ACES Junior Scholar Membership Application

Application for Junior Membership in the Miriam & David Donoho Academy of Clinical and Educational Scholars (ACES) is open.

ACES membership signifies an outstanding contribution to the educational mission of the Renaissance School of Medicine. Fellows are productive educator-scholars seeking to solve our community's academic and clinical scholarship challenges. Members serve as thought leaders engaging in all facets of medical education scholarship.

Candidates can apply for membership by submitting an Educational Scholarship and Mentoring Grant proposal. ACES is seeking proposals to facilitate educational scholarship in the School of Medicine. Preference will be given to research projects related to service learning or interprofessional learning involving a health problem in the surrounding community.

Proposals will be accepted through Saturday, March 1, 2025.

Grant term: April 1, 2025—March 31, 2027.

Funding: $5000

Proposal Requirements

  • Face Page: A face page must be included with the proposal's title, the Principal Investigator's name, the principal investigator's contact information (email address, local work address, and phone number), the associated faculty members, and department affiliations. The name of a senior faculty member who has agreed to serve as mentor for the applicant is highly recommended.
  • Mentoring Plan: The applicant is encouraged to also identify one or more trainees. A paragraph that describes the role of a trainee (medical student or resident) in the research project and a brief mentoring plan should be included.
  • NIH Biosketch of the applicant.
  • Research Proposal. The research proposal must be no longer than five (5) pages in length and include the following:
    • Abstract
    • Significance/Impact and Innovation
    • Approach (with data analysis plan)
    • Timeline (up to 2 years)
    • Budget (allowable costs include a trainee stipend)

Proposal Evaluation and Selection 

Evaluation of each proposal will be done by a peer review committee and will be based on the following criteria:

  • Clear objectives and outcomes
  • Significance and innovation of the proposal
  • Feasibility and practicality of the proposal
  • Consideration of medical student or resident involvement and mentoring plan
  • Use of service learning to solve a problem in the surrounding community (recommended)
  • An interdisciplinary team of faculty leaders (recommended)


Information on all successful proposals will be provided by Friday, March 21, 2025, with anticipated implementation in AY 2025-27. All proposals must be submitted to the Office for Faculty Affairs

Assistance from the Dean's Office

Please contact Dr. Maria Athanasopoulou ( for questions about developing your proposal.

Guidelines for Junior Membership Application


  • Preferably be an Assistant Professor with at least two years at the Renaissance School of Medicine.
  • Express commitment evident by engaged participation in medical education. Preference will be given to instructors and course directors or participation on education-related committees.
  • Must have a proposal for a scholarly project within the scope of medical education.
  • Must be willing to commit to membership for at least two years.


  • Scholarly Projects. Carry out at least one scholarly project throughout their tenure. 
  • Annual Progress Report. Submit a yearly progress report to the Evaluation Committee. 
  • Monthly ACES Meetings. Attend 80% of monthly ACES meetings. Present their scholarly project progress with their senior faculty mentor at least once per year. 
  • Committee Participation. Be part of one of the ACES committees to ensure the smooth functioning of all ACES activities.
  • Retreat. Attend/present at the annual ACES retreat. Assist during the event as a group facilitator or in other roles.
  • Participate in Faculty Development. Present your work and share other areas of expertise with your colleagues through presenting at a faculty development workshop.

Proposals must be submitted to the Office for Faculty Affairs by March 1, 2025 (