volunteers.  Acad Emerg Med.  2006;13:686-690.

103.      Chale S, Singer AJ, Marchini S, McBride MJ, Kennedy D. Digital versus local anesthesia for finger lacerations:  A Randomized Controlled Trial.  Acad Emerg Med.  2006;13:1046-1050.

104.      Singer AJ, McClain SA.  Development of a porcine incisional wound model and novel scarring scales.  Wound Repair & Regen.  2006;14:492-497.

105.      Singer AJ, Regev R, Weeks R, Tlockowski D.  Laser assisted anesthesia reduces the pain of venous cannulation in children and adults:  A RCT.  Acad Emerg Med.  2006;13:623-628.

106.      Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Hollander JE.  National trends in Emergency Department lacerations between 1992-2002.  Am J Emerg Med.  2006;24:183-188.

107.      Singer AJ, McClainSA, Hacht G, Botchkina G, Simon M.  Semapimod enhances reepithelialization of partial thickness burns in swine.  J Burn Care & Rehab.  2006;27:40-49.

108.      Singer AJ, Weeks R, Regev R.  Laser assisted anesthesia reduces the pain of venous cannulation in children and adults:  A RCT.  Acad Emerg Med  2006;13:623-628.

109.      Singer AJ, Singer D, McClain S, Tortora G.  Histologic effects of laser assisted topical anesthesia in a porcine model.  Acad Emerg Med  2005; 12:1148-1152.

110.      Singer AJ, Regev R, Weeks R, Tlockowski D.  Laser assisted anesthesia prior to intravenous cannulation in volunteers:  A randomized controlled trial.  Acad Emerg Med  2005;12:804-808

111.      Singer AJ, Arora B.  Topical skin tissue adhesives.  J Korean Am Med Assoc.  2005;11:92-96.

112.      Singer AJ, Singer D, McClain SA, Tortora G.  Histologic effects of laser assisted topical anesthesia in a porcine model.  Acad Emerg Med.  2005;12:1148-1152.

113.      Singer AJ.  Providing quality asthma care in the Emergency Department.  Physician’s Weekly.  2005;22:13.

114.      Singer AJ, Lampel M, Lewis L, Schafemeyer RW, O’Neil B, Camargo C, Nowak R.  A call for expanding the role of the emergency physician in the care of asthmatic patients.  Ann Emerg Med.  2005;45:295-298

115.      Soroff HS, Singer AJ.  Initial management of minor burns.  Israeli J Emerg Med.  2005;5:7-16.

116.      Carleo C, Singer AJ.  Effect of frequent soaking on the rate of tissue adhesive sloughing:  A randomized study.  Can J Emerg Med.  2005;7:391-395.

117.      Singer AJ, Soroff HS, Brebbia J.  Octylcyanoacrylate for the treatment of small, superficial, partial-thickness burns:  A pilot study.  Acad Emerg Med.  2005;12:900-904.

118.      Singer AJ, Visram F, Shembekar A, Khwaja M, Viccellio A.  Telemetry monitoring during transpsort of low-risk chest pain patients from the ED:  Is it necessary?  Acad Emerg Med.  2005;12:965-969.

119.      Singer AJ, Ardise J, Gulla J, Cangro J.  Point-of-care testing reduces length of stay in Emergency Department chest pain patients.  Ann Emerg Med.  2005;45:587-591.

120.      Singer AJ, Gulla J, Hein M, Marchini C, Chale S, Arora B.  Single vs double layer closure of facial lacerations:  A randomized control trial.  Plast & Reconstr Surg.  2005;116:363-368.

121.      Singer AJ, Camargo CA Jr, Lampell M, Lewis L, Nowak R, Schafermeyer RW, O’Neil B.  A call for expanding the role of the emergency physician in the care of patients with asthma.  Ann Emerg Med.  2005;45:295-298.

122.      Singer AJ, Blanda M, Cronin K, LoGiudice-Khwaja M, Gulla J, Bradshaw J.  Comparison of nasal tampons for the treatment of epistaxis in the Emegency Department.  A randomized control trial.  Ann Emerg Med.  2005;45:134-139.

123.      Singer AJ, Specht J, Henry MC.  Self-inflicted injuries in adolescents presenting to a suburban emergency department.  J Forensic Nurs.  2005;1:20-22.

124.      Fischer T, Singer AJ, Gulla JM, Garra G, Rosenfeld R.  Reaction toward a new treatment paradigm for acute otitis media.  Ped Emerg Care.  2005;21:170-172.

125.      Singer AJ, Tarsia V, Hein M, Cassara G.  Percutaneous regional vs local anesthesia for facial lacerations:  A randomized control trial.  Emerg Med.  2005;22:37-40.

126.      Specht J, Singer AJ, Henry MC.  Self-inflicted injuries in adolescents presenting to a suburban emergency department.  J Forensic Nurs.  2005;1:20-22.

127.      Singer AJ, Visram F, Shembekar A, Khwaja M, Viccellio A.  Telemetry monitoring during transport of low-risk chest pain patients from the ED:  Is it necessary?  Acad Emerg Med  2005;12:965-969.

128.      Singer AJ, Ardise J, Gulla J, Cangro J.  Point of care testing reduces length of stay in chest pain patients.  Ann Emerg Med  2005;45:587-591.

129.      Singer AJ, Tarsia V, Hein M, Cassara G.  Percutaneous regional vs local anesthesia for facial lacerations:  A randomized control trial.  Emerg Med.  2005;22:37-40.

Taku Taira MD

1.       Taira T, Taira BR, Carmen M, Chohan J, Singer AJ. Risk of venous thromboembolism in patients with borderline quantitative D-dimer levels.  Am J Emerg Med  2010;28:450-453.

2.       Taira T, Taira BR, Chohan J, Dickinson D, Troxell RM, Thode HC, Singer AJ. Physical fitness cannot be used to predict the likelihood of acute coronary syndromes in ED patients with chest pain.  Am J Emerg Med [Epub prior to print October 23 2010]; in press.


Victor Tarsia, MD

1.       Schiller J, McCormack JE, Tarsia V, Shapiro MJ, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Henry MC.  The effect of adding a second helicopter on trauma-related mortality in a county-based trauma system.  Prehosp Emerg Care.  2009;13(4):437-43.

2.       Singer AJ, Tarsia V, Hein M, Cassara G.  Percutaneous regional vs local anesthesia for facial lacerations:  A randomized control trial.  Emerg Med.  2005;22:37-40.


Henry C Thode Jr, PhD

  1. Mattis S, Papolos D, Luck D. Cockerham M, Thode HC Jr.  Neurophyshological factors differentiating treated children with pediatric bipolar disorder from those with ADHD. J Clin Exper Neuropsychol  2011;33:1.
  2. Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Viccellio P, Pines JM.  The association between length of ED boarding and mortality.  Acad Emerg Med  2011; in press.
  3. Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Chale S, Taira BR, Lee C.  Primary closure of cutaneous abscesses:  A systematic review.  Am J Emerg Med.  2010; [Epub, Mar 24, PMID: 20825801]; in press.
  4. Albino H, Chapman H, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr.  TR Hypothermia.  Acad Emerg Med  2010; in press.
  5. Taira T, Taira BR, Chohan J, Dickinson D, Troxell RM, Thode HC Jr, Singer AJ.  Physical fitness cannot be used to predict the likelihood of acute coronary syndromes in ED patients with chest pain.  Am J Emerg Med  [Epub ahead of print, Oct 22 PMID: 20971600] 2010; in press.
  6. Singer AJ. Garra G, Thode HC Jr.  The impact of communication barriers on diagnostic confidence and ancillary testing in the emergency department.  J Emerg Med  [Epub, 2009] 2010; in press.
  7. Singer AJ, Kinariwala M, Kirov R, Thode HC Jr.  Patterns of use of topical skin adhesives (TSA) in the emergency department.  Acad Emerg Med  2010;17:670-672.
  8. Viccellio A, Santora C, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Henry MC. The association between transfer of emergency department boarders to inpatient hallways and mortality: a 4-year experience. Ann Emerg Med. 2009;54(4):487-91.
  9. Schiller J, McCormack JE, Tarsia V, Shapiro MJ, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Henry MC.  The effect of adding a second helicopter on trauma-related mortality in a county-based trauma system.  Prehosp Emerg Care.  2009;13(4):437-43.
  1. Singer AJ, Birkhahn RH, Guss D, Chandra A, Miller CD, Tiffany B, Levy P, Dunne R, Bastani A, Thode HC Jr, Hollander JE.  Rapid emergency department heart failure outpatients trial (REDHOT): a randomized controlled trial of the effect of serial B-type natriuretic peptide testing on patient management.  Circ Heart Fail.  2009;2(4):287-93.
  2. Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Green GB, Birkhahn R, Shapiro NI, Cairns C, Baumann BM, Aghababian R, Char D, Hollander JE. The incremental benefit of shortness-of-breath biomarker panel in emergency department patients with dyspnea. Acad Emerg Med. 2009;16(6):488-94.
  3. Taira BR, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Lee C. Burns in the emergency department: a national perspective. J Emerg Med. 2008 [Epub ahead of print, Aug 30]
  4. Garra G, Albino H, Chapman H, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr.  The impact of communication barriers on diagnostic confidence and ancillary testing in the emergency department.  J Emerg Med. 2009 Mar 12.  [Epub ahead of print]
  5. Taira BR, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Lee CC. National epidemiology of cutaneous abscesses: 1996 to 2005. Am J Emerg Med. 2009;27(3):289-92.
  6. Garra G, Singer AJ, Bamber D, Chohan J, Troxell R, Thode HC Jr. Pretreatment of patients requiring oral contrast abdominal computed tomography with antiemetics: a randomized controlled trial of efficacy.  Ann Emerg Med.  2009;53(4):528-33.
  7. Singer AJ, Garra G, Chohan JK, Dalmedo C, Thode HC Jr. Triage pain scores and the desire for and use of analgesics. Ann Emerg Med. 2008;52(6):689-95.
  8. Singer AJ, Viccellio P, Thode HC Jr, Bock JL, Henry MC. Introduction of a stat laboratory reduces emergency department lenght of stay. Acad Emerg Med. 2008;15(4):324-8.
  9. Bock JL, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr. Comparison of emergency department patient classification by point-of care and central laboratory methods for cardiac troponin I.  Am J Clin Path  2008;130:132-135.
  10. Fischer TF, Singer AJ, Lee CC, Thode HC Jr.  National trends in Emergency Department antibiotic prescribing for children with acute otitis media, 1996-2005.  Acad Emerg Med  2007;14:1172-1175
  11. Burton JH, Miner JR, Shipley ER, Strout TD, Becker C, Thode HC Jr.  Propofol for emergency department procedural sedation and analgesia:  A tale of three centers.  Acad Emerg Med  2006;13:24-30.
  12. Papolos D, Hennen J, Cockerham MS, Thode HC Jr, Youngstrom EA.  The child bipolar questionnaire:  A dimensional approach to screening for pediatric bipolar disorder.  J Affective Disord  2006;95:149-158.
  13. Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Hollander JE.  National trends in Emergency Department lacerations between 1992-2002.  Am J Emerg Med  2006;24:183-188.
  14. Carleo C, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr.  Effect of frequent water immersion on the rate of tissue adhesive sloughing:  a randomized study.  Can J Emerg Med. 2005;7(6):391-5.
  15. Riegel B, Birnbaum A, Aufderheide TP, Henry MC, Thode HC Jr, Van Ottingham L, Swor R.  Predictors of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automatic external defibrillator skill retention.  Am Heart J  2005;150:927-932.
  16. Wackett A, Anderson K, Thode HC Jr.  Bullard laryngoscopy by naïve operators in the cervical spine immobilized patient.  J Emerg Med  2005;3:253-257.


Asa (Peter) Viccellio, MD

  1. Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Viccellio P, Pines JM.  The association between length of ED boarding and mortality.  Acad Emerg Med  2011; in press.
  2. Viccellio A, Santora C, Singer AJ, Thode HC Jr, Henry MC. The association between transfer of emergency department boarders to inpatient hallways and mortality: a 4-year experience. Ann Emerg Med. 2009;54(4):487-91.
  3. Viccellio P.  There may be no room in the inn, but the innkeepers sure are happy.  Acad Emerg Med. 2009;16(1):61-2.
  4. Singer AJ, Viccellio P, Thode HC Jr, Bock JL, Henry MC.  Introduction of a stat laboratory reduces emergency department length of stay. Acad Emerg Med.  2008;15(4):324-8.
  5. Singer AJ, Shembekar A, Visram F, Schiller J, Russo V, Lawson W, Gomes CA, Santora C, Maliszewski M, Wilbert L, Dowdy E, Viccellio P, Henry MC.  Emergency department activation of an interventional cardiology team reduces door-to-balloon times in ST-segment-elevation.  Ann Emerg Med. 2007;50(5):538-44.
  6. Viccellio P.  Turnaround times and transaction costs.  Ann Emerg Med.  2008;51(2):186-7.
  7. Viccellio P.  Patient satisfaction:  have we lost our way?  Ann Emerg Med.  2008;51(1):13-4.
  8. Oman JA, Cooper RJ, Holmes JF, Viccellio P, Nyce A, Ross SE, Hoffman JR, Mower WR; NEXUS II Investigators.  Performance of a decision rule to predict need for computed tomography among children with blunt head trauma.  Pediatrics.  2006;117(2):e238-e246.
  9. Singer AJ, Visram F, Shembekar A, Khwaja M, Viccellio A.  Telemetry monitoring during transport of low-risk chest pain patients from the ED:  is it necessary?  Acad Emerg Med.  2005;12:965-969.


Andrew Wackett, MD

  1. Wackett A, Singer AJ.  The role of topical skin adhesives in wound repair.  Emerg Med  2009;41:31-35.
  2. Wackett A, Anderson K, Thode HC Jr.  Bullard laryngoscopy by naïve operators in the cervical spine immobilized patient.  J Emerg Med.  2005;3:253-257.