Cem Kuscu
Dr. Kuscu completed his M.S. in Molecular Biology & Genetics at
Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey. He then received a Ph.D in Molecular Cell
Biology from
Stony Brook University while working in the laboratory of Dr. Jian Cao, where
he focused on transcription and epigenetic regulation mechanisms of KIAA1199, a novel gene whose function
has been shown to induce cancer cell migration. Cem is currently focusing on the role of histone modifications
(trimethylation of H3K4 and H3K27) and its effects of hypoxia for KIAA1199 gene regulation in breast and
colon cancer settings.
Kuscu C, Evensen N, Kim D, Hu YJ, Zucker S, Cao J. Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation of KIAA1199 Gene Expression In Human Breast Cancer. PLoS One. 2012 (in press)
Li J, Zucker S, Pulkoski-Gross A, Kuscu C, Karaayvaz M, Ju J, Yao H, Song E, Cao J. Conversion of stationary to invasive tumor initiating cells (TICs): role of hypoxia in membrane type 1-matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) trafficking. PLoS One. 2012; 7(6):e38403. Epub 2012 Jun 5.
Zarrabi K, Dufour A, Li J, Kuscu C, Pulkoski-Gross A, Zhi J, Hu Y, Sampson NS, Zucker S, Cao J. Inhibition of Matrix Metalloproteinase 14 (MMP-14)-mediated Cancer Cell Migration. J Biol Chem. 2011 Sep 23; 286(38):33167-77
Dufour A, Sampson NS, Li J, Kuscu C, Rizzo RC, Deleon JL, Zhi J, Jaber N, Liu E, Zucker S, Cao J. Small-molecule anticancer compounds selectively target the hemopexin domain of matrix metalloproteinase-9. Cancer Res. 2011 Jul 15; 71(14):4977-88
Dufour A, Zucker S, Sampson NS, Kuscu C, Cao J. Role of matrix metalloproteinase-9 dimers in cell migration: design of inhibitory peptides. J Biol Chem. 2010 Nov 12; 285(46):35944-56
Kuscu C, Evensen N, Cao J. MMP14 (matrix
metallopeptidase 14 (membrane-inserted)).
Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. October 2010.
URL : http://AtlasGeneticsOncology.org/Genes/MMP14ID41391ch14q11.html
Zhang Z, Kuscu C, Ghazizadeh S. Transgene-specific host responses in cutaneous gene therapy: the role of cells expressing the transgene. Gene Ther. 2009 Sep; 16(9):1138-45
Dalkic E, Kuscu C, Sucularli C, Aydin IT, Akcali KC, Konu O. Alternatively spliced Robo2 isoforms in zebrafish and rat. Dev Genes Evol. 2006 Sep; 216(9):555-63