<div class="photobox2"><a href="/sdmpubfiles/Cosmetics-Cover-Image-large.jpg" rel="lightbox[group1][Cosmetics Cover Image]"><img title="Cosmetics Cover Image" class="imagecache-240" alt="Cosmetics Cover Image" src="/sdmpubfiles/Cosmetics-Cover-Image.jpg"></a>
<p>At our
<a href="http://www.stonybrookphysicians.com/html_patient/practices.asp/name/SUR…; target="_blank">
Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Center</a> located in East Setauket, our specialists provide non-surgical cosmetic procedures, such as Botox injection, collagen injection, and laser treatment of skin lesions (small leg veins/telangiectasias; cherry angiomas; hemangiomas; facial spider veins) — <em>plus many more.</em></p>
<p>Our <a href="/surgery/patient-care/clinical/plastic-reconstructive-surgery/physicians-staff">plastic surgeons</a> contribute to the excellence of the <a href="/surgery/patient-care/clinical/plastic-reconstructive-surgery/CPCF-Center">Stony Brook Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Center</a> that provides specialized multidisciplinary care for children of all ages born with cleft lip/palate and other defects affecting the head (cranium) and/or face.</p>
<P>Our surgeons also contribute to the excellence of the <a href="http://medicine.stonybrookmedicine.edu/orthopaedics/centers/hand" target="_blank">University Hand Center</a> that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with injuries and diseases of the hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, and shoulder.</P>
<P>The Hand Center provides comprehensive care for a range of conditions that include:
carpal tunnel syndrome; children's hand problems; Dequervain's tendonitis; Dupuytren's disease; elbow pain; fractures of the hand, wrist, and arm; hand tumors/cysts; nerve injuries; osteoarthritis; repetitive stress injuries; tennis elbow; trigger finger; and, wrist problems. </P>