Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Division Head Barbara Nemesure, PhD   Deputy Division Head Elinor Schoenfeld, MS, PhD
Barbara Nemesure, PhD
Division Head

Elinor Schoenfeld, MS, PhD
Deputy Division Head


Research programs within the Division focus on the epidemiology and prevention of chronic diseases.  Faculty research interests focus on risk factors, treatment and control of cancer, ocular conditions and diabetes and include clinical trials, cohort and case-control studies, and community engaged research. These programs are primarily supported by federal funding through large NIH grants and contracts, with additional state and private funding.

The Division conducts investigator-initiated epidemiologic studies and includes a Coordinating Center for multicenter clinical trials, both national and international. This center, which has been in operation for over 30 years, has been involved in multicenter studies with sites in various locations in the U. S. as well as in Sweden and Barbados, W.I. 

Division faculty are actively involved in various educational programs at Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University, teaching and mentoring medical students, residents, fellows and junior faculty, graduate students in the School of Nursing, Graduate Program in Public Health, and the Graduate Program in Biomedical Informatics. 

  • Medical Students Teaching: includes small group facilitation in the Medicine in Contemporary Society course for Phase I medical students and as a co-creators of the Tallock and Yelamos Teaching Families that aim to enrich medical student learning throughout the curriculum.
  • Biostatistics and Epidemiology Course Offerings: includes the following courses: Epidemiology (MCR 514), Biostatistics (HPH 506, HPH 507), (MCR 506), Clinical Trials (MCR 566), and Data Management and Informatics (MCR 562).  Students represent a range of clinical, scientific and other backgrounds.

Biostatistical Consulting Core
The Division is also an epidemiologic and statistical resource within the university, housing the Biostatistics Consulting Core (BCC).  The BCC is a fee-for-service core unit in School of Medicine which provides Biostatistical consultation, collaboration, education and support for all aspects of a research endeavor. Information about BCC services is available through the following link: Biostatistics Consulting Core.


Paolo Boffetta, MD, MPH
Associate Director for Population Sciences
Interests: Population Science
Barbara Nemesure, PhD
SB Cancer Center:  Director, Cancer Prevention & Control Program
Interests: Cancer Prevention, Cancer Epidemiology
Elinor Schoenfeld, MS, PhD
Research Professor
Interests: Community Engaged Research; Addressing Health Disparities; Sensor Data Use for Health; Screening and Early Detection of Disease; Cancer Epidemiology; Cancer Prevention; Diabetes Epidemiology, Data management and informatics
Jennie Williams, PhD
Associate Professor
Interests: Cancer Chemoprevention and Racial/Ethnic Heath Disparity; Mentoring undergraduate & medical student research & medical students; Teaching; “Paying it forward”
Jie Yang, PhD
Associate Professor
Director SOM Biostatistical Consulting Core
Interests: Applied Statistics: from study design to data analysis, statistical consulting