
It is recognized that there has been a dramatic expansion of knowledge and technology related to the science and practice of gastroenterology and hepatology over the past generation with new diagnostic tests, procedures, and therapies introduced into practice. Gastroenterology as practiced today requires increasingly complex decision-making, mastery of a growing number of endoscopic techniques, both diagnostic and therapeutic, an understanding of the sensitivity, specificity, risk-benefit of a broad array of techniques and therapeutic options, and a knowledge of the increasingly complex science that underlies gastroenterology practice.

Our program fulfills the requirement of a minimum of 18 months traditional inpatient and outpatient consultation experience as well as an array of conferences and didactic sessions. In addition to the 18 months, additional training is required so as to permit flexibility commensurate with the trainee's skills, interests, and career goals. This translates into another 18 months of clinical work and research experience. A longitudinal outpatient experience is provided for the full three years of training. The long-accepted guidelines of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy for training in basic endoscopic skills are followed. 

The program will emphasize the paramount importance of practice and research based on the highest principles of ethics, humanism, and professionalism. The importance of the scientific method and lifelong learning based on independent and critical thinking are stressed.

We follow the core curriculum agreed upon by American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, American College of Gastroenterology, AGA Institute, and American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, representing the four societies’ vision of best practices in gastroenterology and hepatology training.

* Please click here to read the core curriculum overview, and here to read the full core curriculum.