DCI-Liebowitz Endowed Professorship
Professor of Medicine
Chief of Nephrology & Hypertension
Current research: Our laboratory focuses on understanding the mechanisms driving chronic kidney disease while enhancing the research and career development of students, post-doctoral fellows, and research scientists.
Fun fact: My favorite show of all time – “The Wire”

Research Assistant Professor
Current research: Identify KLF15 Agonists for potential treatment of CKD.
Fun fact: According to Neha and Sian, I have the biggest sweet tooth in the lab.

Post-Doctoral Fellow
Current research: KLF15-PPARa co-operativity drives the utilization of excess free fatty acids for acetyl-CoA and glycerolipid synthesis to prevent maladaptive PT repair post-DNA damage.
Fun fact: Helping anyone at any time makes me very happy!

Post-Doctoral Fellow
Current research: I study how parietal epithelial cells (PECs) in the kidney glomerulus respond in the context of a variety of kidney pathologies, and how the potentially deleterious effects of PEC activation can be curtailed.
Fun fact: As a kid I helped my mom (a nephrologist in a Moscow USSR hospital) with maintenance of very primitive dialysis machines.

Post-Doctoral Fellow
Current research: Understanding the glomerulopathy caused by diabetes using murine models as well as various omics approaches including single cell sequencing and proteomics.
Fun fact: I have skydived.

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Current research: Determining the role of parietal epithelial cell (PEC) specific integrins in kidney function
Fun fact: I’m obsessed with strolling!

Research Support Specialist
Current research: The cell-specific context of STAT3 in progressive glomerulopathies.
Fun fact: I am currently working on writing a fantasy novel and I hope to have it published one day.

Student, Stony Brook University
Major: Biology
Current research: My research is focused on understanding the role of the transcription factor, KLF6, in diabetic kidney disease.
Fun fact: I have a BIG lego collection.

Student, Stony Brook University
Major: Biochemistry
Current research: My research is focused on the role of Integrin beta 6 in glomerular parietal epithelial cells and kidney function.
Fun fact: I love photography!

MS Student, Stony Brook University
Current research: I study the cell-specific roles of STAT3 activation in glomerular epithelial cells.
Fun fact: I love to go rock climbing!

Student, Stony Brook University
Major: Biology and AMS
Current research: Assessing the impact of parietal epithelial cells (PECs) on kidney physiological function via DTR based cell ablation mice model.
Fun fact: I’ve been playing the violin for the past 14 years.

MS Student, Stony Brook University
Major: Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
Current research: My research explores how PPARɑ and KLF15 agonists protect the kidney from drug-induced damage by the reduction of free fatty acids to improve kidney function.
Fun fact: I love watching sunsets and swimming at the beach!

PhD Student, Stony Brook University
Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
Dr. W. Burghardt Turner Fellow
SBMS Trainee
Current research: Investigating podocyte-parietal epithelial cell crosstalk using bioengineering strategies.
Fun fact: I have a pet tortoise. He's a rescue!

Research Support Specialist
Current research: I do single cell analysis focusing on sex differences and PEC mechanisms.
Fun fact: I have two sugar gliders who are both named “Honey”.