ACHIEVEMENT (mid-cAreer faCulty leadersHIp dEVElopMENT)
We are excited to announce the launch of our RSOM ACHIEVEMENT Program, and we invite your faculty to participate.
We believe that strong leadership is the cornerstone of outstanding healthcare delivery. Our Leadership Development Program is designed to cultivate the next generation of health system leaders by providing them with the skills, knowledge, and experiences necessary to navigate the complexities of the health system. In partnership with the Stony Brook College of Business, we have created a series of evidence-based interactive workshops to help the participating faculty practice the core skills that today’s leaders need.
The program will be delivered as a hybrid, with a monthly in-person session and an additional monthly Zoom session. Each in-person session will focus on a key theme; the program includes role plays, mini case studies, and scripts for common healthcare system leadership situations. Each Zoom session will give opportunities for one-on-one discussions with other program participants and RSOM leadership for a deeper dive into the themes discussed during in-person workshops.
Program Highlights
- Comprehensive Training: Gain insights from experienced leadership trainers through workshops, guest speakers, and interactive discussions.
- Mentorship: Receive guidance from senior leadership to help you navigate your career path.
- Hands-On Experience: Participate in a high-impact project that drive our hospital’s mission and goals alongside some of the RSOM and hospital leaders.
- Networking Opportunities: Build lasting relationships with peers hospital-wide.
Eligibility Criteria
- A passion for healthcare and a commitment to improving patient outcomes
- A minimum of 5 years of experience in the healthcare field
- Demonstrated leadership potential and a willingness to learn and grow
How to Nominate or Self-nominate
To nominate a faculty member for the RSOM ACHIEVEMENT Program, please submit your nomination by September 6th. Your nomination should include:
- A current resume or CV of the nominated faculty member.
- A cover letter outlining why the faculty member would be interested in the program and their career aspirations (e.g., Division Chief, Department Chair). Please also indicate your willingness to support the faculty member during the program by ascertaining that they will have the appropriate time protected to meaningfully engage in the program.
To self-nominate for the RSOM ACHIEVEMENT Program, please submit your application by September 6th. Your application should include:
- A current resume or CV.
- A personal statement outlining why you are interested in the program and your career aspirations (e.g., Division Chief or Department Chair).
- A letter from your Chair indicating their willingness to support you during the program by ascertaining that you will have the appropriate time protected to meaningfully engage in the program.
Please send your nomination/self-nomination materials to Dr. Maria Athanasopoulou at
Important Dates
Application Deadline: September 6th, 2024
Program Start Date: October 9th, 2024
In-person workshop |
Zoom group coaching call (Monday 4–5:30 pm) |
October 9 | October 21 |
November 6 | November 18 |
December 4 | December 16 |
January 8 | January 13 |
February 12 | February 24 |
March 12 | March 24 |
April 9 | April 21 |
May 7 | May 19 |
June 4 | June 9 |
We are looking for individuals who are not only dedicated to their personal and professional growth but also committed to making a positive impact on our community. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Dr. Stella Tsirka at
We look forward to receiving your nomination/application. Together, we can shape the future of our health system.