Specific Goals:
- Enhance the visibility and value of the educational mission within and outside the institution
- Promote innovative curricular design and outcomes evaluation
- Develop an infrastructure to promote and sustain educational innovation and research.
- Create /sponsor institutional programs to enhance faculty development and mentoring for educators
- Advance, augment and celebrate a cadre of skilled teaching faculty
- Support professional development and career advancement of all faculty whose academic focus is medical education.
- Serve as an institutional think tank to set strategic directions for our educational mission
Potential Activities to Achieve Specific Goals:
Goal One: Enhance the visibility and value of the educational mission within and outside the institution. Sponsor educational events, conferences, and outreach.
- Conduct an educational needs assessment for faculty
- Develop specific events and conferences to meet the recognized needs
- Conduct an internal analysis of educational strengths and expertise that currently exists and create an “internal speakers bureau” to be used by departments for faculty development activities
Goal Two: Promote innovative curricular design and outcomes evaluation
- Create an competitive intramural grant program in innovative curricular design
- Develop a resource for skills in grant writing, program evaluation and measurement of outcomes
- Serve as the bridge to creation of inter-professional curricula
Goal Three: Develop an infrastructure to promote and sustain educational innovation and research
- Support educational research, through both pilot grants and by creating a mentoring environment for faculty members who choose to pursue educational scholarship.
- Develop educational degree and certificate programs to enhance fiscal sustainability
Goal Four: Provide institutional programs to enhance faculty teaching and mentoring skills
- Faculty development on teaching skills, mentoring and educational innovation
- Creating venues for discussion and dissemination of faculty educational activities
- Administer institutional educational grants and recognition programs
- Develop RFPs for grants based on institutional educational needs
- Evaluate quality of educational grants submitted through a robust peer review process
- Provide commonly used background text for grant preparation (pre-award) and administer educational grants
- Serve as a resource for the institutional promotions and awards committees to evaluate educational achievement of faculty
Goal Five: Advance, augment, and celebrate a cadre of skilled teaching faculty
- Develop and implement teaching workshops
- Create a menu of in-house and electronic options to enhance educational skills
- Support attendance at professional educator meetings
- Development of an “Education Grand Rounds”
- Enhance Dean’s Office faculty development programs with educational focus
- Encourage Departmental faculty development sessions
Goal Six: Support professional and career advancement of all faculty whose academic focus is education.
- Develop metrics to assess teaching performance and other educational activities and a thorough documentation of educational activities to serve as an educational “portfolio” of current excellence in educational teaching and learning
- Evaluate career-specific promotion pathways, aligning with APT committee, the institutional compensation infrastructure, and incentives to encourage excellence in teaching
Goal Seven: Serve as an institutional think tank to set strategic directions for the educational mission
- Articulate basic educational expectations and Stony Brook’s philosophy of appropriate learning environment to new faculty
- Develop educational performance criteria for evaluation by Departmental Chairs
- Study evolving trends in medical education and set long term plans for the educational mission