Genetics Workgroup

Chairs: Katherine Jonas & Monika Waszczuk

The workgroup charter is to study the interface between genetic research and the hierarchical structure of psychopathology dimensions. The overarching goal is to investigate how dimensional structural models such as HiTOP dovetail with our existing understanding of the transdiagnostic genetic architecture of psychopathology, and how quantitative and hierarchically organized phenotypes can facilitate future psychiatric genetic research. The scope spans both quantitative (i.e. twin and adoption studies) and molecular genetics research, including downstream genomic processes such as epigenetics and gene expression. The workgroup will aim to establish close collaborations with external researchers, consortia and datasets in the field of psychiatric and behavioral genetics.


Alex Fornito

Alexander J. Shackman

Anna Docherty

Ashley Watts

Avram Holmes

Avshalom Caspi

Benjamin B. Lahey

Bob Krueger

Danielle Dick

David Zald

Frances Wang

Georgina Krebs

Giorgia Michelini

Irwin D. Waldman

J.D. Haltigan

James Li

Jeggan Tiego

Jennifer L. Tackett

Johan Ormel

John M Hettema

Justin Luningham

Kristian Markon

Marina Bornovalova

Mark Bellgrove

Roman Kotov

Susan C. South

Sylia Wilson