Perioperative Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Diabetic Patients Undergoing Primary Total Joint Arthroplasty

Authors, Author Information and Article Contact

Dorian Cohen, MD1; Mei Lin Chan, PhD2; Abdullah Y. Hassan, BS2; Anna Lei, BS2; Joseph F. Lacomb, BS2; Igor Kravets, MD3; James Nicholson, MD1

1Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Stony Brook University

2Department of Biomedical Engineering, Stony Brook University

3Department of Endocrinology, Stony Brook University

Financial Disclosures

Dexcom G6 monitors were provided by Dexcom Inc. for utilization in this project. Dexcom Inc. provided additional funding to facilitate data collection and analysis.

Diabetes, joint arthroplasty, infection, glucose monitoring

See article.
