
What is a Clinical Trial?

Clinical Trials are FDA regulated research studies, aimed at tackling and alleviating chronic (long term) or novel medical issues using the latest techniques, methods, devices or medications developed by the medical community to improve the quality of life or to prolong life expectancy in patients suffering from complex ailments. While sometimes a clinical trial is one of the last resorts in the battle to address severe medical problems, other times, clinical trials can gauge the effectiveness of a new technique, method, device or medication against standard treatments, resulting in faster recovery time, better outcomes, and higher quality of life for the ailing patients.

Why Participate in a Clinical Trial?

While participation in a clinical trial is completely voluntary, many patients who choose this route do so either because

  • They have failed to respond to standard treatments
  • There is not yet known treatment for their medical problem
  • They are looking to prevent the development of an existing disease beyond the capacity of its management via the existing standards of care

Regardless of the reasons for which our patients decide to join one of our clinical trials, they are regarded as our partners in medical research, helping future generation attain better health goals towards disease-free, fulfilling lives.

Why Choose Stony Brook Department of Surgery for your Clinical Trial?

The Department of Surgery in the Renaissance School of Medicine is staffed with experienced, well-versed, and respected physicians in the national and international medical arena. The Department of Surgery has conducted over 50 clinical trials over the past 15 years and has helped countless patients benefit from groundbreaking treatments and medical devices during their journey to healing and thriving. Every single physician that you will encounter in your clinical trial process is a respected expert in their field, as attested by their education, areas of interest, and vast number of publications. The Surgery team is operating at the highest standards of care, is constantly keeping itself updated on the latest medical innovations and is dedicated to fostering a rapport of mutual respect and care, while engaging with our patients in a short or a long term journey via a clinical trial. We invite you to browse our clinical trials faculty page here, to learn more about their background, and expertise.

Surgery Clinical Trial Locations

The Department of Surgery is seeing patients who may want to participate in clinical trials at different locations on Long Island. For the patient’s convenience, we are open to enroll participants at any of the following locations. More complex medical procedures pertaining to clinical trials will be conducted in the main Stony Brook University Medical Center.

You can find us in:
East Setauket