- Professor of Surgery
- Vice Chair for Research
- Assistant Dean for Educational Research
MS- University of Colorado (1984); field, health administration (financial management)
- University of Colorado (1991); field, public administration (health policy)
Research Interests
- Translational research
- Clinical trials
- Cardiac surgery outcomes
- Clinical practice guidelines
- Evidence-based medicine
- Outcome assessment, health services research
- Quality improvement, risk assessment, risk adjustment
- Health information technology
- Bioethics/ethics
- Hospital care
- Health professional education, academic program management

Contact Information
Department of Surgery
Cancer Center’s MART, level 8, room 0814
Stony Brook Medicine
Stony Brook, NY 11794-8191
Tel: 631-638-3872
Fax: 631-444-8947
- Personal Statement
- Honors
- Publications
- Additional
My personal research focus is primarily related to facilitating patient care improvements using 1) enhanced risk modeling approaches; 2) evaluating new diagnostic tests or biomarkers; 3) assessing effectiveness of new technologies or surgical approaches; 4) focusing on a broader range of clinical outcomes for assessment; and 5) providing data-driven analyses to impact decisions at the clinician provider, clinical program management, or health policy levels.
- Clinical Science Program Founder's Award, University of Colorado (2007)
- VA Central Office Outstanding Performance Award for National Cardiovascular Care Improvement Program (2006)
- President's Faculty Service Recognition Award, University of Colorado (1998)
- Medicine PhD Research/Teaching Award, University of Colorado (1998)
- National Follmer Bronze Merit Award, Heathcare Financial Management Association (1996)
- VA Special Contribution Award
- VA Outstanding Woman Scientist Recognition (1996)
- DVAMC Outstanding Performance Award (1993, 1994, 1995)
- Click here to see abstracts/full text of Dr. Shroyer's journal articles on PubMed (National Library of Medicine).
- Almassi GH, Pecsi SA, Collins JF, Shroyer AL, Zenati MA, Grover FL. Predictors and impact of postoperative atrial fibrillation on patients’ outcomes: a report from the Randomized On Versus Off Bypass trial. J Thorac Cardiovasc Sur 2012;143:93-10.
- Almassi GH, Shroyer AL, Bakaeen FG. A victory for all Halstedians: evidence supporting cardiac surgical residents training. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2016;151:1215-6.
- Almassi GH, Shroyer AL, Collins JF, Grover FL. ROOBY trial data demonstrates revascularization had no impact on POAF. Future Cardiol 2014;10:157.
- Almassi GH, Shroyer AL, Collins JF, Hattler B, Bishawi M, Baltz JH, Ebrahimi R, Grover FL. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease impact upon outcomes: the veterans affairs randomized on/off bypass trial. Ann Thorac Surg 2013;96:1302-9.
- Almassi GH, Wagner TH, Carr B, Hattler B, Collins JF, Quin JA, Ebrahimi R, Grover FL, Bishawi M, Shroyer AL; VA #517 Randomized On/Off Bypass (ROOBY) Study Group. Postoperative atrial fibrillation impacts on costs and one-year clinical outcomes: the Veterans Affairs Randomized On/Off Bypass Trial. Ann Thorac Surg 2015;99:109-14.
- Avila C, Willins JL, Jackson M, Mathai J, Jabsky M, Kong A, Callaghan F, Ishkin S, Shroyer AL. Usefulness of two clinical chorioamnionitis definitions in predicting neonatal infectious outcomes: a systematic review. Am J Perinatol 2015;32:1001-9.
- Bakaeen FG, Shroyer AL, Gammie JS, Sabik JF, Cornwell LD, Coselli JS, et al. Trends in use of off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting: results from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Adult Cardiac Surgery Database. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014;148:856-64.
- Bakaeen FG, Shroyer AL, Zenati MA, Badhwar V, Thourani VH, Gammie JS, et al. Mitral valve surgery in the US Veterans Administration health system: 10-year outcomes and trends. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2018;155:105-17.
- Bell ML, Grunwald GK, Baltz JH, McDonald GO, Bell MR, Grover FL, Shroyer AL. Does preoperative hemoglobin independently predict short-term outcomes after coronary artery bypass graft surgery? Ann Thorac Surg 2008;86:1415-23.
- Benzo R, Farrell MH, Chang CC, Martinez FJ, Kaplan R, Reilly J, Criner G, Wise R, Make B, Luketich J, Fishman AP, Sciurba FC; NETT Research Group [group member]. Integrating health status and survival data: the palliative effect of lung volume reduction surgery. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2009;180:239-46.
- Bishawi M, Shroyer AL, Rumsfeld JS, Spertus JA, Baltz JH, Collins JF, Quin JA, Almassi GH, Grover FL, Hattler B; Va #517 Randomized on/off Bypass (Rooby) Study Group. Changes in health-related quality of life in off-pump versus on-pump cardiac surgery: Veterans Affairs Randomized On/Off Bypass trial. Ann Thorac Surg 2013;95:1946-51.
- Brown CD, Benditt JO, Sciurba FC, Lee SM, Criner GJ, Mosenifar Z, Shade DM, Slivka WA, Wise RA; National emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group [group member]. Exercise testing in severe emphysema: association with quality of life and lung function. COPD 2008;5:117-24.
- Carr BM, Romeiser J, Ruan J, Gupta S, Seifert FC, Zhu W, Shroyer AL. Long-term post-CABG survival: performance of clinical risk models versus actuarial predictions. J Card Surg 2016;31:23-30.
- Cataldo R, John J, Chandran L, Pati S, Shroyer AL. Impact of physical activity intervention programs on self-efficacy in youths: a systematic review. ISRN Obes 2013;2013:586497.
- Chandran L, Fleit HB, Shroyer AL. Academic medicine change management: the power of the liaison committee on medical education accreditation process. Acad Med 2013;88:1225-31.
- Chatila WM, Hoffman EA, Gaughan J, Robinswood GB, Criner GJ; National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group [group member]. Advanced emphysema in African-American and white patients: do differences exist? Chest 2006;130:108-18.
- Come CE, Divo MJ, San José Estépar R, et al.; NETT Research Group [member, Shroyer AL]. Lung deflation and oxygen pulse in COPD: results from the NETT randomized trial. Respir Med 2012;106:109-19.
- Covin R, O'Brien M, Grunwald G, Brimhall B, Sethi G, Walczak S, Reiquam W, Rajagopalan C, Shroyer AL. Factors affecting transfusion of fresh frozen plasma, platelets, and red blood cells during elective coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2003;127:415-23.
- Criner GJ, Belt P, Sternberg AL, Mosenifar Z, Make BJ, Utz JP, Sciurba F; National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group [group member]. Effects of lung volume reduction surgery on gas exchange and breathing pattern during maximum exercise. Chest 2009;135:1268-79.
- Criner GJ, Scharf SM, Falk JA, Gaughan JP, Sternberg AL, Patel NB, Fessler HE, Minai OA, Fishman AP; National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group [group member]. Effect of lung volume reduction surgery on resting pulmonary hemodynamics in severe emphysema. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2007;176:253-60.
- Dathatri S, Gruberg L, Anand J, Romeiser J, Sharma S, Finnin E, Shroyer AL, Rosengart TK. Informed consent for cardiac procedures: deficiencies in patient comprehension with current methods. Ann Thorac Surg 2014;97:1505-12.
- DeCamp MM, Blackstone EH, Naunheim KS, Krasna MJ, Wood DE, Meli YM, McKenna RJ Jr; NETT Research Group [group member]. Patient and surgical factors influencing air leak after lung volume reduction surgery: lessons learned from the National Emphysema Treatment Trial. Ann Thorac Surg 2006;82:197-207.
- Drummond MB, Blackford AL, Benditt JO, Make BJ, Sciurba FC, McCormack MC, Martinez FJ, Fessler HE, Fishman AP, Wise RA; NETT Investigators [CEA sub-committee member]. Continuous oxygen use in nonhypoxemic emphysema patients identifies a high-risk subset of patients: retrospective analysis of the National Emphysema Treatment Trial. Chest 2008;134:497-506.
- Durkin B, Romeiser J, Shroyer AL, Schiller R, Bae J, Davis RP, Peyster R, Benveniste H. Report from a quality assurance program on patients undergoing the MILD procedure. Pain Med 2013;14:650-6.
- Ebrahimi R, Bakaeen FG, Uberoi A, Ardehali A, Baltz JH, Hattler B, Almassi GH, Wagner TH, Collins JF, Grover FL, Shroyer AL. Effect of clopidogrel use post coronary artery bypass surgery on graft patency. Ann Thorac Surg 2014;97:15-21.
- Ebrahimi R, Gupta S, Carr BM, Bishawi M, Bakaeen FG, Almassi GH, Collins J, Grover FL, Quin JA, Wagner TH, Shroyer AL, Hattler B. Comparison of outcomes and costs associated with aspirin ± clopidogrel after coronary artery bypass grafting. Am J Cardiol 2018;121:709-14.
- Fan VS, Ramsey SD, Giardino ND, Make BJ, Emery CF, Diaz PT, Benditt JO, Mosenifar Z, McKenna R Jr, Curtis JL, Fishman AP, Martinez FJ; National Emphysema Treatment Trial (NETT) Research Group [group member]. Sex, depression, and risk of hospitalization and mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Arch Intern Med 2007;167:2345-53.
- Fishman A, Martinez F, Naunheim K, Piantadosi S, Wise R, Ries A, Weinmann G, Wood DE; National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group [group member]. A randomized trial comparing lung-volume-reduction surgery with medical therapy for severe emphysema. N Engl J Med 2003;348:2059-73.
- Fullerton DA, Shroyer AL, Grover FL. Cardiothoracic surgical databases. In: Kaiser L, Kron I, Spray T, editors. Mastery of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Phildelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1998: 298-306.
- Gao D, Grunwald GK, Rumsfeld JS, Mackenzie T, Grover FL, Perlin JB, McDonald GO, Shroyer AL. Variation in mortality risk factors with time after coronary artery bypass graft operation. Ann Thorac Surg 2003;75:74-81.
- Gao D, Grunwald GK, Rumsfeld JS, Schooley L, MacKenzie T, Shroyer AL. Time-varying risk factors for long-term mortality after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 2006;81:793-9.
- Gardner SC, Grunwald GK, Rumsfeld JS, Cleveland JC Jr, Schooley LM, Gao D, Grover FL, McDonald GO, Shroyer AL. Comparison of short-term mortality risk factors for valve replacement versus coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 2004;77:549-56.
- Geraci JM, Johnson ML, Gordon HS, Petersen NJ, Shroyer AL, Grover FL, Wray NP. Mortality after cardiac bypass surgery: prediction from administrative versus clinical data. Med Care 2005;43:149-58.
- Gibney EM, Casebeer AW, Schooley LM, Cunningham F, Grover FL, Bell MR, McDonald GO, Shroyer AL, Parikh CR. Cardiovascular medication use after coronary bypass surgery in patients with renal dysfunction: a national Veterans Administration study. Kidney Int 2005;68:826-32.
- Hall DA, Sheeder J, Box T, Shroyer AL. Clinical science training at the University of Colorado: a measurement of trainee satisfaction. J Investig Med 2007;55:181-6.
- Hasley JP, Ghosh B, Huggins J, Bell MR, Adler LE, Shroyer AL. A review of "suicidal intent" within the existing suicide literature. Suicide Life Threat Behav 2008;38:576-91.
- Herpel LB, Kanner RE, Lee SM, Fessler HE, Sciurba FC, Connett JE, Wise RA; National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group [group member]. Variability of spirometry in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: results from two clinical trials. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2006;173:1106-13.
- Ho PM, Arciniegas DB, Grigsby J, McCarthy M Jr, McDonald GO, Moritz TE, Shroyer AL, Sethi GK, Henderson WG, London MJ, VillaNueva CB, Grover FL, Hammermeister KE. Predictors of cognitive decline following coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 2004;77:597-603.
- Ho PM, Masoudi FA, Peterson PN, Shroyer AL, McCarthy M Jr, Grover FL, Hammermeister KE, Rumsfeld JS. Health-related quality of life predicts mortality in older but not younger patients following cardiac surgery. Am J Geriatr Cardiol 2005;14:176-82.
- Ho PM, Masoudi FA, Spertus JA, Peterson PN, Shroyer AL, McCarthy M Jr, Grover FL, Hammermeister KE, Rumsfeld JS. Depression predicts mortality following cardiac valve surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 2005;79:1255-9.
- Huang JV, Casebeer AW, Plomondon ME, Shroyer AL, McDonald GO, Fullerton D, Bell MR, Baltz J, Grover FL, Cunningham F. Prescription-filling rates for key medications in Veterans Affairs patients after coronary artery bypass grafting. Am J Health Syst Pharm 2004;61:1248-52.
- Kaplan RM, Ries AL, Reilly J, Mohsenifar Z; National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group [group member]. Measurement of health-related quality of life in the national emphysema treatment trial. Chest 2004;126:781-9.
- Kim WJ, Silverman EK, Hoffman E, Criner GJ, Mosenifar Z, Sciurba FC, Make BJ, Carey V, Estépar RS, Diaz A, Reilly JJ, Martinez FJ, Washko GR; NETT Research Group [CEA sub-committee member]. CT metrics of airway disease and emphysema in severe COPD. Chest 2009;136:396-404.
- Kleinschmidt-DeMasters BK, Heinz D, McCarthy PJ, Bobak JB, Lillehei KO, Shroyer AL, Shroyer KR. Survivin in glioblastomas. Protein and messenger RNA expression and comparison with telomerase levels. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2003;127:826-33.
- Kozora E, Kongs S, Box T, Schooley L, Hampton M, Berkowitz S, Grover F, Shroyer AL. Training and management of a multisite neuropsychological testing protocol for the Department of Veterans Affairs cooperative study evaluating on- and off-pump coronary artery bypass graft procedures. Clin Neuropsychol 2007;21:653-62.
- Lee SM, Wise R, Sternberg AL, Tonascia J, Piantadosi S; National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group [group member]. Methodologic issues in terminating enrollment of a subgroup of patients in a multicenter randomized trial. Clin Trials 2004;1:326-38.
- Martinez FJ, Curtis JL, Sciurba F, Mumford J, Giardino ND, Weinmann G, Kazerooni E, Murray S, Criner GJ, Sin DD, Hogg J, Ries AL, Han M, Fishman AP, Make B, Hoffman EA, Mohsenifar Z, Wise R; National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group [group member]. Sex differences in severe pulmonary emphysema. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2007;176:243-52.
- Martinez FJ, Foster G, Curtis JL, Criner G, Weinmann G, Fishman A, DeCamp MM, Benditt J, Sciurba F, Make B, Mohsenifar Z, Diaz P, Hoffman E, Wise R; NETT Research Group [group member]. Predictors of mortality in patients with emphysema and severe airflow obstruction. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2006;173:1326-34.
- Martinez FJ, Han MK, Andrei AC, Wise R, Murray S, Curtis JL, Sternberg A, Criner G, Gay SE, Reilly J, Make B, Ries AL, Sciurba F, Weinmann G, Mosenifar Z, DeCamp M, Fishman AP, Celli BR; National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group [group member]. Longitudinal change in the BODE index predicts mortality in severe emphysema. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2008;178:491-9.
- McLarty AJ, Bishawi M, Yelika SB, Shroyer AL, Romeiser J. Surveillance of moderate-size aneurysms of the thoracic aorta. J Cardiothorac Surg 2015;10:17.
- Merkin RD, Vanner EA, Romeiser JL, Shroyer AL, Escobar-Hoyos LF, Li J, Powers RS, Burke S, Shroyer KR. Keratin 17 is overexpressed and predicts poor survival in ER(-)/HER2(-) breast cancer. Hum Pathol 2017;62:23-32.
- Naunheim KS, Wood DE, Krasna MJ, DeCamp MM Jr, Ginsburg ME, McKenna RJ Jr, Criner GJ, Hoffman EA, Sternberg AL, Deschamps C; National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group [group member]. Predictors of operative mortality and cardiopulmonary morbidity in the National Emphysema Treatment Trial. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2006;131:43-53.
- Naunheim KS, Wood DE, Mohsenifar Z, Sternberg AL, Criner GJ, DeCamp MM, Deschamps CC, Martinez FJ, Sciurba FC, Tonascia J, Fishman AP; National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group [group member]. Long-term follow-up of patients receiving lung-volume-reduction surgery versus medical therapy for severe emphysema by the National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group. Ann Thorac Surg 2006;82:431-43.
- Novitzky D, Shroyer AL, Collins JF, McDonald GO, Lucke J, Hattler B, Kozora E, Bradham DD, Baltz J, Grover FL; VA #517 Randomized On/Off Bypass (ROOBY) Study Group. A study design to assess the safety and efficacy of on-pump versus off-pump coronary bypass grafting: the ROOBY trial. Clin Trials 2007;4:81-91.
- O'Brien MM, Shroyer AL, Moritz TE, London MJ, Grunwald GK, Villanueva CB, Thottapurathu LG, MaWhinney S, Marshall G, McCarthy M Jr, Henderson WG, Sethi GK, Grover FL, Hammermeister KE; VA Cooperative Study Group on Processes, Structures, and Outcomes of Care in Cardiac Surgery. Relationship between processes of care and coronary bypass operative mortality and morbidity. Med Care 2004;42:59-70.
- Plomondon ME, Casebeer AW, Schooley LM, Wagner BD, Grunwald GK, McDonald GO, Grover FL, Shroyer AL. Exploring the volume-outcome relationship for off-pump coronary artery bypass graft procedures. Ann Thorac Surg 2006;81:547-53.
- Plomondon ME, Rumsfeld JS, Humble CG, Meterko M, McDonald GO, Grover FL, Perlin JB, Shroyer AL. Factors influencing risk-adjusted patient satisfaction after coronary artery bypass grafting. Am J Cardiol 2003;92:206-8.
- Price JD, Romeiser JL, Gnerre JM, Shroyer AL, Rosengart TK. Risk analysis for readmission after coronary artery bypass surgery: developing a strategy to reduce readmissions. J Am Coll Surg 2013;216:412-9.
- Quin J, Lucke J, Hattler B, Gupta S, Baltz J, Bishawi M, Almassi GH, Grover FL, Collins J, Shroyer AL. Surgeon judgment and utility of transit time flow probes in coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. JAMA Surg 2014;149:1182-7.
- Quin JA, Hattler B, Bishawi M, Baltz J, Gupta S, Collins JF, Grover FL, McDonald G, Shroyer AL. Impact of lipid-lowering medications and low-density lipoprotein levels on 1-year clinical outcomes after coronary artery bypass grafting. J Am Coll Surg 2013;217:452-60.
- Quin JA, Hattler B, Shroyer AL, Kemp D, Almassi GH, Bakaeen FG, et al.; Department of Veteran Affairs (CSP#517-FS) ROOBY Follow-up Study's Endpoints Committee. Concordance between administrative data and clinical review for mortality in the randomized on/off bypass follow-up study (ROOBY-FS). J Card Surg 2017;32:751-6.
- Ramsey SD, Berry K, Etzioni R, Kaplan RM, Sullivan SD, Wood DE; National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group [group member]. Cost effectiveness of lung-volume-reduction surgery for patients with severe emphysema. N Engl J Med 2003;348:2092-102.
- Ramsey SD, Shroyer AL, Sullivan SD, Wood DE. Updated evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of lung volume reduction surgery. Chest 2007;131:823-32.
- Regenbogen E, Helkin A, Georgopoulos R, Vasu T, Shroyer AL. Esophageal reflux disease proton pump inhibitor therapy impact on sleep disturbance: a systematic review. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2012;146:524-32.
- Regenbogen E, Zhang S, Yang J, Shroyer A, Zhu C, DeCristofaro J. Epidemiological trends among preterm infants with apnea. A twelve-year database review. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2018;107:86-92.
- Ries AL, Make BJ, Lee SM, Krasna MJ, Bartels M, Crouch R, Fishman AP; National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group [group member]. The effects of pulmonary rehabilitation in the national emphysema treatment trial. Chest 2005;128:3799-809.
- Rosengart TK, Bishawi MM, Halbreiner MS, Fakhoury M, Finnin E, Hollmann C, Shroyer AL, Crystal RG. Long-term follow-up assessment of a phase 1 trial of angiogenic gene therapy using direct intramyocardial administration of an adenoviral vector expressing the VEGF121 cDNA for the treatment of diffuse coronary artery disease. Hum Gene Ther 2013;24:203-8.
- Rosengart TK, Romeiser JL, White LJ, Fratello A, Fallon E, Senzel L, Shroyer AL. Platelet activity measured by a rapid turnaround assay identifies coronary artery bypass grafting patients at increased risk for bleeding and transfusion complications after clopidogrel administration. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013;146:1259-66.
- Ross ES, Krebs NF, Shroyer AL, Dickinson LM, Barrett PH, Johnson SL. Early growth faltering in healthy term infants predicts longitudinal growth. Early Hum Dev 2009;85:583-8.
- Rumsfeld JS, Ho PM, Magid DJ, McCarthy M Jr, Shroyer AL, MaWhinney S, Grover FL, Hammermeister KE. Predictors of health-related quality of life after coronary artery bypass surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 2004;77:1508-13.
- Shroyer AL. Invited commentary. Ann Thorac Surg 2007;84:1546-7.
- Shroyer AL, Bell MR, Grover FL, Wagner BD, Johnson R, Schade LM, Grunwald GK, McDonald GO, Evaluating the VA Continuous Improvement in Cardiac Surgery Program’s Effectiveness. Implement Sci. In press.
- Shroyer AL, Carr BM, Grover FL. Application of Donabedian's framework to improve the quality of clinical care. In: Sobolev B, editor. Health Services Research. New York: Springer, 2015.
- Shroyer AL, Coombs LP, Peterson ED, Eiken MC, DeLong ER, Chen A, Ferguson TB Jr, Grover FL, Edwards FH; Society of Thoracic Surgeons. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons: 30-day operative mortality and morbidity risk models. Ann Thorac Surg 2003;75:1856-65.
- Shroyer AL, Gioia WE, Bishawi M, Wallace AS, Gulack BC, Xian Y, O'Brien SM, Thourani VH, Bilfinger TV. Single- versus multi-center surgeons' risk-adjusted coronary artery bypass graft procedural outcomes. Ann Thorac Surg 2018;105:1308-14.
- Shroyer AL, Grover FL, Hattler B, Collins JF, McDonald GO, Kozora E, Lucke JC, Baltz JH, Novitzky D; Veterans Affairs Randomized On/Off Bypass (ROOBY) Study Group. On-pump versus off-pump coronary-artery bypass surgery. N Engl J Med 2009;361:1827-37.
- Shroyer AL, Grunwald GK. Invited commentary. Ann Thorac Surg 2009;87:473-4.
- Shroyer AL, Hattler B. Invited commentary. Ann Thorac Surg 2012;93:1948-9.
- Shroyer AL, Hattler B, Grover FL. Five-year outcomes after on-pump and off-pump coronary-artery bypass. N Engl J Med 2017;377:1898-9.
- Shroyer AL, Hattler B, Wagner TH, Baltz JH, Collins JF, Carr BM, Almassi GH, Quin JA, Hawkins RB, Kozora E, Bishawi M, Ebrahimi R, Grover FL; VA #517 Randomized On/Off Bypass (ROOBY) Study Group. Comparing off-pump and on-pump clinical outcomes and costs for diabetic cardiac surgery patients. Ann Thorac Surg 2014;98:38-45.
- Shroyer AL, Hattler B, Wagner TH, Collins JF, Baltz JH, Quin JA, Almassi GH, Kozora E, Bakaeen F, Cleveland JC Jr, Bishawi M, Grover FL; Veterans Affairs ROOBY-FS Group. Five-year outcomes after on-pump and off-pump coronary-artery bypass. N Engl J Med 2017;377:623-32.
- Shroyer AL, Lu WH, Chandran L. Drivers of dashboard development (3-D): a curricular continuous quality improvement approach. Acad Med 2016;91:517-21.
- Shroyer AL, McDonald GO, Wagner BD, Johnson R, Schade LM, Bell MR, Grover FL. Improving quality of care in cardiac surgery: evaluating risk factors, processes of care, structures of care, and outcomes. Semin Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2008;12:140-52.
- Shroyer AL, Quin JA, Grau-Sepulveda MV, Kosinski AS, Yerokun BA, Mitchell JD, Bilfinger TV. Geographic variations in lung cancer lobectomy outcomes: the General Thoracic Surgery Database. Ann Thorac Surg 2017;104:1650-5.
- Shroyer ALW, Quin JA, Wagner TH, Carr BM, Collins JF, Almassi GH, Bishawi M, Grover FL, Hattler B. Off-pump versus on-pump impact: diabetic patient 5-year coronary artery bypass clinical outcomes. Ann Thorac Surg 2019;107:92-8.
- Singh M, Bleile MJ, Shroyer AL, Heinz D, Jarboe EA, Shroyer KR. Analysis of survivin expression in a spectrum of benign to malignant lesions of the breast. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol 2004;12:296-304.
- Singh M, Mockler D, Akalin A, Burke S, Shroyer AL, Shroyer KR. Immunocytochemical colocalization of p16(INK4a) and Ki-67 predicts CIN2/3 and AIS/adenocarcinoma: pilot studies. Cancer Cytopathol 2012;120:26-34.
- Snyder ML, Goss CH, Neradilek B, Polissar NL, Mosenifar Z, Wise RA, Fishman AP, Benditt JO; National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group [group member]. Changes in arterial oxygenation and self-reported oxygen use after lung volume reduction surgery. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2008;178:339-45.
- Stoller JK, Gildea TR, Ries AL, Meli YM, Karafa MT; National Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group [group member]. Lung volume reduction surgery in patients with emphysema and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Ann Thorac Surg 2007;83:241-51.
- Telem DA, Talamini M, Shroyer AL, Yang J, Altieri M, Zhang Q, Gracia G, Pryor AD. Long-term mortality rates (>8-year) improve as compared to the general and obese population following bariatric surgery. Surg Endosc 2015;29:529-36.
- Tringler B, Gup CJ, Singh M, Groshong S, Shroyer AL, Heinz DE, Shroyer KR. Evaluation of p16INK4a and pRb expression in cervical squamous and glandular neoplasia. Hum Pathol 2004;35:689-96.
- Tringler B, Lehner R, Shroyer AL, Shroyer KR. Immunohistochemical localization of survivin in serous tumors of the ovary. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol 2004;12:40-3.
- Wagner BD, Grunwald GK, Rumsfeld JS, Hill JO, Ho PM, Wyatt HR, Shroyer AL. Relationship of body mass index with outcomes after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 2007;84:10-6.
- Wagner TH, Hattler B, Bakaeen FG, Collins JF, Almassi GH, Quin JA, Grover FL, Bishawi M, Shroyer ALW; VA #517 Randomized On/Off Bypass (ROOBY) Study Group. Costs five years after off-pump or on-pump coronary artery bypass surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 2019;107:99-105.
- Wagner TH, Hattler B, Bishawi M, Baltz JH, Collins JF, Quin JA, Grover FL, Shroyer AL; VA #517 Randomized On/Off Bypass (ROOBY) Study Group. On-pump versus off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: cost-effectiveness analysis alongside a multisite trial. Ann Thorac Surg 2013;96:770-7.
- Wagner TH, Shroyer AL, Hattler B, Collins JF, Grover FL; VA #517 Randomized On/Off Bypass (ROOBY) Study Group. The challenges with interpreting cost-effectiveness data. Scand Cardiovasc J 2013;47:383.
- Wang L, Pryor AD, Altieri MS, Romeiser JL, Talamini MA, Shroyer L, Telem DA. Perioperative rates of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in normal weight vs obese and morbidly obese surgical patients in the era post venous thromboembolism prophylaxis guidelines. Am J Surg 2015;210:859-63.
- Whellan DJ, McCarey MM, Taylor BS, Rosengart TK, Wallace AS, Shroyer AL, Gammie JS, Peterson ED. Trends in robotic-assisted coronary artery bypass grafts: a study of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Adult Cardiac Surgery Database, 2006 to 2012. Ann Thorac Surg 2016;102:140-6.
- Zenati MA, Gaziano JM, Collins JF, Biswas K, Gabany JM, Quin JA, Bitondo JM, Bakaeen FG, Kelly RF, Shroyer AL, Bhatt DL. Choice of vein harvest technique for CABG: rationale and design of the REGROUP trial. Clin Cardiol 2014;37:325-30.
- Click here to see abstracts/full text of Dr. Shroyer's journal articles on PubMed (National Library of Medicine).
- Vice chair for research and professor of surgery
- Professor of preventive medicine, Division of Evaluative Sciences (Graduate Program in Public Health)
- Assistant dean for educational research, School of Medicine
- Program director, National Cardiovascular Care Improvement Program, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (Patient Care Services; 1997 to present)
- Full curriculum vitae