Dr. Yang has appointed Dr. Susan Lane the Department of Medicine’s Vice Chair for Education.

susan laneSusan is currently Associate Program Director of the Internal Medicine Residency Program, Director of the Primary Care Track, and Co-director of the Ambulatory Care Clerkship.  She is therefore well positioned to take on the new leadership responsibilities in advancing the educational mission of our department.  In her new role, Susan will be charged with the development, implementation and ongoing review of the strategies to achieve the educational and training objectives of the Department, in collaboration with our other educational leaders including Residency Program and Associate Program Directors, Clerkship Directors, Fellowship Program Directors, Division Chiefs, Director of the Resident Clinic, the Office of Medical Education in the School of Medicine, and stakeholders in other departments and schools of the Health Sciences Center.

Dr. Lane received her bachelor’s degree from Amherst College and medical degree from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine.  She then performed residency training in Internal Medicine at the University of Rochester Strong Memorial Hospital.  In 2000, she arrived in Stony Brook in the Division of General Medicine and Geriatrics, and assumed many of her current teaching responsibilities.  She is at the rank of Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine in our department.  She has made major service contributions to our school and national societies including chairing the Clinical Course Directors’ Committee in the School of Medicine and chairing the Public Policy Committee of the Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine (APDIM).  She is also the recipient of many awards including the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society Faculty Membership and the Award for Outstanding Teaching by Stony Brook medical students.

Dr. Lane deserves everyone’s congratulations on her new leadership appointment.  Join the Department of Medicine in wishing her success.