
Kimi Chapelle
Assistant Professor
John Fleagle
Distinguished Professor
Nathan Kley
Associate Professor
Susan Larson
Stephanie Maiolino
Assistant Professor
Andrew Moore
Assistant Professor
Maureen O'Leary
Alan H. Turner
Professor & Chair (Interim)
Eric Wilberg
Assistant Professor & Graduate Program Director

Research Instructors and Fellows

Josef Stiegler
Research Instructor

Emeriti Faculty

Brigitte Demes
Professor Emerita
David Krause
Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus
Jack Stern
Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus
Randall Susman
Professor Emeritus

Adjunct and Joint Faculty

Clinton Rubin 
Distinguished Professor (Joint) Biomedical Engineering
Frederick Grine
Professor (Joint) & Chair of Anthropology
Lawrence Martin
Professor (Joint)
Michael D'Emic
Associate Professor, Adelphi University
Russell Mittermeier
Professor (Adjunct)