19th Annual Women in Medicine & Science Research Day
Call for Abstracts
Submit an abstract celebrating research, new discoveries and achievements in medicine and science!
We encourage faculty, nurse practitioners, post-doctoral fellows, fellows, residents, medical students, graduate students and undergraduate students to submit an abstract. Original research, case reports and case series are welcome.
Abstract submission deadline: FEBRUARY 7, 2025
Abstracts Elements (Must be limited to 400 words, excluding title and authors/addresses):
- Title
- Authors
- Presenting author (name and email address)
- Presenting author Category: Faculty, Staff, Post-doctoral Fellow, Fellow, Resident, Medical Student, Graduate Student or Undergraduate Student
- Main body of the abstract:
- Introduction with a clear statement of the purpose of the research
- Methods (including statistical methods if possible)
- Results
- Conclusions/clinical relevance
- Funding source(s)
- If human subjects are included, indicate date/number of Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects (CORIHS) approval
- Financial disclosures should be included
Please email your abstract to Agnieszka.Bialkowska@stonybrookmedicine.edu by February 7.
Please include 'WIM&S Abstract Submission' in the subject of your email.
Women in Medicine & Science Research Day will be held on March 5.
The event is being organized by the Office of Faculty Affairs at the Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University, and the Group for Women in Medicine and Science.